
Chinese Cinderella ch. 17-end

Chapter 17

“Father was at the office, and Little Sister was attending a birthday party. Niang, Fourth Brother and I climbed into the backseat of Father’s Studebaker. I didn’t know where they were taking me and dared not ask. In the car, Fourth Brother deliberately snubbed me. He was playing with Niang’s diamond ring, twisting it around and around her finger. I envied his privilege and freedom as he nonchalantly positioned her finger this way and that trying to catch the sun’s rays. She looked on indulgently while I sat primly in my corner …” (Mah157-158)

1. Based on the passage above, match the following vocabulary words to their definitions:

_____ StudebakerA. Purposefully

_____ DeliberatelyB. Proper behavior

_____ SnubbedC. Ignore intentionally

_____ NonchalantlyD. Vehicle

_____ EnviedE. Special permission or right

_____ PrivilegeF. Unconcerned, relaxed, calm

_____ PrimlyG. Jealousy

2. Put these quotes in order as they appeared in chapter 17 by numbering the quotes on the line that appears on the LEFT side of the quote.

______“Mind your own business!”______

______“Pick up the books!” ______

______“How mean you are!”______

______“Gun Dan! Gun dan!”______

3. Now go back and write which person was speaking the quote on the line on the RIGHT side of the quote.

4. Why is Adeline relieved at the end of chapter 17? ______

Chapter 18

1. When does chapter 18 take place? ______

2. Why do you think Adeline chose to name this chapter “Miserable Sunday”? ______

3. How many days has Adeline been at Sacred Heart? ______What evidence from chapter 18 helped you figure this out? ______

4. Adeline tells a lie towards the beginning of chapter 18. What is the lie and why did she tell it? (2 points)

5. The following passage is from King Lear:

Dear daughter, I confess that I am old;

Age is unnecessary: on my knees I beg

That you’ll vouchsafe me raiment, bed and food.

When Adeline read the above passage from King Lear, she burst into tears. Why did she burst into tears? ______

6. Based on the passage above, what is the meaning of the word “raiment”?

a. a fancy car

b. a great job

c. a new haircut

d. clothing

7. Which clues from the passage helped you figure out the meaning of the word “raiment”?


8. Why do Adeline’s classmates find her brilliant but pathetic? ______

9. What is the significance of receiving an egg? Who sent Adeline an egg? Why did they send her the egg? How did Adeline react to receiving an egg?

Chapter 19

1. Who are Adeline’s close friends? ______

2. Why does she say that “they had their own problems”? ______

3. Adeline shares her hopes and dreams with her friends. What does Adeline want to do? ______

Chapter 20

1. Why is Adeline admitted into the hospital? ______

2. Who came to visit Adeline while she was in the hospital? ______

3. Ye Ye has a disease. What disease does he have? ______

4. Where are Big Brother and Second Brother? ______

5. Why did Ye Ye want to stay in Shanghai? ______

6. Describe Big Sister’s life now: ______

7. How does Adeline view herself? How does Ye Ye view Adeline? Support your answer with evidence from chapter 20. (4 points)

Chapter 21

Using a POWER PARAGRAPH summarize the playwriting competition.


***Double check your paragraph. Do you have the handful of items that are necessary for a perfect power paragraph?

1. Indent

2. Power 1 that states the topic of the paragraph

3. Three or more Power 2s that hold up and support your Power 1.

4. A Power 3 that restates the Power 1

5. Transition words

2. Why is Adeline thrown into a horrible depression in chapter 21? ______

3. A chauffeur picks up Adeline and takes her ______

4. Father has a newspaper article. What information is in the newspaper article? ______

5. Fill in the blank:

Adeline wants to grow up to be a ______, but father wants her to be ______. In the end, Adeline is going to travel to ______to go to ______school to become a ______.

Chapter 22

1. Adeline receives a letter from ______

2. Aunt Baba refers to Adeline as her:

a. Precious little treasure

b. Dear daughter

c. Treasured niece

d. Brilliant treasure

3. Why is the book called Chinese Cinderella? Write a paragraph describing why you think Adeline chose this title for her book based on the information in chapter 22.
