Mr. Sullivan Name ______

AP World History Date ______

Textbook Guided Reading POD 6 Gold, Salt & Ivory Trade in Africa Period ______

Directions: Please complete these questions as a means to BEGIN studying and preparing for the upcoming POD test. It is your responsibility to complete this task by the due date. You may wish to refer to your class notes and materials, as well as your textbook for assistance in the completion of this task.

All answers should be placed on the answer worksheet below

Each Question is worth 1 point

Nota bene: The corresponding textbook page numbers are included with each question for your assistance.

Question / Answer / Question / Answer / Question / Answer / Question / Answer
1 / 16 / 31 / 46
2 / 17 / 32 / 47
3 / 18 / 33 / 48
4 / 19 / 34 / 49
5 / 20 / 35 / 50
6 / 21 / 36 / 51
7 / 22 / 37 / 52
8 / 23 / 38 / 53
9 / 24 / 39 / 54
10 / 25 / 40 / 55
11 / 26 / 41
12 / 27 / 42
13 / 28 / 43
14 / 29 / 44
15 / 30 / 45

1. Which of the following areas was not brought under Muslim control under the leadership of the caliphs?

a. / Egypt and North Africa
b. / Syria
c. / Spain
d. / Eastern Europe
e. / The Indus Valley

REF: p. 237

2. The first caliphate to begin expansion outside of Arabia was:

a. / Abu-Bakr
b. / Ali
c. / Umar
d. / Uthman
e. / Yazid

REF: p. 237

3. The capital of the Umayyad caliphate was in

a. / Damascus
b. / Ephesus
c. / Antioch
d. / Bagdad
e. / Mecca.

REF: p. 237

4. The decline of the Umayyad dynasty was due to

a. / scandals involving the morality of the caliphs.
b. / growing unrest among non-Arab Muslims, who demanded access to political power.
c. / a peasant revolt over increases in taxes and decreases in wages.
d. / the arrival of a Jewish messiah.
e. / lack of a competent heir.

REF: p. 237

5. Why is the Abbasid rule considered a "golden age"?

a. / It created a refined and cosmopolitan culture in Baghdad.
b. / The Spanish region was considered the golden frontier.
c. / It used gold as the standard coinage throughout the empire.
d. / It used the golden cow as the focus of religious worship.
e. / It is marked by the rule of the "golden" monarch, Abu Bakr.

REF: p. 238

6. Despite the fact that conversions to Islam were at their peak, Abbasid power declined because

a. / there were constant revolts of non-Muslims against forced conversion.
b. / the empire had to resist nomadic pressures on the frontier.
c. / the empire had become too big to rule effectively.
d. / new religious practices developed that challenged the appeal of Islam.
e. / there were frequent religious wars between the Sunnis and Shi'ites.

REF: p. 238

7. After failing to reform the government and military, the Abbasid Caliphate fell under the influence of the

a. / Ali family of Cairo.
b. / Umayyad family of Damascus.
c. / Buyid family of northern Iran.
d. / Husan family of Medina.
e. / Suarez family of Spain.

REF: p. 238-239

8. Umayyad Spain developed a distinctive Islamic culture because of the

a. / growing influence of Russian and Frankish traditions in Spain.
b. / decrease in Arab power combined with a growing Christian influence.
c. / Viking invasions of the ninth century.
d. / blending of Roman, Germanic, Jewish, Arab, and Berber traditions.
e. / blending of Islam with Roman traditions and Visigoth culture.

REF: p. 240

9. Why did the rulers of al-Andalus Spain finally take the title of caliph in 929?

a. / The growing number of converts to Islam demanded it.
b. / They had finally solidified control of the region.
c. / The Fatimids in Tunisia did.
d. / Christians in northern Spain threatened invasion.
e. / They never did.

REF: p. 241

10. Under Islamic leadership, the Jewish people of Spain

a. / experienced widespread discrimination.
b. / were frequently arrested and persecuted.
c. / contributed to the cultural growth of Spain as great thinkers and writers.
d. / experienced a diaspora to eastern Europe.
e. / passed laws ensuring the ascension of Jews to the Spanish throne.

REF: p. 241

11. The ulama were

a. / government officials.
b. / outcasts.
c. / religious scholars.
d. / rural leaders.
e. / a hired foreign military force.

REF: p. 241

12. Which of the following statements is not true about the rule of the Seljuk Empire?

a. / They ruled the Middle East during the First Crusade.
b. / Mesopotamia grew in population and influence.
c. / Irrigation and canal systems fell into disrepair during their rule.
d. / Seljuk leaders didn't get involved in internal religious fighting.
e. / Cities shrank and lost population during their rule.

REF: p. 242

13. Byzantine power was significantly diminished by the Seljuks with

a. / the Seljuk's alliance with the Mamluks.
b. / the Byzantine alliance with the Buyids.
c. / the Battle of Manzikert
d. / the failure of the First Crusade.
e. / the Schism of 1054

REF: p. 242

14. The tropics are warm all year round. The center of the tropical zone is marked by the

a. / polar caps.
b. / Gulf Stream.
c. / equator.
d. / Sahara Desert.
e. / none of these.

REF: p. 368

15. The rainy and dry seasons in the Indian Ocean reflect the influence of

a. / the monsoons.
b. / the jet stream.
c. / the Gulf Stream.
d. / "El Niño".
e. / the Himalayas.

REF: p. 368

16. By 1200 human migrations had spread many useful plants and animals around the tropics, including

a. / bananas, yams, and cocoyams
b. / corn, beans, and squash.
c. / wheat, millet, and barley.
d. / rice, kiwi, and manioc.
e. / tea, spelt, and barley.

REF: p. 369

17. The form of extensive agriculture that was used in sub-Saharan Africa is called

a. / hunting and gathering.
b. / marginal cultivation.
c. / intensive cultivation.
d. / shifting cultivation.
e. / selective cultivation.

REF: p. 369

18. The greatest network of irrigation canals between the 14-19th century was found in:

a. / Sinhalese Kingdom of Ceylon
b. / Great Zimbabwe
c. / The Mali Empire
d. / The Han Empire
e. / The Delhi Sultanate

REF: p. 370

19. The Tuareg were

a. / Islamic missionaries who reached the sub-Saharan region.
b. / traders from the caravans between Arabia and Libya.
c. / western Saharan pastoralists and caravan guides.
d. / herders of camels and llamas in the Gold Coast region.
e. / descendants of the Dutch in South Africa.

REF: p. 369

20. The most abundant metal worked in the tropics was

a. / bronze.
b. / titanium.
c. / iron.
d. / silver.
e. / platinum.

REF: p. 371

21. The largest concentration of pastoralists in the world was in

a. / Madagascar.
b. / Tanzania.
c. / the Swahili Coast.
d. / Mali.
e. / northeastern Africa and Arabia.

REF: p. 369

22. The empires of Mali in West Africa and of Delhi in South Asia both utilized

a. / Islamic administration.
b. / papal administration.
c. / Orthodox Buddhist administration.
d. / a scholar bureaucracy.
e. / the electoral system.

REF: p. 372

23. The spread of Islam to lands south of the Sahara came about through

a. / war.
b. / forced conversion.
c. / a gradual and peaceful process of conversion.
d. / the missionary efforts of the Arabs during the Umayyad Caliphate.
e. / the travels of Ibn Battuta.

REF: p. 372

24. According to Malinke legends, the founder of Mali was

a. / a Shi'ite imam.
b. / Marco Polo.
c. / Sundiata.
d. / Sumanguru.
e. / Agamemnon.

REF: p. 372

25. Mali derived significant income from

a. / shifting agriculture trade with Yoruba
b. / the slave trade with Portugal.
c. / gold and copper trade with North African Muslim traders.
d. / coffee trade with Ethopia.
e. / glass trade with Benin.

REF: p. 374

26. Mansa Kankan Musa made a famous pilgrimage that

a. / spread Christianity to West Africa.
b. / demonstrated the enormous wealth of his country.
c. / led to the Christian Crusades.
d. / was inspired by the death of Muhammad.
e. / brought about his untimely death.

REF: p. 374

27. In addition to fulfilling his personal religious obligations, Mansa Kankan Musa's pilgrimage resulted in the

a. / disappearance of Buddhist practice in Mali.
b. / decrease in Malian taxes.
c. / contraction of the Malian economy.
d. / construction of new mosques and Quranic schools in Mali.
e. / conversion of all Malians to Islam.

REF: p. 375

28. Turkish invaders were able to successfully invade India because of

a. / the threats of Mongol Il-khans.
b. / a desire to spread the Islamic faith and to acquire plunder.
c. / the prospect of learning Indian technology and mathematics.
d. / the division of India into small states.
e. / all of these.

REF: p. 376

29. The Turkish conquest of northern India was aided by

a. / bronze cannon.
b. / muskets.
c. / crossbows.
d. / epidemic disease.
e. / Indian rebellions.

REF: p. 376

30. Sultan Iltutmish passed his empire to Raziya, his

a. / daughter.
b. / eldest son.
c. / youngest son.
d. / adviser.
e. / regent.

REF: p. 377

31. The most significant factor contributing to agriculture in the Delhi Sultanate was

a. / slave labor on sugar plantations.
b. / a switch to the three-field crop rotation system.
c. / the use of swidden agricultural practices.
d. / extensive irrigation canals.
e. / staple crops, including cucumbers and melons.

REF: p. 370

32. When the Delhi Sultanate began to lose control of its realm, new kingdoms emerged in India called

a. / Siam and Uighur.
b. / Hittite and Sind.
c. / Bahmani and Vijayanagar.
d. / Gujarat and Kilwa.
e. / Timur and Assam.

REF: p. 378-379

33. Sultan Muhammed ibn Tughluq was noted by Chronicler Ibn Battuta as being remarkable for his

a. / extravagance
b. / religious toleration
c. / passion for justice through Shar'ia
d. / alienation of the Brahmins
e. / establishment of a Quranic school at his Hall of a Thousand Pillars

REF: p. 378

34. Although the Delhi Sultanate had its problems, it did provide a

a. / reliable and safe water supply to the region.
b. / new irrigation system of qanats to the region.
c. / safe haven for religious exiles.
d. / centralized political authority to India.
e. / new unifying religion in the form of Islam.

REF: p. 379

35. Which of the following did not help to increase Indian Ocean trade between 1200 and 1500?

a. / The collapse of the Mongol Empire, which disrupted the overland trade routes
b. / Increased demand for luxury goods such as jewels, fine textiles, and precious metals
c. / The invention of the astrolabe
d. / The construction of larger ships, making shipping cargo more profitable
e. / The rising prosperity of Asian, European, and African states, which stimulated expansion

REF: p. 379

36. The characteristic ship of the Arabian Sea was the

a. / galley.
b. / junk.
c. / skow.
d. / caravel.
e. / dhow.

REF: p. 379

37. The largest, most technologically advanced ship in the Indian Ocean was the Chinese

a. / galley.
b. / junk.
c. / skow.
d. / dhow.
e. / caravel.

REF: p. 380

38. The different regional networks of the Indian Ocean trade were tied together by

a. / commercial interests.
b. / political authority.
c. / religious authority.
d. / a common language.
e. / the threat of Chinese intrusion.

REF: p. 379

39. By 1250 the most important trading city of the Swahili Coast was

a. / Cairo.
b. / Kilwa.
c. / Timbuktu.
d. / Casablanca.
e. / Johannesburg.

REF: p. 381

40. The economic and political power of Great Zimbabwe was based on long-distance trade in

a. / gold, copper, and salt.
b. / silk, porcelain, and iron.
c. / olives, wheat, and pepper.
d. / books, wool, and wine.
e. / qurans, ink, and wheat.

REF: p. 382

41. What caused the collapse of the empire of Great Zimbabwe?

a. / monsoon flooding
b. / conquest by Christian Ethiopians
c. / deforestation and cattle overgrazing
d. / prolonged drought that killed agriculture
e. / The order of Sultan Muhammed ibn Tughluq that the city be abandoned

REF: p. 382

42. What significant cultural feature allowed the regions of Aden and Ethiopia to thrive commercially?

a. / common monetary units
b. / mutual tolerance of diverse religions
c. / polyglots were common
d. / mutual abolition of slave trade
e. / none of these

REF: p. 383

43. What was unique about Gujarat trade compared to African and Arabic?

a. / Gujarat manufactured goods for trade
b. / Gujarat required non-Hindu traders to pay a special tariff
c. / Gujarat was significantly inland
d. / Gujarat had artisanal guilds that dictated trade standards
e. / Gujarat refused trade with the European states

REF: p. 383

44. As trade increased in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the Strait of Malacca became the center of a political rivalry between

a. / Java and Ceylon.
b. / Siam and Tibet.
c. / India and Gujarat.
d. / Majapahit and Chinese pirates.
e. / Calcutta and Bombay.

REF: p. 384

45. Because of the trade through the Strait of Malacca, Malacca became an important port and

a. / the focus of the annual Buddhist pilgrimage.
b. / a meeting place for traders from around the Eurasian world.
c. / replaced Madagascar as the most important slave-trading port.
d. / became one of the most homogeneous cities in Southeast Asia.
e. / became known as the "Asian Tiger."

REF: p. 384