Present: Cllrs Jaime Tamagnini-Barbosa (JTB) Chair, Peter Laws (PL), Taimyr Boungou-Pouaty (TBP)

Attending:Abi Bassett (AB) (Clerk/RFO)

Also:Jenni Ferrans (MKC Ward Cllr), Michelle Millard (1st Broughton & Monkston Guides), and one (1) member of the public

Public open session

Cllr Jenni Ferrans – As a Ward Cllr has been working on lots of casework recently, involving landscaping, streetlighting and dog bins.

  • The dog bin on Abbeydore is in an unsuitable location as it is not near the footpath and the area it is located is prone to flooding, hence the bin is rarely used. Would Council consider moving it to a more suitable location? Council agreed that it would consider it. (This needs to come back to a future meeting for a resolution).
  • Cllr Ferrans also suggested that Council may like to obtain a grit bin for cold snaps in the weather.
  • There is no update yet on the Serco investigation
  • Safety works on the Flaxley Gate junction due to commence early in the new financial year

Council thanked Cllr Ferrans.

Michelle Millard –Ms Millard gave an overview of her unit and the reasons behind the grant request (133/2017.1). The unit opened in Sept 17 as the original unit at Walnut Tree was full with a waiting list of 30+ girls. The new unit is operating out of Monkston Community Centre on a Thursday evening. They currently have 11 girls attending with a waiting list of 17 but are struggling to make ends meet with so few subscriptions. The grant application is for room hire, safety equipment, craft materials and sundry items. PL asked how many subscriptions would enable the unit to be self-sufficient. Ms Millard advised that approx. 24 girls should be able to cover costs and confirmed that they do have enough staff and volunteers to properly cater for that many children. The age range of the girls is 10 – 14 years and they come from Kents Hill, Monkston, Monkston Park and Broughton. They run for 34 weeks per year with a break for the school holidays. They have plans to engage with the care homes on Kents Hill, with the possibility of doing something around Christmas time and will look for other opportunities as they arise. Council thanked Michelle for coming and for the information.


130/2017 / Apologies:Cllr Vikas Chandra (Not received in time for meeting, but received by Clerk on 13.02.18)
131/2017 / Declaration of interest: JTB declared a personal interest in agenda item 133/2017(1) NOTED
132/2017 / Decision Required: Minutes. The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 15th January 2018 were agreed and approved as a true and correct record. RESOLVED
133/2017 / Decision Required: Finance.
  1. Appeals for funding:Grant Application from 1st Broughton & Monkston Guides. Council agreed to award 1st Broughton & Monkston Guides £1,460 as per their application under LGA 1972 S.145 (Miscellaneous Provisions). RESOLVED
  2. Payments: To agree payments to be made as per payments list. AGREED
/ AB
134/2017 / Decision Required: Planning application report (fixed item).
  1. Application no: 18/00258/FUL. Proposal: proposed two storey, rearside and front extensions. At: 22 Bardsey Court, Monkston, Milton Keynes, MK10 9DL. Closes 01.03.2018.Council has no comment/objection. NOTED
  2. Application no: 18/00274/FUL. Proposal: Erection of kiosk for retail use (Use Class A1).At: Land at Kingston Centre, Winchester Circle, Kingston, Milton Keynes, MK10 0BA. Closes 05.03.18Council has no comment/objection. NOTED

135/2017 / Decision Required: Licensing application report (fixed item). To agree any comments, support or objections to current licensing applications. None received.
136/2017 / Decision Required: Consultation papers(fixed item):To agree Parish Council responses to current consultationsNone received.
137/2017 / Casework Policy: To agree protocols on how to deal with casework (VC). Item deferred from last meeting. VC not in attendance. Item deferred to future meeting.
138/2017 / Planning Enforcement Concerns Regarding thesafety of the development in Lilleshall Avenue, Monkston and no enforcement of the planning conditions at 56 Eridge Green, Kents Hill. JTB has become aware of issues residents are having with the development site on Lilleshall Ave, Monkston regarding dangerous driving and parking by contractors and suppliers. JTB proposed writing a letter to Milton Keynes Council asking them why they are not enforcing the conditionsset out regarding these issues. The letter is to also include non-enforcement of the planning conditions relating to 56 Eridge Green, Kents Hill. Clerk to draft letter to the Head of Enforcement at Milton Keynes Council and to copy in Ward Councillors and Milton Keynes Citizen newspaper. RESOLVED / AB
139/2017 / MK East Chairs and Clerks. To discuss and authorise the Clerk to found a meeting comprising KHMPC, Broughton and MK Village, Walton CC and Wavendon so that common issues and challenges can approached with either a common agenda or jointly. As they are similar in locality and demographic, the benefits of such a forum include learning lessons from each other, sharing services/staff and working on joint projects. Council authorised Clerk to contact the relevant Clerks and Councils to see if this is something they would be interested in. AGREED / AB
140/2017 / Adoption of telephone box on Kents Hill. JTB feels that this telephone box is redundant and feels it would serve the community better as an emergency defibrillator unit and proposes that the Council adopt it for those purposes. Clerk authorised to contact British Telecoms to express the Council’s interest in buying it, at minimal cost. Clerk to investigate the costs of purchasing a defibrillator and report back to Council.AGREED / AB
141/2017 / Progress reports for information:
1.Correspondence (fixed item). One item. Colin Bowker has resigned as a volunteer from the youth group sessions after 9 years. NOTED
2.Allotment Management (fixed item). Clerk to check with RTM Landscapes about trimming the fir trees on the perimeter of KH allotments.
3.Parish Forum (fixed item). No report available. / AB
142/2017 / Current projects/progress reports
  1. Play Session TenderCouncil reviewed and agreed the Invite to Tender Documents. Agreed that the current weekly provision will run until Summer with any new contracts commencing in Sept 2018. Council agreed to authorise Clerk to allocate funding for a Survey Monkey survey regarding current youth provision and set up as soon as practicable. Clerk asked to arrange a meeting with youth worker Emma Pearson. To arrange with MKPA to cover Easter and Summer holiday activities with any new service commencing from October 2018.
  2. Office space update. Verbal update from Clerk. Clerk has approached the Community Foundation to ask what their long-term plans for the space at the site of the former Kingston library are and if the Parish Council could secure some space their for office accommodation. Awaiting meeting with Chief exec. or their deputy after half term.
  3. Citizens Advice Service Review Update. Council received impact report from MK CAB for 2017. All of those seen have been within parish. Any non-parish residents have been referred to their Acorn House offices. Council also received a draft 3 year Service Level Agreement for their consideration, should they wish to extend the provision.
/ AB

Signed ______(Chair) Date ______