NCC Board Meeting Minutes

June 10th, 2014 @ N.C.C.

Meeting was called to order by President Harry Resch at 6:00 p.m. Members present were Dave Ashbeck, Chris Mueller, Ron Swanson, Al Harrison, Jim Connors, Larry Poe and Luc Connor. Steve Weber was absent (state golf tournament). Also present were Stephanie Ruckheim, Ted Banie, and Gail Gentz.

A.  Approval of last meetings minutes – Motion by Larry, 2nd by Al and carried.

B.  Financial Report by Gail –We had a really good May this year. Nothing big or unusual coming up in the near future. The PNC note is done, so we are currently making additional loan payments by-weekly towards our big loan. Larry made a motion to accept, 2nd by Ron and carried.

C.  Ground Report by Ted – Things are going good, we are little behind on a few things because of the weather. The grounds crew is a little light, but they have a couple new guys they are going to work in. Holes #7 & #8 were discussed as to whether we should look into building bridges vs putting culverts back in. Dave is going to talk to the DNR to see what we can/can’t do. Ted is going to put more rock down in the cart shed to cover the exposed areas along the floor and wall. We have some rock, so they will put it down and see how much more we need. Chris said its $135 for 5 yards from Flannery’s. Ted asked that we give Joe a raise because he is doing really well and does anything Ted asks of him. A motion to give him the raise was made by Harry, 2nd by Chris and carried. Ted also requested a new brush kit for the green mower. Larry made the motion to buy it, 2nd by Dave and carried. Ron and Dave will continue to look for used fairway mowers to potentially replace ours. Motion to accept was made by Ron, 2nd by Jim and carried.

D.  Manager’s Report – Stephanie discussed the specials we are currently doing. We are offering 4 rounds of 18 w/ carts for $100 Sunday – Friday. We are offering 2 rounds of 9 w/carts and a chicken or fish dinner for $49.95. We are also dong $1/hole all day on Wednesdays. She also mentioned that we gave two $250 scholarships this year, one to Crandon and one to Laona-Wabeno. Bartenders splitting tips with the cooks was brought up, and it was decided that the personnel committee would get together after the stockholders meeting to discuss. Motion to accept was made by Al, 2nd by Jim and carried.

Meeting Suspended to Hold the Annual Stockholders Meeting at 6:55, meeting resumed at 8:05.

E.  Old Business – By laws were discussed at the Stockholders meeting.

F.  New Business – Nominations were open for president, vice-president and secretary and the results were as follows:

Al Harrison was nominated for president by Harry, 2nd by Ron and carried.

Chris Mueller was nominated vice-president by Jim, 2nd by Luc and carried.

Luc Connor was nominated for secretary by Jim, 2nd by Ron and carried.

The board as a whole decided to discuss the tip splitting. After much discussion and a vote, it was decided that the bartenders will not split tips with the cooks.

G.  Committee Reports – Were given at the Stockholders Meeting

H.  Stock Transfers – Al & Kim Keepers to Dave Boney, Jr.

Jerry Martin to Jerry & Sue Banie

I.  Adjourn – Motion to accept was made by Al, 2nd by Jim and carried.

Next B.O.D. meeting will be on July 8th @ 6:00 at N.C.C.

Respectfully Submitted,

Luc Connor