Infusion of Literacy into the Science Curriculum

Book Information

Title / Weather Forecasting
Author / Gibbons, Gail
Publisher / Four Winds Press
Copyright Year / 1987
IBN# / 27372502
Summary / Describes forecasters at work in a weather station as they use sophisticated equipment to track and gauge the constant changes in the weather.
Availability / Arlington Central Library; APS Library system (ATS, Campbell, Carlin Springs, Claremont, McKinley, Nottingham, Patrick Henry); Amazon (for purchase).

How can the book content be infused into the science curriculum?

Grade Level / K-5
Strands / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic; Earth Patterns, Cycle and Change; Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
Kindergarten / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
K.1; K.2- Five senses, descriptions and sequencing
Grade 1 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
1.1-  Classifying, measuring, predicting
Earth Patterns, Cycle and Change
1.7 Weather, seasons: effects on plants, animals
Grade 2 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
2.1- Measurement, classification, graphs, unexpected data
Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
2.6 Weather
Grade 3 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
3.1- Making predications and observations, data charted, drawing conclusion
Grade 4 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
4.1- Hypotheses, predictions, measurement
Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
4.6-Weather measurements, predictions
Grade 5 / Scientific Investigation, Reasoning and Logic
5.1- Classification key, measurement, graphing data, variables

Sample Activities

Grade 2 / After reading the book to the class, students observe and record daily weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, or snowy) and measure and record weather data, using weather instruments, including a thermometer, rain gauge, and weather vane (standard English and metric measures). The Weather Foss kit has all the materials needed to obtain the data. If a Foss kit is not available, students can easily make barometers, anemometers and rain gauge. (
Grade 4 / After reading the book to the class, students design an investigation in which weather data are gathered using meteorological tools and charted to make weather predictions. The Weather Foss kit has all the materials needed to obtain the data. If a Foss kit is not available, students can easily make barometers, anemometers and rain gauge. (