Stained Glass Window Project


Using what you have learned in Maths class about graphing lines on the coordinate plane, you will design your own stained glass window. In this section of Algebra, Learning Partners will become familiar with the following methods of graphing lines and finding equations of lines:

1. Graphing using a Tables of Values

2. Graphing using Slope-Intercept Form

3. Graphing by finding the x and y intercepts

4. Finding equations of lines given two points on a line

5. Finding equations given slope and 1 point on a line

Steps 4 and 5 above will be used during this project since the design will be drawn first, and then the equations can be found.


1.  Your stained glass window must include at the minimum 20 individual lines, drawn through the entire coordinate plane, and labelled by number on the edge of your poster.

2.  The written equations that correspond to your numbered lines must be written on a separate sheet of paper that will be included with your project.

3.  Additional pictures may be added to your window design. If you would like to incorporate circles or ellipses with your window, this can be done for extra points but the equations for those need to be included as well. Always use a ruler or compass when needed.

4.  You must color the poster with at least five different colors.

5.  Make your window as unique and creative as possible. These will be posted all around the classroom!

6.  Your project must show a high level of accuracy, effort, and thought.


1.  Begin by designing a sketch of your stained glass on a sheet of grid paper. This eventually will be a smaller version of your final draft.

2.  When satisfied with your design, write ALL the equations necessary to complete the stained glass picture on a separate sheet of paper. Do this before drawing the lines on your final coordinate plane. EVERY line used must be referenced.

3.  Transfer your “rough draft” version onto your final version coordinate system in pencil. All lines must be lightly visible even after the coloring process is completed. The portions of lines used to create a specific design must be darkened with ink to make them stand out.

4.  Color your project. Your may use crayons, colored pencils, glitter, colored paper, watercolor paint, etc. The more unique, the more creative points earned. Be sure that the lines used to create your project are visible AFTER your coloring technique is applied.


This project will be broken into three tasks, each with its own deadline.

TASK 1: A rough draft of your design will need to be completed first on grid paper. This should be completed by Friday, February 8th.

TASK 2: The equations of the lines from your drawing will need to be found. This will be due by Tuesday, February 19th.

TASK 3: The final project will be due. This includes your final design with lines labelled and a separate sheet of equations. This will be due Tuesday, February 26th.

Attached is the rubric which will be used to assess this project.

CATEGORY / 7 / 5-6 / 3-4 / 1-2
Neatness and Attractiveness / Exceptionally well designed, neat, and attractive. Colors that go well together are used to make the project more attractive. A ruler is always used. / Neat and relatively attractive. Color usage is good, and a ruler has been used when necessary. / Lines are neatly drawn but the project appears quite plain. / Appears messy and "thrown together" in a hurry. Lines are visibly crooked.
Accuracy of Plot / All lines are plotted correctly, are easy to see, and all equations are accurate. A ruler is used to neatly connect the points. / All lines are plotted correctly, are easy to see and equations are accurate. / All lines are plotted correctly, but are not always easy to see, or the equations are not accurate. / Lines are not plotted correctly and equations are not accurate.
Creativity / LP has taken the technique being studied and applied it in a way that is very unique and creative. / LP has taken the technique being studied and the project is for the most part unique. / LP has copied a design from a window that already exists. There is little evidence of creativity, but the LP has done the assignment. / LP has not made much attempt to meet the requirements of the assignment.
Drawing / Drawing is expressive and detailed, and more than 20 lines have been graphed. Shapes, patterns, shading and/or texture are used to add interest to the painting. / Drawing is expressive and somewhat detailed, and at least 20 lines have been graphed. Little use has been made of pattern, shading, or texture. / Drawing has few details. The minimum requirement of 20 lines has been graphed. / The drawing lacks any detail or the minimum requirement of 20 lines has not been completed.
Time and Effort / Class time was used wisely. Much time and effort went into the planning and creation of the stained glass window. / Class time was used wisely. Some time and effort went into planning and creating the stained glass window. / Class time was not always used wisely, more time and effort could have been applied to this project. / Class time was not used wisely and little time or effort was applied to this project.