Town or Parish Council Details
Name of Council: / South Stoke Parish Council / Date Received: / / /
Address: / C/o
9 Chapel Close,
South Stoke,
/ Reference: / /
Date Paid:
Tel: / 01491 873342
Contact: / Geoff Ward / Fax:
Position: / Chair, Parish Council / Email: /
Address for correspondence:if different from above
Is the contact willing to talk to other parishes or similar groups about this project? / Y
Please tell us about the Parish Council
1. Have you previously carried out any appraisals, assessments, surveys or prepared any / y
Kind of plan?
If yes, please fill in the table below:
What / When / Role of parish council (I.e. instigator, consulted, etc.)
Parish Plan –Strategic View / 2005 / Instigator
Housing Needs Survey / 2008 / Consulted With SODC
2. Have you tried to talk to neighbouring parishes with a view to working together? / y
2.1. If yes please give the name of the parish(es) / Cuddesdon, Ipsden, Woodcote
2.2. How will you work together? / We are in email and phone contact for advice.
2.3 If you have decided not to work together, / At present our focus is on strengthening the sense of community in the village. We have contacted other villages to learn from their experiences. Woodcote, Goring and Cuddesdon have completed their exercise.
We are talking to Goring, Crowmarsh (inc North Stoke), Moulsford and Cholsey Parish Councils– and will soon be discussing with Wallingford and Streatley Town & Parish Councils-regarding improvements to the local bus service.
what are the reasons?
Please tell us about the Parish Plan
3.How do you propose to carry out the production of your parish plan?
We are following the nine step process developed by the ORCC. We began by building support for the process within the Parish Council, inviting Anton Nath to speak at an open meeting. We then established a small pre-launch Steering Group, which for its first meeting invited Anton Nath to explain the process in more detail.
We have set up a programme (attached) to deliver the plan over 18 months, and tie in with the village calendar. We have consulted with the relevant stakeholders in OCC and SODC and have opened lines of communication and support with them. The first steps have been to secure the commitment of the Parish Council to the plan and confirm the agreement to match fund the ORCC grant with £150. The PC formally agreed to this in the meeting in September.
To launch our initial survey – we pitched a display tent in the garden of the local pub over the Bank Holiday weekend and (using SODC display boards) we presented the key aims of the plan and some suggestions for issues to discuss. We outlined our programme over the next 12 months.
We have linked a Blog to the village website, and we have set up a link page to the Community Led plan website hosted by SERCC.
Our Love it / dislike survey was carried out in September. We have achieved a response of 250, from an estimated village population of 540. We are currently analysing the results and will present the initial findings to the village in November, to invite further comment and help us prepare a more detailed and specific questionnaire.
We will set up focus groups to explore the themes in more detail, through the Spring Summer of 2010. We have investigated events using OPYA (play bus and climbing walls) Aiming to engage all sections of the community, and encourage the villagers to socialise and mix across the age spectrum. We will then present findings and options for comment at a major village event.
With the constraints on attendance in the village hall – we believe summer events will attract more attendance. With a number of older people in the village, we are conscious that there is a reluctance to go out in the evening.
We are keeping the whole village informed about progress with the plan by inserting monthly updates in the South Stoke Newsletter – fortunately this service is provided free.
The costs of organising activities designed to engage the whole community includes the hire of the village hall for larger public meetings and the printing of the questionnaire (for which we have obtained competitive quotations). We expect the focus groups to develop into project groups which will take forward the ideas generated by the process.
We would hope to use SODC’s Snap consultation software and their expertise when it comes to our second/main Parish questionnaire.
Notes from PC –
There is a decision.
The minute reads
As part of the ORCC criteria for the grant, the Parish Council is required to give a contribution of 10%, i.e. £150, and this amount will not be exceeded. The grant of £150 was proposed by Cllr. Ainscough, seconded by Cllr. Allen and agreed unanimously. The adoption of the group’s suggested aims and remit was proposed by Cllr. Ashworth, seconded by Cllr. Ainscough, and agreed unanimously.
Geoff Ward
South Stoke Parish Council
3.1. What community groups and local organisations will you involve in the process?
We have spoken to at least one adult in almost every house in the Parish, and in addition have iinvited the following village groups to join the Parish Plan Steering Group: Womens Institute, Parochial Church Council. We will be seeking to input form the Players, the Wednesday Coffee Club (seniors) and the School.
We have consulted with OCC and SODC and set up links for advice. We have also spoken with local, district, county and parliamentary representatives.
3.2. What methods will you use to involve local people (please continue on a separate sheet if needed)?
Technique (e.g. video or photography competition) / Target group (e.g. young people)
Village Meeting – November, Present the love it hate it survey and discuss themes! Offer refreshments in the village hall on a Saturday afternoon.
Possible Christmas Event for Families / All who attended the Plan launch and General villages (50)
Families and young children.
Confirm emerging themes with village groups – Ask them to rank in order of importance and to discuss whether any other issues should be included / Village groups – WI, Village Hall Committee, Playground group, Mother and Toddlers Club, PCC
Village walk – Walk from one end of village to other with post cards noting down issues as they emerge / Older members of village who didn’t attend Launch.
Focus groups – publish meetings as set up / Those with a special interest in the topic
Easter Egg Treasure Hunt - Pairing up villagers into teams to Encourage Socialising and Building community spirit. Out door event.
South Stoke sports day – Go-cart grand prix – Other events on a country theme (Poss. Carnival) Evening event to appeal to cross-section of community. With themed events – Ferret racing? Play bus? Raft racing? / Families – and Grandparents
Locate events in each road to encourage the village to participate
The Big Event – To tie in with August Bank holiday Open gardens. Open air function for village / Whole village
3.3. How will you make sure your plan covers all / 1. Inclusive steering group membership representing all age groups, sub-settlements and village groups
2. A member of the Steering Group will visit every dwelling and workplacein the Parish and explain the exercise to at least one adult in each household. This has already been done for the initial Loveit/Hate it questionnaire, and will be repeated for the main questionnaire next year.
3. Check attendance at each event
the settlements in the parish?
3.4 Estimated Start and Completion date for your Parish Plan / July 2009 to December 2010
3.5 Who have you been in contact with at the district and county councils to discuss your Parish Plan and when was this? / Ann Ducker, District Councillor
and County Councillor
OCC - County Cllr Dave Sexon attended the villagelaunch meeting of the Parish Plan on 19th May
SODC - Meeting with Mrs Emma Morris, Projects Officer, Corporate Strategy Departmenton Friday 31st July
OCC - Meeting with Dr Kathrin Luddecke,Corporate Core - Partnership Working Unit, on Friday 7th August
OCC - We hope to be one of thefirst Parishes tojoin OCC's Community-led Planning Protocol, and to that end Dr Luddecke has extended our invitation to Cllr Sexon to attend one of our forthcoming monthly Steering Group meetings.
3.6 Please include a timetable of events and tasks for your Parish Plan and attach this as a separate
Please tell us about the grant you are requesting
Source of funding (income) / Amount / Secure
Y/N / Applied forexpecting to hear (date)
Town/Parish Council (minimum 10%) / £ 150 / Y / Agreed
Other contributions (please specify)
Sub total / £ 150
Support in kind (please specify) / Value
Volunteer time for steering group, event organisation, questionnaire circulation and collection and data analysis / £ 4404
Tent hire / £ 20
Sub total / £ 4424
Requested from Oxfordshire Parish Plan fund / £ 1500
Total funding (*this box should match Total cost below) / £ 6074
Please tell us about the costs of producing your Parish Plan
Project Costs (expenditure) / Cost (ex VAT) / VAT if applicable
Item description
Involving local people, e.g. consensus building / £ 918 / £
events, surveys, consultations, chats/interviews
Advertising and promotion / £85 / £
Consultancy/professional support / £100 / £
Data Collection and analysis / £275 / £
Production and distribution of final report & / £92 / £
Action Plan
Other costs (please specify) / £
Hire of village hall meetings / £ 180 / £
£ / £
Sub total / £ 1650 / £
In Kind
Professional volunteer time for report drafting / £ 256 / £
Other volunteer time - Steering group and event organisation / £ 3148
Questionnaire circulation, collection and analysis + love it hate it / £ 960
Use of tent / £60
Sub total / £ 4404 / £
Total Cost (*this box should match Total funding above) / £ 6074 / £
Have you discussed with ORCC? / Y
How did you hear about the Oxfordshire Parish Plan Grant and what motivated you to apply? / Advice from Geoff Ward, Chair South Stoke PC
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information in this application is true and correct. I hereby apply for a grant from ORCC and unless indicated otherwise, request payment of the grant awarded if the application is approved.
Signed / Date / 19/10/09
Name (please print) / Kevin Flynn
Position / Chair person of the South Stoke Plan Steering group
Tel (if different form above) / 07734335178
Return to: Anton Nath at Oxfordshire Rural Community Council
Preferably by Email :
Or mail to Jericho Farm, Worton, Witney, Oxon OX29 4SZ

The Oxfordshire Parish Plan grant scheme is funded from money received from the Defra Rural Social and Community Programme, Vale of White Horse District Council, South Oxfordshire District Council and Cherwell District Council.

SODC - Mrs Emma Morris, Projects Officer, Corporate Strategy Department

- Telephone: 01491 823612

- Email:

- Address: South Oxfordshire District Council,

Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8ED.

SODC - Cllr Ann Ducker (one of two District Cllrs for Goring Ward - she is also Leader of the Council)

- Telephone: 01491 836169

- Email:

- Home address: Littlestoke Manor, Littlestoke, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 6AX.

- Home telephone: 01491 836169

- Work telephone: 01491 838627

SODC - Cllr Pearl Slatter (the other District Cllr for Goring Ward)

- Telephone: 0118 9843352

- Email:

- Home address: Ford Cottage, High Street, Whitchurch on Thames, Berks RG8 7EP.

- Home telephone: 0118 9843352

OCC - Ms Kathrin Luddecke, Partnership Officer, Corporate Core in Strategy Departent,

- Telephone: 01865 323965

- Email:

- Address: Oxfordshire County Council,

County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxon, OX1 1ND.

OCC - Cllr Dave Sexon (County Cllr for Goring Division)

- Email:
