Parent, School, Community Council (PSCC)
November 17th- 5:30 P.M., Pittsburgh Brashear High School Library
Agenda Notes
I.Introductions/Welcome: Ms. Fillmore
A.Ms. Fillmore welcomed parents and thanked Mr. Campbell and the Culinary 2 students for the meal that they prepared for the event.
II.Students: Big Bull/Little Bull Program
A.An 11th grade student and leader of the program, Ashley, presented to families about the Big Bull/Little Bull program. They are taking 30 8th grade students from our feeder schools and match them with juniors as mentors. The 8th grade students will shadow the Brashear students to experience high school life. Ms. Pfeiffer is the staff member facilitating the program.
III.Review/feedback on Parent Compact: Ms. Fillmore asked parents and staff in attendance to take time to read the compact updated last school year and provide feedback to add, delete, or revise the items in the compact. Parents spent 15 minutes reading the compact and offering feedback. Ms. Fillmore recorded the feedback for revision and creation of the 2014-2015 school compact. She passed the hard copy around and parents signed the document, indicating that they were given the opportunity to revise the document.
IV.11th Grade Counselor: Dr. Gild
A.Dr. Gild spoke to parents about junior information. She offered information on getting prepared for the next step (preparation, attendance, grades, and the SAT). She played videos of juniors at Brashear sharing techniques and strategies for preparation for life beyond Brashear. PowerPoint is attached. Ms Tonti, Brashear’s rehab counselor also offered her perspective and additional information for students.
V. 12th Grade Counselor: Mr. Slayton
A.Mr. Slayton spoke to parents about senior information. He offered information on getting prepared for the next step (preparation, attendance, grades, SAT, the Pittsburgh Promise, College Applications, FAFSA, Acceptance, college matching, etc.) Ms Tonti, Brashear’s rehab counselor also offered her perspective and additional information for students.
VI.EFA: Ms. Smallwood
A.Ms. Smallwood provided information on the Parent University: it is still in the works at the district level. More information to come. She also updated parents on the programs that she is working on. The Be There Campaign is up and running. Students are being recognized for acting as attendance ambassadors and for improving attendance. Students are also being recognized for their acceptance into college. These displays are in the 1st floor, south and commons. Be There is also working on a coat drive for students. They will select students on recommendation and request.
VII.PTO: Ms. Link
A.Ms. Link shared PTO updates. She reflected on the success of the Talent Show and the Football team. She raised 80$ for the drama club from the 50/50 sold at the Talent Show. She discussed the Holiday Extravaganza and the vendor show. Vendors will be asked to pay $10 to participate. PSCC will also be held that evening for the event. December 18th will be the next PTO/PSCC meeting as well as the event. Clearances are needed to volunteer in the school and they are required to be updated yearly. Title 1 funding can be used to defer the costs for the clearances. Please contact Ms. Safran, Ms. Link, or Ms. Fillmore to get this process started.
VIII.Parent Survey
A.Parents were given a paper survey to complete. No surveys were completed.