Reference Number
To be filled in by the Agency


Call for Proposals
Detailed information on the application procedure and the implementing rules of the Action is available in the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 Programme Guide / EAC / 04 / 2009
Action / Action 1 – Joint Programmes
Applicants wishing to apply to both sub-actions,
must submit two separate applications / EMMC - Joint Masters CourseEMJD - Joint Doctorate Programme
Application Deadline / 30 April 2009
(as per postmark)
For EMJDs, the electronic version of
the summary sheet (annex 3) should be sent by email
to the address below by 31 March 2009
Project Title / Predoctoral European master foRmation on Interactions between Climate, Environment and Society
Project Acronym / PERICLES
Application Language / English
By the deadline of 30 April 2009:
The signed original of the application (together with the relevant annexes) and 2 copies thereof must be sent in the same envelope to:
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Unit P4 (BOUR 00/38)
Avenue de Bourget, 1
B-1140 Evere (Brussels)
An electronic version of the application must be sent to the following email address:

Paper and electronic copies of the application must be sent to the National Structures in the countries of each of the European participating institutions (not applicable to associated members and third country institutions)

Important instructions and information regarding the application and selection procedure

  • Before completing the form, please read the relevant sections of the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 Programme Guide and the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 Action 1 Call for Proposals (EAC/04/2009). Further information can be found on the Erasmus Mundus website:
  • Your proposal will be assessed on the basis of the elements included in your application only. You can include web site references in your application, but the assessment of your proposal will not be based on additional technical information found on a web site and not contained within the application.
  • Applicants should use as application language the operational language of communication between the institutions involved in the consortium proposing the joint programme.
  • The application must be word-processed using a computer, character size 11 pt minimum.
  • The original of the application must bear the original signature of the legal representative of the co-ordinating institution and the original stamp of this institution. No scanned coloured copy will be accepted as original.
  • Applications must be sent by post and e-mail by the closing date. The paper copy is authentic. Applications sent by e-mail only or sent by fax will not be accepted. Annexes which are not available electronically need not be sent by e-mail.
  • The signed original of the application and 2 copies thereof must be sent in the same envelope by 30 April 2009(as per postmark) to:

Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Unit P4 (BOUR 00/38)

Avenue de Bourget, 1

B-1140 Evere (Brussels)


Because of the tight timing for the assessment of applications, you are invited to send your application by express mail.

  • Applicants for "Action 1B – Joint Doctoral Programmes", should send the Annex 3 "Summary Sheet for Erasmus Mundus Action 1 Joint Doctorate Programmes (EMJDs)" by 31 March 2009 to the addresses mentioned above. This will allow the Agency to identify and recruit experts in the research field covered by the EMJD proposal.
  • A paper copy and an electronic copy of the original application must be sent by 30 April 2009 to the appropriate National Structure in each of the countries which are participating in the Masters Course. The list of National Structures is available on the internet at the following page:
  • All applications will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.
  • Applications will be judged against the eligibility, selection and award criteria set out in the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 Programme Guide
  • Applicants will be notified about the outcome of the selection in writing at the latest in September 2009. A copy of the notification letter will be sent to the National Structures concerned.
  • The information provided in your application may be used for the purposes of evaluating the Erasmus Mundusprogramme. The relevant data protection regulations will be respected.
  • Any questions relating to this proposal should be addressed to the address indicated on the application form


Before entering any data, copy Part A & Part B (up to B.2) as many time as there are partners and associated members

PART A: Identification of the applicant and other participating organisations
Parts A and B must be filled in separately for each organisation involved in the project (including associated members). The application must be accompanied by copies of letters from the legal authority of each participating organisation confirming their support to the joint programme and their agreement with the submittedapplication (not necessary for associated members)
Role in the consortium
(leave the relevant role only) /  Applicant / Coordinating Organisation
Official name of the organisation: / Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
If applicable, organisation's name in latin characters
Acronym: / UVSQ
N° of the Erasmus University Charter (if applicable), for European Higher Education Institutions only / 27624-IC-1-2007-1-FR-ERASMUS-EUCX-1
Department, if applicable:
Official Address / 55 avenue de Paris
Postal Code: / 78035 / Town: / Versailles Cedex
Region: / Country: / France
Internet address: /
Telephone 1: / +33 (0)1
39255821 / Telephone 2: / +33 (0)1
39255132 / Fax number: / +33 (0)1
Name of the person entitled to legally commit the organisation (for the coordinating organisation only)
Last Name: / Ms / FAUCHEUX / First Name: / Sylvie
Function: / President
Address (Only if different from official address above):
(responsable for the management of the project in the organisation)
Last Name: / Mr / ROY-BARMAN / First Name: / Matthieu
Function: / Professor
@ : / Telephone: +33 (0)169823566 / Fax number / 33 (0)169823568
Address (Only if different from official address above): / 45 avenue des Etats-Unis - 78035 Versailles
PART B: Description of the Organisation
(leave only the relevant status) /  Public
(an organisation which has received over 50 % of its annual revenues from public sources over the preceding
two years, or which is controlled by public bodies or their representatives can be declared as "public")
Type of organisation:
(leave only the relevant type(s) ) / Higher Education Institution
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation in relation with the activities covered by the project and more particularly concerning its postgraduate (masters/doctorate level) and international cooperation activities(max. 20 lines).
The University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) is a rapidly developing pluridisciplinaryUniversity with more than 15000 students. More than 2200 students coming from 110 countries are currently registered at UVSQ. During the academic year 2008-2009, the university has received more than 120 exchange students from its partners and sent more than 160 abroad.
From year to year, the number of its foreign Doctoral students increased and currently approaches 50%.
UVSQ has created an Observatory of the environment (OVSQ) that gathers 4 laboratories:
- Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) with researches topics including climate changes (past present and future), CO2 and other greenhouse gas cycles, isotopic tracers and radioactive dating. LSCE as strongly contributed to the climate projection of the 4th IPCC report.
- Laboratoire Atmosphères, Milieux, Observations Spatiale (LATMOS) with researches including ozone cycle, water cycle and a strong competence in instrumental development for Earth observation by satellites.
- Centre d'Economie et d'Ethique pour l'Environnement et le Développement (C3ED) has a special preoccupation with North-South relations and cooperation for research and teaching.
- Laboratoire d’Epidemiologie with studies including the impact of global warming on disease propagation.
OVSQ groups more than 250 academic staffs involved in research and teaching on climate change and its environmental, social and health impacts. LSCE and LATMOS are world leaders in the field of observation and modelling of climate changes. They are strongly involved in European and international collaborations.
UVSQ propose 15 Master programmes on challenges of understanding, decisions and actions surrounding sustainable development. Among them, ICE (Interaction Climat Environnement), created with the support of LSCE, LATMOS and C3ED, is the french precursor of PERICLES. It covers the climate system, Earth observation, paleoclimate tools, modelling on various time scales as well as societal aspects
Provide a short description of the organisation’s specific role in the project (max. 10 lines)
UVSQ is the coordinating organisation of PERICLES. In particular, UVSQ will have the responsibility of receiving the UE funds, distributing them and reporting for the consortium. UVSQ will organise the first semester and as such will give guidance to the students for the first semester but also for the whole master. UVSQ will be in charge of giving to students that in-depths understanding of fundamental concepts and tools that they will use during the whole master. This includes (1) a quantitative understanding of the physical behaviour of the climatic system based on geophysical fluid dynamics, radiative transfert and conceptual models, (2) a quantitative understanding of the biogeochemical cycles of the green house gas with both theoretical and analytical aspects, (3) interactions between science and society. During the 4th semester, ~ 1/3 of the students will do their research project in UVSQ laboratories.
(for the applicant organisation only)
Projects related to the application (i.e. development/implementation of joint study programmes and/or management of scholarship schemes) and for which the applicant organisation has received financial support from the European Community during the last financial year.
Programme or funding scheme / ID / Contract number / Project Title
Marie Curie Research Training Networks / MRTN-CT-2006-036127 / Network for Ice sheet and Climate Evolution (NICE)
Leonardo Da Vinci / 2006 – 4607 / 001-001 LE2-707 EQF / Developing key methodological units for the implementation of EQF by means of NQFs (EQF by NQF)
Lifelong Learning Programme –
Transversal programme / 137878-LLP-2007-BE-KA1EQF / EQF – Articulation between Vocational and Academic Learning in University Education (EQF PRO)
Lifelong Learning Programme –
Leonardo Da Vinci / 133848-LLP-2007-UK-LEONARDO-LNW / Trade Union and University Lifelong Learning in Partnership (TULIP)
Erasmus Curriculum development Projects / 69682-IC-1-2005-1-RO-ERASMUS-MODUC-1 / Education Européenne en Administration Publique (EuPA)
Tempus / CD_JEP-32043-2004 / Réseau Informatique Fédérateur pour l’Accessibilité à l’Information Numérique dans l’Enseignement Supérieur (RIFAINES)
PART A: Identification of the applicant and other participating organisations
Parts A and B must be filled in separately for each organisation involved in the project (including associated members). The application must be accompanied by copies of letters from the legal authority of each participating organisation confirming their support to the joint programme and their agreement with the submittedapplication (not necessary for associated members)
Role in the consortium
(leave the relevant role only) /
 Partner Organisation
Official name of the organisation: / The University of Edinburgh
If applicable, organisation's name in latin characters
Acronym: / UoE
N° of the Erasmus University Charter (if applicable), for European Higher Education Institutions only / 28291-IC-1-2007-1-UK-ERASMUS-EUCX-1
Department, if applicable: / School of Geosciences
Official Address / West Mains Road
Postal Code: / EH9 3JW / Town: / Edinburgh
Region: / Scotland / Country: / United Kingdom
Internet address: /
Telephone 1: / +44 (0) 131
650 8514 / Telephone 2: / +44 (0) 131
650 7541 / Fax number:
Name of the person entitled to legally commit the organisation (for the coordinating organisation only)
Last Name: / First Name:
Address (Only if different from official address above):
(responsable for the management of the project in the organisation)
Last Name: / Ms / ELLIOT / First Name: / Mary
Function: / Lecturer, School of geosciences
@ : / Telephone: / Fax number
Address (Only if different from official address above): / School of GeoSciences
University of Edinburgh
Grant Institute
West Mains Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JW United Kingdom
PART B: Description of the Organisation
(leave only the relevant status) /  Public
(an organisation which has received over 50 % of its annual revenues from public sources over the preceding
two years, or which is controlled by public bodies or their representatives can be declared as "public")
Type of organisation:
(leave only the relevant type(s) ) / Higher Education Institution
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation in relation with the activities covered by the project and more particularly concerning its postgraduate (masters/doctorate level) and international cooperation activities(max. 20 lines).
The University of Edinburgh is one of the UK’s leading research-led Universities and offers more than 160 taught postgraduate degrees, attracting hundreds of international Masters students annually. The School of GeoSciences is a major centre for postgraduate teaching and doctoral research within the Science campus, with an annual intake of 150 students to taught Masters programmes. International students benefit from a full range of support for study, including access to language study, help and advice centres, and student social organisations. Many opportunities are available for home and international students to mix and meet students of other programmes, creating a vibrant intellectual environment for all. There is access for all Masters students to several seminar series on policy and science covering the full range of environmental and climate change issues, providing experience and insight beyond the taught curriculum. The teaching staff on GeoSciences’ Masters programmes are internationally connected, working on policy and sustainable development -- locally to globally – and undertaking research with partners in every continent of the world, investigating environments worldwide. Many staff contribute to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Provide a short description of the organisation's specific role in the project (max. 10 lines)
The teaching staff of The University of Edinburgh will contribute specifically in the areas of understanding global climate change, effects on the environment and sustainability. The Global Change research group has the aim to understand the interaction between the Earth's surface, atmosphere, oceans and biosphere and the human impacts and responses. The research group is committed also to teaching, and Pericles students would benefit from the international atmosphere. The Global change research group comprises experienced research and teaching staff to provide the Pericles students with (1) knowledge on the modern evolution of the Earth System, in particular methods that are used to monitor the full range of environmental variables; (2) methods and techniques used to produce climate models. The research group within the Centre for environmental change and sustainability provides the expertise in understanding causes and impacts of environmental change and provides the technologies and policies needed to achieve sustainable development. As such The University of Edinburgh is ideally positioned to provide the theoretical background of global climate change and the impact of climate change on the environment coupled with the human dimension.
PART A: Identification of the applicant and other participating organisations
Parts A and B must be filled in separately for each organisation involved in the project (including associated members). The application must be accompanied by copies of letters from the legal authority of each participating organisation confirming their support to the joint programme and their agreement with the submittedapplication (not necessary for associated members)
Role in the consortium
(leave the relevant role only) /
 Partner Organisation
Official name of the organisation: / Universitetet iBergen
If applicable, organisation's name in latin characters
Acronym: / UiB
N° of the Erasmus University Charter (if applicable), for European Higher Education Institutions only / 29643-IC-1-2007-1-NO-ERASMUS-EUCX-1
Department, if applicable: / Department of Earth Science
Official Address / Allégt. 41
Postal Code: / 5007 / Town: / BERGEN
Region: / Country: / NORWAY
Internet address: /
Telephone 1: / +4755583600 / Telephone 2: / Fax number: / + 4755583660
Name of the person entitled to legally commit the organisation (for the coordinating organisation only)
Last Name: / First Name:
Address (Only if different from official address above):
(responsable for the management of the project in the organisation)
Last Name: / Mr / Ninnemann / First Name: / Ulysses
Function: / Associated Professor
@ :
/ Telephone: + 47 55583577/83473 / Fax number / + 4755583660
Address (Only if different from official address above):
PART B: Description of the Organisation
(leave only the relevant status) /  Public
(an organisation which has received over 50 % of its annual revenues from public sources over the preceding
two years, or which is controlled by public bodies or their representatives can be declared as "public")
Type of organisation:
(leave only the relevant type(s) ) / Higher Education Institution
Please provide a short presentation of your organisation in relation with the activities covered by the project and more particularly concerning its postgraduate (masters/doctorate level) and international cooperation activities(max. 20 lines).
The University of Bergen is the second largest university in Norway with 16 000 students, 3000 staff and around 14500 bachelor and master students. Yet, its focus on international co-operation has been essential from the beginning and has earned the institution the reputation of being Norway's most international university. The importance of international co-operation and joint degree collaboration has been stated both in the University’s own Strategy Plan and Action for Internationalisation 2007-2009. As of today UiB is involved in 4 Erasmus Mundus project, of which two were granted EM funds already in 2004. In addition, the University is coordinating a Nordic joint master program in Marine Ecosystems and Climate. The University is also involved in several other joint initiatives both on bachelor, master and Ph.D. levels, and is coordinating the NationalResearchSchool in Climate Dynamics (PhD levels). The second annual of the BergenSummerResearchSchool is dedicated to the theme of Climate, Environment and Energy and attracts students from countries all over the world, this year 40 nationalities will be represented. Climate research is a high priority research area at both at UiB and at the affiliated Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research—the largest Climate Research Centre in the Nordic region. Thus, ongoing educational activities at UoB perfectly complement the PERICLES goals by providing a strong, multi-disciplinary, and dynamic research environment in climate and climate related sciences.