Weekly Plan

Section 1

Class: 8A & 8BTopic: Grammar- Present & Past Passive

Unit No:10Themes: Film & TV

Time Allocated:7X40 (8A) 7X40 (8B) Context: React To Good News

Week/Date: W3 15th-19th December, 2008

Limitations: -

Delimitations: -

Materials: Energy 2 Ss Book, Workbook, Test book, CD Player, class CD

Inter-disciplinary Aspects: -

Explanations: Monolingual Ss Pre-intermediate, u-shape seating, 14 year olds olds.1 student in 8B has dyslexia.

Section 2

Learning Objectives (Knowledge): Students will be able to learn the meaning of these words: director (n), glad (adj), record (v), record (n) rush (v). The meaning of the phrases like You haven’t got a hope, That’s fantastic news, That’s OK, I suppose and Well doneare elicited. Present and Past Passive forms are introduced through a reading context “The End of Friends”.

Learning Objectives (Skills): Ss will be able to understand the listening context by reading it and using the sub-skills such as skimming and scanning in order to answer the Wh- questions ex3 p.107. Ss try to make situation dialogues ex6 p.107 using the correct adjectives for describing the emotion states.

Learning Objectives (Attitudes): Ss take turns in pairs and find the correct expressions/phrases like Congratulations!, Well done!, Happy Birthday! You passed! To describe the pictures ex5 p.107.

Specific focus: Accuracy-introducing Present & Past Passive, pronunciation of the words director, glad, rush (v). Special emphasis is on the pronunciation of the verb and noun form of the word record.

Procedure(raising awareness, warm-up motivation, review, lead in, individual work, project, homework, observation summary, feedback): Daily routine like asking the date/day, letting students describe their weekend. Raising awareness to the goals of the unit in the blue box p.106. Remembering the characters and getting to know the new characters in this unit. Asking guiding Qs about the pictures in ex5 like What’s the occasion in those four pictures? Pairwork and peer feedback on dialogues about different situations. Ss are encouraged to use the adjectives and use the phrases to react to good news ex6. Ss are motivated to talk and read about the TV show called The Friends where Passive forms are used. Ss’s attention is drawn to the positive, negative and question forms of present and past passives.

Learning Methods and Techniques:

  • Problem Solving: ex5 p.107 reacting to good news, matching the phrases with the pictures
  • Discovery Learning: Present & Past Passive in reading context ex1,2,3 p.108
  • Experiential Learning
  • Group work: ex4 p.107 completing the phases from the conversation
  • Pair work: ex6 p.107 making situational conversations
  • Games/ songs
  • Drama/ role play: ex5 p.107 reacting to good news
  • Project based learning
  • Cooperative and cooperative work: ex3 reading and answering wh Qs about the conversations.
  • Brainstorming: ex1 p.106 eliciting the meaning of new voc. Director, glad, record, rush
  • Debates/Discussions
  • Question-Answer: ex3 wh Qs
  • Simulations
  • questionnaires
  • Whole class activity: ex2 p.106
  • Others

Feedback during and at the end of the lesson- recap:feedback on the meaning of new words and phrases, fluency in dialogue creation ex 6 and pronunciation of two worded phrases ex5

Pre-planning Instruments for the Teacher:-

Pre-planning Instruments for the Students:-

Section 3Evaluation and Assessment (short answer questions, portfolio, multiple choice questions, true/false questions/ open ended questions, matching, project work, mind maps, peer assessment, individual and group assessment and performance based evaluation)

Means of Assessment (Knowledge):Ss practise the use of Present/Past Passives, the negative and the question forms ex1-4.

How will I know?

Ss can complete sentences with the correct form of the passive ex 2 p.108.

Means of Assessment(Skills): Ss can use the details in the listening and reading texts to understand the gist and answer the wh Qs ex1 p.107 & ex1 p.108

How will I know?: Ss can fill in the blanks in ex with the correct missing words.

Means of Assessment (Attitudes): Ss need to react to good news ex 5 and use the situations to make up dialogues ex 6 p.107

How will I know?

Ss are able to pronounce the right phrases for the right occasions and take turns and form dialogues using adjectives in full sentences.

English Teacher:Principal:



Section 4:Evaluation of the Unit Plan

To what extent are the learning objectives realized?

Ss are able to use the positive, negative and question form of passives in different contexts. Ss can pronounce the target words and phrases for communication –reacting to good news.

To what extent have the classroom activities been effective in

achieving learning objectives?

Skimming and scanning the listening and reading contexts provided clues for the Ss in presenting the passives topic. Ss are stimulated by the role-play and talking about different occasions about four different pictures.

Limitations(physical environmental, mobility, sight, sound):-

Limitations [language] (ability to communicate immediately and effectively in speech, writing; ability to receive information):-

Limitation (Time):-

Limitations (personal differences, socio-economics, culture, age, gender, preparedness):-

Limitations (Teaching style, presence or persona of the instructor; learning differences and preferences:-

English Teacher:Principal:

