With the arrest of (1) Majjammil, aged 22 years s/o Nafees r/o Jhuggi,
Sadar Bazar, Delhi and (2) Zarif, aged 20 years, s/o Idrish r/o Jhuggi
Sadar Bazar, Delhi, a gang of godown burglars has been busted by the
team of Special Staff of North District. Several cases of burglaries
have been worked out. A tempo, used in the crime and about 32 quintals
of stolen hardware/iron goods have been recovered.
On 26/11/2010, a secret information was received that two
person would pass through Roshanara Road with stolen goods in a tempo
No. DL-1L N-1723. A team comprising of SI Attar Singh, HC Rajesh, HC
Mahesh and Ct Ajay under the leadership of Inspector/Operations Ashok
Tyagi and overall supervision of ACP/Operations Sh R.K. Singh was
constituted and a trap was laid at Roshnara Road. As per the
information a said tempo coming from Roshan Ara round-about side was
intercepted by the team. A huge quantity of hardware goods such as
latches, locks, handles etc were loaded in the tempo. Both Mujjammin
and Zarif could not provide any detail regarding ownership of those
goods. Initially they tried to mislead the police that they were
taking those goods to some transport company. After sustained
interrogation, they broke down and both disclosed that the stolen
hardware goods have been stolen by them with their associates Nawab
and Kasim from a godown/shop at Inder Lok. Subsequently both
Majjammil and Zarif were arrested u/s 41.1/102 CrPC at P.S. Roop
During interrogation, both Majjammil and Zarif revealed that Nawab,
the leader of gang used to identify the target. After identifying the
target, they used to break open the locks of godown in the early hours
and steal the goods. After that they used to load the stolen goods in
the hired tempo from nearby stand. The stolen goods were kept it in
the shop of Kasim and Nawab at Lal Kuan, Hauz Quazi Delhi. After that
Nawab used to dispose off the goods and they were given their share
from the booty. About 32 quintals of hardware goods worth Rs 2.5 Lacs
have been recovered at their instance. Further investigation of the
case is in progress and raids are being conducted to arrest Kasim and
The following cases have been worked out so far:-
1. FIR No. 74/10 dated 12.11.10 u/s 457/380 IPC P.S. Hauz Quazi, Delhi.
2. FIR No. 387/10 dated 26.11.10 u/s 457/380 IPC P.S. Sarai Rohilla
1. Majjammil, aged 22 years s/o Nafeex r/o Jhuggi Sadar Bazar, Delhi.
He is a permanent resident of Village Heempur, District Bijnaur, UP.
He is an illiterate person. He runs a chicken soup rehri in Sadar
Bazar. He is unmarried and his parents are settled at his native
2. Zarif, aged 20 years, s/o Idrish r/o Jhuggi Sadar Bazar, Delhi. He
is a permanent resident of Village Heempur, District Bijnaur, UP. He
is an illiterate person. He works in a bakery at Qasabpura. He is
unmarried and his parents are settled at his native place.
1. 32 quintals of hardware goods worth Rs 2.5 lacs
2. One Tempo No. DL-1L N-1723
Deputy Commissioner of Police
North District, Delhi
Whereas a large number of commercial places/shops
have come up in North-East Distt., Delhi which are popularly known as
Cyber Cafes and a large number of people visit them to use the
facilities available in such places including e-mail facility.
2) And whereas it has come to notice that certain criminal anti-social
elements/terrorists are using these facilities to mislead the
security/investigating agencies, create panic in the public, endanger
the security of VVIPs and Govt. Institutions help in the terrorist
activities directly affecting the security of the State.
3) And whereas it is necessary to take speedy measures in this behalf
to prevent danger to human life of safety, to thwart/prevent terrorist
activities, which may affect the security of the State and disturbance
of public order and tranquility.
4) Now, therefore, Now, therefore, I Ram Singh, Asstt.
Commissioner of Police, Sub-Division Gokul Puri, North East District,
Delhi in exercise of the power conferred upon me under section 144 Cr.
P.C. 1973 (No.2 of 1974) read with Govt. of India, Ministry of Home
Affairs, and Notification No. U-11036/1/2010-UTL, dated 09.09.2010 do
hereby make this written order for strict compliance by the owners of
such Cyber Cafes in the entire Sub Division Gokul Puri ,North-East
District, Delhi.
(a) prohibiting the use of Cyber Café by unknown person and whose
identity has not been established by the owner of Café.
(b) maintaining a register for identity of the visitor/user.
(c) make an entry in the handwriting of the visitor/user mentioning
name, address telephone number and identity proof. The visitor/user
shall also sign the register kept for this purpose.
(d) the identity of the the visitor/user shall be established through
identity card, voter card, ration card, driving license, passport and
photo credit card (any one of them).
(e) activity server log should be preserved in main server and its
record should be preserved for atleast six months.
(f) if and activity of the visit is of a suspicious nature the owner
of Cyber Café will immediately inform the police station
(g) record be maintained about the specific computer used by the person, and
(h) make sure that the users of Cyber Café are photographed on
continuous basis and a record of the same is being maintained
5) This order shall come into force with effect from 27.11.2010 and
shall remain in force for a period of 15 days i.e. upto 11.12.2010 (
both days inclusive) unless withdrawn earlier.
6) Any person contravening this order shall be punishable under
Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.
7) As the notice cannot be served individually on all concerned, the
order is passed ex-parte. It shall be published for the information
of the public through the press and by affixing copies on the Notice
Board of the offices of all Districts, Police Stations concerned and
the offices of the MCD, NDMC, PWD, DDA, DMs, FC, Tehsildar etc.
Assistant Commissioner of Police
Sub-Division Gokal Puri
North-East District, Delhi.
No.______/R-ACP¬¬¬¬¬¬¬/ Gokal Puri/NED dated Delhi, the
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the: -
1) Secretary to Government of India, MHA, New Delhi.
2) Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi.
4) Secretary to Lt. Governor, Delhi.
5) Deputy Director I.B.,M.H.A.,G.O.I., Delhi.
6) Jt. CsP/Ranges, New Delhi/Delhi.
7) The DCsP/Addl. DCsP of all the District of Delhi.. One copy of the
order may be got passed on the notice boards of the offices ( 20
copies for district ).
8) DCP/HQ, Delhi.
9) Commissioner, MCD ( with one spare copy for pasting it at the
prominent notice board outside the Corporation’s office for the
10) DC/North Zone, MCD, Keshav Chowk, Shadara for pasting on the
notice board, outside the Corporation’s office for the public.
11) PRO, Delhi Police with 30 spare copies for publicity in the Local
12) District Magistrate, Delhi for pasting a copy of the order on the
Notice Board.
13) Head Peshi Clerk to the Finance Commissioner (FC) Delhi for
pasting outside the Court Room of FC Delhi.
14) Director of News Service, AIR for broadcasting
15) Director, of information and Publicity, Government of the NCT of
Delhi ( 2 copies) with the request for publicity in the press.
16) Director, Doordarshan Kendra Parliament Street, New Delhi for
telecasting on T.V.
17) Tehsildar, Delhi/New Delhi, Mehrauli for pasting on the Tehsial’s
Notice Board.
18) DCsP/Special Branch, Traffic and PCR, Delhi.
19) S.O. to C.P./Delhi.
20) SI Press (PHQ).
21) LA to C.P.
22) ACP (P),ACP (C&T) And ACP (G).
23) All ACsP/SDPOs and SHOs/NED for pasting on the notice board.
24) PAs/SOs to DCP/Addl. DCsP/NED.
25) HAX Branch/NE and RI/NED.
Whereas report have been received that due to
the situation prevailing in the area of Police stations of North-East
District, it is apprehended that terrorist/anti-social elements may
seek hideouts in the residential areas of the said Police
Stations/North East District and there is every likelihood of breach
of peace and disturbance of public tranquility and also there is grave
danger to human life, safety and injury to public property on that
2. And whereas it is necessary that some checks should be put on
landlords/tenets so that terrorists/anti-social elements in the guise
of Tenants may not cause explosion, riots, shoot outs, affray etc. and
that immediate action is necessary for the prevention of the same.
3. Now, therefore, I Ram Singh, Asstt. Commissioner of Police,
Sub-Division Gokal Puri, North East District, Delhi in exercise of the
power conferred upon me under section 144 Cr. P.C. 1973 (No.2 of 1974)
read with Govt. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Notification
No. U-11036/1/2010-UTL, dated 09.09.2010 do hereby order that no
landlord/owner/person of any house/property which falls under the
jurisdiction of Sub Division Gokul Puri, North East District, Delhi
shall let/sublet/rent out any accommodation to any person unless and
until he has furnish the particulars of the said tenant(s) to the
Station House Officer of the Police Station concerned. All persons
who intend to take accommodation on rent shall inform in writing in
this regard to the Station House Officer concerned in whose
jurisdiction the premises fall. The persons dealing in property
business shall also inform in writing to the Station House Officer
concerned, in whose jurisdiction the premises fall about the
particulars of the said tenants.
4. This order shall come into force with effect from 19.11.2010 and
shall remain in force for a period of 15 days i.e. upto 03.12.2010 (
both days inclusive) unless withdrawn earlier.
5. Any person contravening this order shall be punishable under
Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.
6. As the notice cannot be served individually on all
concerned, the order is passed ex-parte. It shall be published for
the information of the public through the press and by affixing copies
on the Notice Board of the offices of all Districts, Police Stations
concerned and the offices of the MCD, NDMC, PWD, DDA, DMs, FC,
Tehsildar etc.
Assistant Commissioner of Police
Sub-Division Gokal Puri
North-East District, Delhi.
No.______/R-ACP¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_Gokal Puri/NED dated Delhi, the ______/10/2010.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the: -
1) Secretary to Government of India, MHA, New Delhi.
2) Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi.
3) Secretary to Lt. Governor, Delhi.
4) Deputy Director I.B.,M.H.A.,G.O.I., Delhi.
5) Jt. CsP/Ranges, New Delhi/Delhi.
6) The DCsP/Addl. DCsP of all the District of Delhi.. One copy of the
order may be got passed on the notice boards of the offices ( 20
copies for district ).
7) DCP/HQ, Delhi.
8) Commissioner, MCD ( with one spare copy for pasting it at the
prominent notice board outside the Corporation’s office for the
9) DC/North Zone, MCD, Keshav Chowk, Shadara for pasting on the notice
board, outside the Corporation’s office for the public.
10) PRO, Delhi Police with 30 spare copies for publicity in the Local
11) District Magistrate, Delhi for pasting a copy of the order on the
Notice Board.
12) Head Peshi Clerk to the Finance Commissioner (FC) Delhi for
pasting outside the Court Room of FC Delhi.
13) Director of News Service, AIR for broadcasting
14) Director, of information and Publicity, Government of the NCT of
Delhi ( 2 copies) with the request for publicity in the press.
15) Director, Doordarshan Kendra Parliament Street, New Delhi for
telecasting on T.V.
16) Tehsildar, Delhi/New Delhi, Mehrauli for pasting on the Tehsial’s
Notice Board.
17) DCsP/Special Branch, Traffic and PCR, Delhi.
18) S.O. to C.P./Delhi.
19) SI Press (PHQ).
20) LA to C.P.
21) ACP (P),ACP (C&T) And ACP (G).
22) All ACsP/SDPOs and SHOs/NED for pasting on the notice board.
23) PAs/SOs to DCP/Addl. DCsP/NED.
24) HAX Branch/NE and RI/NED.
Whereas a large numbers of complaints are being received that
people purchasing liquor vends often start consuming in front of
liquor vend and at other public places. Venders selling eatable and
juices at time also station themselves unauthorizedly outside liquor
vends which further facilitate this undesirable activity. At times,
Baratis accompany Barats also openly drink liquor etc., on the Roads
while the Barats are moving. Drinking in public is a nuisance with a
serious potential to result in brawls and quarrels causing serious
injuries/death and damage to public and private property. This affects
the peace and tranquility of the area and creates problems in
maintaining law and order. It is also a punishable offence u/s 40-A,
Delhi Excise Act-2009.
2. And whereas it is necessary to take speedily measures in this
regard to prevent danger to human life and safety and to
thwart/prevent untoward incidence that may affect the peace and
tranquility of the area.
3. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me by
section 144 Criminal procedures Code, 1973 read with Govt. of India
Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi’s Notification No.
11036/1/2010-UTL dated 09.09.2010, I Ram Singh, Asstt. Commissioner of
Police, Sub-Division Gokal Puri, North-East District, Delhi do hereby
make this written order for strict compliance by the owners of such
liquor vends in the area of Sub Division Gokal Puri, North-East
Distt., Delhi.
a) Install CCTV with sufficient number of Camera and recording system
to cover up to 50 meters area in front of the shop. The CCTV should
monitor anyone consuming liquor, facilitating consumption of liquor or
any unauthorized vender stationed in the coverage area.
b) The CCTV system should become operational within 15 days from the
date of issue of this order.
c) The recording system shall preserve a digital record of CCTV
coverage for not less than 10 days.
d) The vend owner or his agent shall cause to copy the CCTV coverage
on a CD on a daily basis which shall then be handed over to the Beat
Constable of the area, against proper receipt in a register to be
maintained at the liquor vend.
e) Before starting sales for the day, the manager of the liquor vend
should ensure the CCTV system is in a proper working order and in case
any defect noticed, immediate action to get it rectified should be
taken. An entry should be made in the register and intimation in
writing should be sent to the police station simultaneously to be got
duly received from the Duty Officer of the police Station mentioning
Daily Diary Number on the intimation.
f) During the course of monitoring of the CCTV System, the Manager of
anyone specifically designated by the Manager for real time monitoring
of CCTV Cell immediately inform the police Control Room at Telephone
No.100 and also nearest police Station in case any illegal drinking in
public or unauthorized vendor is noticed in the CCTV coverage area.
g) The vend owner shall display prominently at least two bilingual
sign boards mentioning the drinking in public place is an offence and
standing of unauthorized vendors outside the liquor shop is strictly
prohibited. Telephone number of nearest police Station shall also be
mentioned on the signboards.
4. This order shall come into force with effect from
24.11.2010 and shall remain in force for a period of 15 days i.e. upto
08.12.2010 (both days inclusive) unless withdrawn earlier.
5. Any person contravening this order shall be punishable under
Section 188 of the Indian penal Code.
6. As the notice cannot be served individually on all
concerned, the order is passed ex-parte. It shall be published for
the information of the public through the press and by affixing copies
on the Notice Board of the offices of all Districts, Police Stations
concerned and the offices of the MCD, NDMC, PWD, DDA, DMs, FC,
Tehsildar etc.
Assistant Commissioner of Police
Sub-Division Gokal Puri
North-East District, Delhi.
No.______/R-ACP¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_Gokal Puri/NED dated Delhi, the ______/10/2010.
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to the: -
1) Secretary to Government of India, MHA, New Delhi.
2) Chief Secretary, Government of NCT of Delhi.
3) Secretary to Lt. Governor, Delhi.
4) Deputy Director I.B.,M.H.A.,G.O.I., Delhi.
5) Jt. CsP/Ranges, New Delhi/Delhi.
6) The DCsP/Addl. DCsP of all the District of Delhi.. One copy of the
order may be got passed on the notice boards of the offices ( 20
copies for district ).
7) DCP/HQ, Delhi.
8) Commissioner, MCD ( with one spare copy for pasting it at the
prominent notice board outside the Corporation’s office for the
9) DC/North Zone, MCD, Keshav Chowk, Shadara for pasting on the notice
board, outside the Corporation’s office for the public.
10) PRO, Delhi Police with 30 spare copies for publicity in the Local
11) District Magistrate, Delhi for pasting a copy of the order on the
Notice Board.
12) Head Peshi Clerk to the Finance Commissioner (FC) Delhi for
pasting outside the Court Room of FC Delhi.
13) Director of News Service, AIR for broadcasting
14) Director, of information and Publicity, Government of the NCT of
Delhi ( 2 copies) with the request for publicity in the press.
15) Director, Doordarshan Kendra Parliament Street, New Delhi for
telecasting on T.V.
16) Tehsildar, Delhi/New Delhi, Mehrauli for pasting on the Tehsial’s
Notice Board.
17) DCsP/Special Branch, Traffic and PCR, Delhi.
18) S.O. to C.P./Delhi.
19) SI Press (PHQ).
20) LA to C.P.
21) ACP (P),ACP (C&T) And ACP (G).
22) All ACsP/SDPOs and SHOs/NED for pasting on the notice board.
23) PAs/SOs to DCP/Addl. DCsP/NED.
24) HAX Branch/NE and RI/NED.