How to survive from a bad boyfriend(510)

Sung Yu Jin/Journalistic Writing 1/Prof. Sellar

I’ll tell you one story. There was a girl. She really loved her boyfriend.He was full of demonic attraction: raven hair, moist and cherry lips, fascinated glance and exuding confidence.But he met another girl! The most shocking fact was, however, she forgave him in the end.

Thenwhat makes us fall in love with such a man? It isn’t merely good looks. Bad guys have something in common, which is that they treat girls as a princess once in a while and it makes girls more confused. Also the more he is a bad guy, the more they have self-assertion, which makes girls feel attracted.

Like this, the reason why we can’t get out of such men is that not only because of men who manipulate girls’ mental state, but also because of our fault that we don’t know about them well. Some girls misjudge that if they strive for men, they can change their bad boyfriends. The reason why you try to keep close to him is fear of emptiness you might suffer when he leaves you. The emptiness is so horrible that you think it is better to keep relationship with him, no matter how painfulit is. Do you think you can be a real love of him? Pigs might fly. While you waste your mind and time, you might miss a ‘real good man.’ even if you don't, it's no worth going out someone like him.So we need to break up with them resolutely! Then, what should we do?

- To make up your mind

1. Don't be a puppet of his carrots-and-sticks strategy.

2. As soon as you realize that it's a 'wrong start,' cut it out without hesitating. If you feel that he's thinking you as a doormat, just cut relationship with him.

3. Don't be obsessed with reminiscences. Throw away your memory, lingering attachments and finally, him.

- To reduce pain of broken heart

1. Just go meet your friends. People around you can fill your broken mind with their love and encouragement.

2. Find something to focus on. Concentrating upon something interesting or you like to do might help you clear your mind.

3. Try to forget the stuffs that were in common. This can be a foundation of confidence that you can get over with your old flame, hope that you can change, and belief that you won't be a belonging for someone.

- To restart

1. Don't lose your hope of love.

2. Join in meetings as many as possible. Try to have good times with people around you. Just don't be obsessed with the idea of finding a new lover.

3. Encourage yourself as a changing person. As you go through many changes and enjoy them, you make yourself more attractive person.

There are many other fish in the sea;you don't have to go out with a bad one. Choose a kind one and love. Choice is a really important thing in life. Do a wise choice.