CouncilRockHigh School South

2016-2017School Year

AP Calculus BC - Mrs. Groden

Welcome to another year of math class! You are about to embark on an intense but rewarding journey of college-level calculus. This course will bring together many of the concepts you’ve learned throughout your high school career. It explores graphing, functions, trigonometry, geometry, solving equations, and many more topics. Calculus will require a lot of hard work, but with regular practice, you will be well prepared for the AP exam in May, if you choose to take it (you should take it!!).

Preparedness: Please have all supplies with you every day!

  • A designated, well-organized binder with loose-leaf paper. There will be a significant number of hand-outs, so a binder is key for organization.
  • Pencils, erasers, homework, etc.
  • Calculator (TI-83, TI-83 Plus, or TI-84 Plus). Calculators cannot be borrowed for a quiz or test.

Grading: Your grade will be based upon a points system, in which you will accumulate points from homework, class work and other assignments, quizzes, and tests.

  • Homework will be assigned almost every night, though only checked on occasion for completeness and effort. When checked, homework is worth 2 points based on a thorough completion and effort. It is extremely critical that you complete homework thoroughly every night, as the course is intensely cumulative!Homework often includes tricky problems not exactly like those done in class.
  • Quizzes and tests may be given during and/or at the end of each chapter.
  • A district final exam will count for 25% of your 4th marking period grade.

Grades are regularly updated on the Home Access Center, and students are also notified of their grades on a regular basis.

AP Review: AP review will be occurring throughout the year and is an extremely important part of the course!

  • There will be several AP exam review packets assigned throughout the year. These are assignments that are designed to review already learned topics and to practice them on the AP exam level. You may work together and ask questions at clinic, but it’s important that YOU understand all problems. After all…YOU are the one taking the exam in May!
  • AP review assignments may be collected, graded, and/or quizzed on.
  • An AP review book containing several full-length practice exams may be purchased (we strongly encourage this!) or borrowed from the school closer to the exam. AP review assignments are crucial to earning that 5!
  • AP review sessions will be held after school as the exam approaches.
  • A full length AP practice exam will be given after school before the exam so you’ll know how close you are to that 5!

Make-up Work: When you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what was missed.

  • Ask a friend firstfor notes, homework assignment, and other class activities/announcements.
  • Show me the homework that was due when you were out (if checked)
  • Complete the assigned homework that night, then show me the next day (if checked)
  • Check the “What did I miss?” bulletin for handouts.
  • If you missed a test or quiz, plan on staying after school the next clinic day. Make an appointment the day you return to class. You may be asked to take the assessment during class so that make-ups are completed in a timely manner. However, you also must catch up on this missed class period, too!

After School Clinic:

  • After school clinic is offered every Tuesday and Thursday in room 272.
  • Students coming after school for extra help should come prepared with the necessary materials and specific questions to ensure time well spent.
  • As soon as you feel that you need help, please ask. Advocate for yourself at clinic to get your questions answered and use your peers to help you, too.
  • We’re all in this together!

How do I get a 5 on the AP exam?? You EARN it!

  • Do your homework every day, and ask questions when you have them.
  • Use the chapter review worksheets carefully, and utilize my online solutions to help you if you get stuck (but always try to do it yourself first!)
  • Do every AP review packet carefully, and really hunker down in March, April, and May.
  • Use the various links on my website as resources for solution guides & extra practice
  • If you work hard, keep up with your homework, and do all review carefully and thoroughly, you will be well prepared for the AP Calculus exam.

Classroom Guidelines and Expectations:

  1. Be prepared for class every day, and give each day your best effort.
  2. Be on time and ready for class.
  3. No cell phones or other electronics.
  4. Be considerate and respectful. Allow everyone to feel comfortable and supported, and allow all students the opportunity to learn.
  5. Learn from yourselves, your peers, and the teacher. Do all you can to help yourselves and others, and I will do all I can to help you.

Please share thiswith your parents/guardians!! Students, parents, and guardians are always welcome to e-mail me with questions or concerns: . I also will have a lot of info on my website throughout the year, which can be accessed through South’s website.