F.D.B.W.A. Szeto Ho Secondary School

15thSeptember, 2016

Morning Assembly Presentation by 6A

Pokémon Go

Presenters:C:Cheung Wai Lam, Lam T:Tam Ka Ki, Hailey W: Wong Sze Lee Andy

Scriptwriter:Lam Hin Yu, Henry

C: / Yeah! Gotcha! I have just caught a Dragonite!
W: / What?! How come you could catch it so easily?
T: / Hey! Are you talking about some sort of game? Is it Pokémon Go?
W: / Yes, of course. How many Pokémons have you caught so far?
T: / Who said I’m playing it? Actually, I don’t know much about the game.Can you tell me something about it?
W: / Sure! Recently, people, especially teenagers like us, have hada craze (狂熱) forthis game called Pokémon Go. It uses VR technology (虛擬實境技術),which draws a visual connection between the virtual world and the real world. That’s one of the many things that make the game so attractive.
C: / Absolutely!The game’sreally exciting. You can catch the Pokémons you like, power them up, help them to evolve and send them into battle with other players’ Pokémons.
W: / Besides being fun, I think the gamealso helps us make more new friends. When people go outside to catch Pokémons,they exchange information about the game with other players they meet in the street and make friendswith them.
T: / That soundsnice. However, I can see that some players are absorbed in (過份專注於…中) the game. They focus all their attention on their smartphoneand turn a blind eye to (忽視)the surroundings. These people really put their own safety at risk.
W: / Oh, maybe I’m one of these people…
T: / What’s more, they put other important things in their lives, such as their studies and their relationship with family members,on the back burner (把…置之不理).Since they’re obsessedwith(沉迷於…中) the game, they’d rather walk around in the city to find and catch Pokémons than do revision or accompany (陪伴) their family members.
C: / I can see what you mean. I think the original intention of the game is good, which is to encourage couch potatoes (常常坐著看電視的人) to go outside and do some exercise. This can also help to release stress. However, like what you’ve said, addiction can always jeopardize (損害) our lives. Andy, is that right?
W: / Yes, sure. I’ll be careful. But I have to say I really feel so relaxed when I can put aside (把…放在一旁) textbooks for a while and play the game. It feels really good to take a break when my brain’s no longer functioning after doingloads of homework or intensive revision.
C: / I think striking a balance (取得平衡)is always the key.
W: / Yes, that’s right. We should work hard and play hard.
T: / But let’s not forget: ‘work hard’ comes before ‘play hard’.
C: / That’s all for our sharing. We hope you’ve enjoyed it. Thank you!
Useful phrases / Examples
a craze for sth. / Recently, there has been a craze for Korean pop among teenagers.
be absorbed in sth. / It can be really dangerous if people are absorbed in their smartphone while walking in the street.
put sth. on the back burner / No matter how busy we are, we should never put our family on the back burner.