UNC Chapel Hill Pre-College Program

Teacher Responsibility List

Date / NC-MSEN Pre-College Program (PCP) Teacher Meeting
August 18 / UNC Chapel Hill (962-1624,
310 Peabody Hall, Chapel Hill) / Orientation Meeting
September 13 / Jordan High (560-3912,
6806 Garrett Rd, Durham) / MEETING TIME:
4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Host school will provide room and refreshments for ~ 20 people.
Signs should be made to direct teachers to the meeting location.
Talk with your PIE club and or school they may help with refreshments.
The PCP will inform the host school if there are special requirements for the meeting.
October 11 / Lowes Grove Middle (560-3946,
4418 S Alston Ave, Durham)
November 8 / Stanback Middle (644-3200,
3700 Highway 86 S, Hillsborough)
December 6 / UNC Chapel Hill
(Location to be determined)
January 10 / Durham School of the Arts (560-3926,
400 N Duke St, Durham)
February 14 / W.G. Person Middle (560-2597,
600 E Umstead St, Durham)
March 13 / Northern High (560-3956,
117 Tom Wilkinson Rd., Durham)
April 10 / Southern High (560-3968,
800 Clayton Rd, Durham)
May 8 / UNC Chapel Hill (962-1624,
309 Peabody Hall, Chapel Hill)
Due Dates / NC-MSEN PCP Paperwork / Description
August 18 / School / Team Data Sheet with planning schedule / Form can be found online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
September 14 / NC OPT-ED Alliance Day permission form due / Permission forms and information were mailed directly to summer students
September 21 / Registration form for Saturday Academy Session I / Form can be found online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
NOTE: Registration forms and fees can be brought to September, October or November Teacher’s meeting or mailed directly to the office.
October 31 / Roster of MSEN Students due / Roster of students can be obtained from SIMS operator
October 31 / ACE Club Roster / Form can be found online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
October 31 / PIE Club Roster / Form can be found online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
November 17 / Online registration complete / Complete Online registration for all students -http://csld.northcarolina.edu/content.php/apps/msen/index.php?org=UNC
November 17 / Enrollment of UNC Chapel Hill PCP students
MLK Jr. Birthday Celebration Application due / Form can be found online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
Application available online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
November 17 / Registration forms and fees due / Registration forms and fees collected can be brought to any of the Teacher’s Meeting’s or mailed directly to the PCP office.
January / MIT Women’s Initiative / More Information Forthcoming
January 18 / Mid Year Report / Form can be found online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
January 18 / Expanding Your Horizon for 7th Grade girls
(To participate you must complete the online registration) / Registration is online at
The deadline date will be announced.
February 2 / MLK Jr. Artwork / Artwork can be brought to any Teacher’s meeting or mailed to PCP office
February 8 / MEAC & CIAA (High school Juniors) permission forms due / Forms available by calling PCP Office
March 15
March 15 / Registration form and fee due for new second semester students. / Forms are available online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
Complete online registration for new second semester students / Complete Online registration for all students -http://csld.northcarolina.edu/content.php/apps/msen/index.php?org=UNC
March 15 / Regional MSEN Day – Names of Participants due / Form available online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
April 25 / Outstanding Student and Top GPA Nominee Names due / Form available by calling PCP Office
May 9 / Senior Survey (High School) due / Surveys can be found online at http://ncsu.edu/crmse/programs/inform/senior.html.
Please change Pre-College site on the survey to UNC-CH.
June 16 / End of the Year Report / Forms available online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
Date / NC-MSEN PCP Activities / Teacher Responsibilities
September 28 / OPT-ED Day in Greensboro, NC / PCP Staff will chaperone students to OPT-ED Day
October 6, 13, 20, 27 & November 3, 10 and 17 / Saturday Academy Session I (Grades 6 to 12) / Register students by September 21, 2007.
Teachers escort your students on the bus. An adult must accompany the students on the bus.
Durham Public School requests that a Durham Public School teacher must be on the bus.
October 5 & 6
/ High School Leadership Retreat / P.E.R.S.I.S.T students will attend.
PCP staff will chaperone students to Retreat.
December – January / MIT Women’s Initiative / Recruit students to attend
February 2, 9, 16, 23 & March 1, 8, and 15 / Saturday Academy Session II (Grades 6 to 12) / Register students by January 18, 2008. Teachers escort your students on the bus. An adult must accompany the students on the bus.
Durham Public School requests that a Durham Public School teacher must be on the bus.
February 9 / MLK Jr. Birthday Celebration Application / Recruit students to express themselves through art, song or dance. Applications are due to PCP November 17.
Art work is due to PCP on February 2, 2008.
Rehearsal dates for MLK participants are: December 11, 2007 and February 2, 2008.
February 1 – 28 / Local NC-MSEN Day / Have a MSEN Day month by preparing your students for the MSEN Day competitions. Give all students the local tests and have students participate in all the hands-on activities.
Local tests will be distributes at the Dec or Jan teacher meeting.
Hands On activities available online at www.unc.edu/depts/ed/pcp
February / Science Decathlon / More Information Forthcoming
March / MEAC and CIAA High School Day For Juniors / Recruit HS Juniors students to attend. Juniors are asked to bring a copy of their resume and transcript for each CIAA recruiter and to dress to impress. Students will have an opportunity to change clothes after meeting with CIAA college recruiters.
April 2 / Regional NC-MSEN Day / Help proctor and grade competitions
April / State NC-MSEN Day
At North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro NC / Chaperone students