Table of Contents



Appeal Timetable……………………………………………….…...3

Allocation of 2012 Appeal Funds.…………………………………..5

Parish Incentive Program………………………………..…………6

2012 Appeal Parish Auxiliary..…………………………………….7

DVD Presentation…………………………………………….……13

Disciples Program………………………………………………….14

Matching Gifts……………………………………………………...15

In-Pew Weekends……………...……………………………..….…17

In Pew Processing Instructions…………………………………....25

Parish Receptions…………………………………………………..28

Pulpit Announcements……………………………………………..34

Dear Pastor and Parish Leaders,

Thank you for your continuing support of the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. We are truly a Beacon of Hope in the Diocese of Bridgeport. Last year in addition to our on-going generous donors, we welcomed new donors. Many who once supported us in the past, but were unable to in recent years, have returned with a renewed passion for helping their neighbor. I am grateful for each and every gift and I look forward to this year’s campaign. This year’s overall goal will remain the same at $12 million.

This Parish Leadership Guide has been prepared to support your parish efforts to promote the 2012 Appeal. It includes a timetable of solicitations and promotions, a summary of funded program areas, a review of the parish incentive program, and suggested pulpit announcements. The Development Office is available to assist your parish over the course of the Appeal.

The 2012 ABA Video Presentation will be sent to you separately. I encourage you to share it at Mass or during an After-Mass Reception. If you need audio visual equipment, please contact the Development Office.

This year’s suggested In-Pew weekends are March 24 & 25, April 28 & 29 and June 2 & 3. This manual along with Appeal updates and weekly pulpit announcements are available on The Bridge.

Thank you again and on behalf of the Development Office, we look forward to assisting you with the 2012 Beacon of Hope Annual Bishop’s Appeal.


Jeffrey F. Machi

Executive Director of Development

Appeal Timetable

Month / Target Audience / Mailing / Promotions
January 2012 / ·  Solicit all families in database / ·  Request letter from Bishop Lori with brochure / ·  Recruit Parish Speakers
·  Feature article in Fairfield County Catholic
February 2012 / ·  Solicit all families in database / ·  Thank you letters and pledge reminders
·  Request letter from pastor with Catholic Charities insert
·  Past donors, non-renewed
·  Appeal newsletter / ·  Bishop Lori receptions in Naples, FL February 10 - 14
·  Parish After-Mass Receptions
·  Disciples Program launched in parishes
·  Email blasts to promote Appeal
·  Feature article in Fairfield County Catholic
March 2012 / ·  Solicit Past Donors / ·  Thank you letters and pledge reminders
·  Request letters from Eric Silva, seminarian with an insert about Seminarians
·  Appeal newsletter
/ ·  Parish After-Mass Receptions
·  Disciples Program
·  2012 Appeal DVD shown during Mass
·  Feature article in Fairfield County Catholic
·  Email blast series to promote Appeal
Month / Target Audience / Mailing / Promotions
April 2012 / ·  Solicit Past Donors / ·  Thank you letters and pledge reminders
·  Request letters from Bishop Lori with Catholic Education insert
·  Appeal Newsletter / ·  Parish After-Mass Receptions
·  Disciples Program
·  2012 Appeal DVD shown during Mass
·  In-Pew Sunday
·  Feature article in Fairfield County Catholic
·  Email blast series to promote Appeal
May 2012 / ·  Solicit all families in database who have not given / ·  Thank you letters and pledge reminders
·  Request letters from Pastors with Parish Life and Ministries insert
·  Appeal Newsletter / ·  Parish After-Mass Receptions
·  Disciples Program
·  2012 Appeal DVD shown during Mass
·  In-Pew Sunday
·  Feature article in Fairfield County Catholic
June 2012 / ·  Solicit Past Donors / ·  Thank you letters and pledge reminders
·  Request letters from Bishop
·  June 30th 2012 Appeal ends / ·  Disciples Program
·  2012 Appeal DVD shown during Mass
·  In-Pew Sunday
·  Feature article in Fairfield County Catholic

Allocation of $12 Million Goal


Catholic Charities……………………………………………………12%

Parish Life and Ministries………………………………..………….23%

Catholic Education…………………………………………………...17%

Cathedral Cluster Schools………………………………………….. 9%

Clergy and Religious Ministries…………………………………… 22%


Less than 7% of total funds raised are directed to Appeal fundraising expenses.

Parish Incentive Program


The Parish Incentive Program is designed to encourage parishes to exceed their 2012 Beacon of Hope Appeal goal and direct funds towards necessary capital repairs and parish improvements.

The Parish Incentive Program is based on funds redeemed, not pledges received.


Please note the Diocese needs to reach the $12 million goal before the Program is activated. We must ensure that funding for ministries is secured before directing funds back to parishes.

·  Parishes will receive 40% of funds received in excess of their parish goal, irrespective of the number of donors participating.

·  Parishes will receive an additional 10% of funds received in excess of their parish goal if the number of donors increases by 3% over the prior year, bringing the total to 50%.

·  If a 2011 donor to the parish becomes a prospect on the Bishop’s list, the parish will receive credit in 2012 for an amount equal to the 2011 pledge, if the donor contributes at least that amount in 2012.

·  The parish will receive public recognition for a combination of both parish and pledges received through the efforts of the Bishop.

2012 Appeal Parish Auxiliary ______

We encourage your parish to recruit a core 2012 Appeal Parish Auxiliary to encourage parishioners to participate in the 2012 Appeal. The Development Office will work closely with your Auxiliary to maximize their time and efforts.

Specifically, the role of the 2012 Appeal Parish Auxiliary will include:

·  Hosting a small gathering to review the Appeal DVD;

·  Assisting the Pastor with follow-up phone calls or mailings to potential donors;

·  Encouraging participation during Beacon of Hope Sundays and;

·  Offering guidance in promoting the Appeal in the parish.

The Development Office will assist the 2012 Appeal Parish Auxiliary with tailored materials for their parish Appeal.

Sample Script for 2012 Appeal Parish Auxiliary at Mass:

Hello, my name is ______. I have agreed to serve on our Parish Appeal Auxiliary for the 2012 Beacon of Hope Annual Bishop’s Appeal. The funding that you so generously provide during this Appeal is essential for the many services delivered across the Diocese through Catholic Charities, educational services for thousands of children in our Catholic schools, and many other activities benefitting our parishes and communities.

Last year alone:

·  Catholic Charities served well over 1 million meals to the needy of Fairfield Country through four major nutrition programs including Morning Glory Breakfast Outreach in Danbury, the Thomas Merton Center in Bridgeport which includes a soup kitchen and food pantry, a parallel program at New Covenant House in Stamford which also serves daily dinners to more than 140 inner-city youth, and a grant funded Senior Nutrition Program in the greater Stamford area.

·  Catholic Charities touches the lives of individuals and families across the Diocese through these food programs, a broad range of individual and family counseling and housing initiatives available across Fairfield County. Their mission is to alleviate poverty and address its root causes in our urban communities by giving people a hand-up, not a hand-out.

·  Bishop Lori dedicated 22 new apartments on the Thomas Merton Campus in Bridgeport in 2010 as permanent supportive housing for families at risk of homelessness. Catholic Charities has expanded its many permanent and transitional housing programs to serve more than 200 individuals.

·  Catholic Education in the Diocese of Bridgeport integrates State of Connecticut educational standards and Gospel values along with the concepts and skills every student needs to master in order to succeed in college, in a career and in life. Curriculum mapping provides the most up-to-date guidelines on subject matter and expectations for every student in each classroom. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, (S.T.E.M.) subjects are integrated in the curriculum for each subject and teach students to use critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, communication techniques and innovation skills necessary to compete in a global economy. Technology is available for every student with the use of computers, IPADs and smart boards.

·  Professional Development provides teachers with the newest and most innovative practices taught in the classroom and makes available on-going assessment to ensure that students are achieving.

·  The U.S. Department of Education has awarded 12 schools in the Diocese of Bridgeport with the prestigious Blue Ribbon Award, which honors public and private schools in the U.S. whose students achieve in the top 10% in reading and math skills on nationally-normed tests.

·  Academic excellence in an environment of faith and morals are the blueprint of the tradition of Catholic education where students become successful members of their communities.

·  Our religious education program reaches over 38,000 children and young adults. The St. Cyril of Jerusalem Program, an adult education program on the Catholic Faith was launched in the fall of 2011 on DVD and is available at every parish and on the Diocesan website. Over 270 youth from the diocese participated in Convivio in 2011, an annual retreat that deepens and inspires youth to live their faith. In addition, a 120 youth and young adults travelled to World Youth Day in Spain to join over 1 million Catholics, which generated a profound understanding of the Catholic Church. The High School Apostles and the Fan the Fire Youth Rally continue to inspire and instruct youth in the Gospel. Bible Camp for Children with Special Needs is held every summer where children are catechized and attend Mass in a safe, welcoming environment. Marriage preparation, Respect Life programs and activities are ongoing ministries supported by the Appeal.

·  Vocations have increased with 36 men in formation, including 14 men at St. John Fisher Seminary Residence in Stamford. The Diocese will ordain one seminarian to the priesthood this year.

·  There are 94 active Deacons and 11 men are in formation.

Our parish goal is $______. This year, there is a parish incentive for us to exceed our goal. We have the opportunity to receive as much as 50% of the funds redeemed above our parish goal. Here’s how it works:

·  Once the Diocesan Appeal goal is met, we will receive 40% of all funds redeemed above our parish goal amount.

·  If we increase our number of donors above last year by just 3%, we will receive an additional 10% of the funds redeemed over our parish goal.

To date, our parish has received $______in pledges. I encourage you to consider making a pledge to the 2012 Appeal. Your generosity makes a difference and touches the lives of many.

Thank you.

Sample Script for 2012 Appeal Parish Auxiliary Member Telephone Call Follow-Up:

Hello, Mr./Mrs. (Prospect’s name), this is (your name) from (parish). I serve on our Parish Appeal Auxiliary for the 2012 Annual Bishop’s Appeal. We are hoping that we might encourage you to renew your support this year. Especially during these difficult times, the demand for services has increased and the Appeal funds these efforts.

If possible, could we include your commitment in our totals?

If yes:

Please record the amount and contact information. Request that the donor completes a pledge card and returns it in this Sunday’s Offertory Basket.

Thank the donor again. Confirm spelling of the names, address, pledge amount and payment schedule. Always let the donor hang up first.

If no:

Thank the person for his/her time and say “Goodbye”. Complete the pledge card or your roster with the person’s name, address and write no gift.

DVD Presentation


To assist parishes this year, the Development Office has prepared an Appeal DVD presentation. The DVD presentation is approximately 7 minutes in length and offers insight into the program areas funded through the 2012 Annual Bishop’s Appeal.

We encourage your parish to present the DVD at least one time in March or April at an appropriate time during Mass. If possible, we suggest planning a brief reception after-Mass with coffee and doughnuts as an opportunity to view the DVD and encourage completion of pledge cards.

Sample Introduction of DVD:

We are about to view a special DVD presentation for the 2012 Beacon of Hope Annual Bishop’s Appeal. It offers an overview of the critical program areas supported through your generosity.

If possible, we encourage you to make your pledge to the Appeal this year. Your support makes a significant difference in the ability of the Diocese to serve our parishes, schools, and those in need.

Thank you in advance for your continued support to this important campaign, especially during this critical year when demand for services has increased.

Disciples Program


The Development Office requests that every parish recruit one or two couples who will serve as parish speakers during the Appeal. In advance, we will provide training to speakers about Appeal funding priorities and encourage them to share with fellow parishioners the important impact of their generosity on many people in need.

In addition to parish speakers from your parish, there are limited representatives available from Catholic Charities, Parish Life and Ministries, Catholic Schools, Parish Finance Services, and Vocations to offer brief testimonials at the end of Mass in your parish.

We encourage you to select appropriate dates and contact the Development Office as early as possible to secure Disciples for your parish. Our statistics from last year’s Appeal demonstrate that parishes with speakers exceed their goal more quickly and with better results. Please consider welcoming a Disciple at least two weekends during the 2012 Appeal.

Matching Gifts Program

Please encourage parishioners to inquire about a matching gift program at their company. In some cases, parishioners may double or even triple their donation to the Appeal, as a result. Any matching gifts will be credited to your parish once the pledge is redeemed.

Some companies match gifts by retirees and/or spouses of deceased employees.

Please use the following in your bulletins.