MILLET MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION – Meeting Minutes of April 25, 2016

In attendance: Jeff Huolt, James Rennie,Shelley Dreger, Cynthia McLachlan, Kenny Herman, Tanya Huolt, Lisa Henschel, Becky Bushaski, Dawn Trent, Melissa Emmerzael

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Jeff called this meeting to order at 6:05pm
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes March 2016 –Shelleymotioned to accept minute. Cynthia seconded – Carried.
  1. ADDITION/APPROVAL AGENDA: Additions: New Business –Hockey Alberta meeting, website update. Cynthia motioned to approve agenda with the additions. Beckyseconded - Carried

a) PRESIDENT – Roger Lorensen

- No report.

b):VICE-PRESIDENT – Jeff Huolt

-No report from the VP. Jeff passed on that Roger wanted to thank everyone for their hard work throughout the year.

c)TREASURER –Lisa Henschel

-Report given out.2016 raffle account: $8376.44. Bingo chequing - $33702.84, Casino: $36.07, General chequing $59810.54, old raffle chequing $150.58. Overall total $102076.80

-Lisa spoke with an accountant and they will transfer the files over to the new laptop as soon as year end is finished.

-Year end should be completed by the end of May as the April bank statements are not in yet.

-Lisa requested to take a quickbooks course offered and the cost is $259 + gst. Shelley motioned for Lisa to be able to take the course with MMHA paying for the $259 + GST. Kenny seconded. Carried.

-Shelley motioned to accept the report. Cynthiaseconded. Carried.

d)REGISTRAR – Becky Buchaski

-All MMHA hockey fees are paid.

-Registration will be open as of tomorrow morning.


-Lindsay has spoken with Don Gimlet about getting ladder lines painted on the floor by the dressing rooms.

-Upon speaking with Jonathan Bartman, it looks like a possibility we can host coaching level 1 clinic(s) in the fall.

-Powerskating is in the process of being booked for the fall so it doesn’t fill up like it did last season.

-There was not a great return for the coach evaluations. The biggest complaint was lack of ice. This is something we were stuck with and couldn’t change it for last season but hopefully this season we will have more available to it. All coaches were emailed the overview of the evaluations. They are all being stored in the filing cabinet in the coachs cage.

f)ICE COORDINATOR – James Rennie

-Cynthia and James had their meeting with the A.O.C. on March 21 and it went very well. MMHA will have first priority for ice slots in the upcoming season. The meeting for ice will be June 20 at 7pm. James was told to have our slots into Don prior to the meeting and he is working to have a draft for us at the next meeting to look through.

-It was brought up at the AOC that there should be a document or spreadsheet made up with instruction on how to use the TV system in the Hugo Witt & banquet room which Don will do.

-The players entrance was brought up to the AOC and how dangerous it is when ice builds up and melts and the near injuries we had this past season. They will look into fixing this issue.

-March 30 James emailed Jessie at 1660 our tournament dates for 2015/2016.

g)REFEREE IN CHIEF – Kenny Herman

  1. RIC:

-Kenny has put in an application to host a referee clinic again in the fall. That information will be passed on to whoever is the new RIC.


  1. Raffle Tickets

-3568 tickets were sold. Revenue should be $17840, expenses around $7000 and we should net $10876.40.

-All documents are saved on a thumb drive and a hardcopy of most documents are in the box with the sold and unsold tickets.

-Ideas for the future after running this draw: there should be more reconciling with the tickets and funds handed in – possibly one main person collecting everything or else coordinators collecting and checking the tickets handed in and the funds handed in and then documenting the amounts before handing in to the treasurer. Possibly a document to be filled out when passing in funds to the treasurer so it is easier to keep track of what funds are being passed in with amount and who they are from. Also there should be more direction about how and where tickets are sold (there was confusion at the tournaments where personal tickets were being sold etc.) Another issue is maybe not having an early bird because it caused some confusion. And one date to hand in tickets instead of a never ending trickle of tickets throughout many different weeks.


-Bingos for this season can be completed up until the end of August.


-No report.


-Harvest Fest – we have been asked to run an obstacle course. This will need to be discussed with the new board.

-We will plan to have a float and get that organized for the harvest fest. Again it will be brought up with the new board.


-No report.

l)BANTAM–Wes Johnston

-Nothing to report from Wes. Cynthia figured out all the numbers for the Bantam team and when all is said and done, the team with the Millet/Wetaskiwin players ended up with a profit of about $1300.00 for MMHA.

m)PEE WEE – Tanya Huolt

-PeeWee team had their windup and away tournament in Hinton.

n)ATOM – Shelley Dreger

-Atom 1 had their windup at Launchpad this past weekend.

o)NOVICE– Cindy McGrath

-No report.

p)INITIATION – Cindy McGrath

-No report.


a)Have the new bylaws been stamped and returned from registries? Upon discussion it appears they have been sent in but we are still waiting to get them back.



a)NCMHA (North Central Hockey League) – Does MMHA want to have a leave of absence for 2016/17 season? We will ask for a leave of absence (Melissa will respond to the request).

b)Wetaskiwin Atom Team – there is a possibly girls atom team starting up in Wetaskiwin and any girls of that age from MMHA who are interested will be given information.

c)Hockey Alberta Zone 4 meeting – May 1 Duffer’s Den Sylvan Lake – looking for someone from MMHA to attend.

d)1600 AGM – May 7 @ Centennial Centre in Fort Saskatchewan (we will be fined $200 if we don’t have representation). Don McLachlan will attend.


a)Hockey Alberta AGM – June 10-12 Red Deer @ Capri.

b)Website Update – RAMP is updating all the websites to make more cel phone friendly and will work on passing information onto people running their portion of the website. Deb just needs a contact as to who will be doing what. Becky will inform Debbie.

  1. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday, May 16 @ 7pm

9. ADJOURNMENT:Jeff adjourned meeting at 6:49 pm