Pilgrimage for Peace and Economic Justice

Beginning on Iona at Pentecost (Sunday May 19th) 2013, finishing at the Houses of Parliament in London: an act of witness and communal celebration drawing strength and inspiration from historic centres of prayer along the way.

A primary aim of the 2013 Pilgrimage is to focus national public attention on the Government’s proposal to spend up to £100 billion renewing the Trident nuclear missile system, while continuing to slash NHS, education and social welfare budgets, including vital financial support for some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities across the UK.

Find out more about the Pilgrimage on <www.justpeacepilgrimage.com>. You can become involved by joining the Pilgrimage to walk for as long as you like – a few miles, a day, a week or more. You can offer to help find accommodation for the Pilgrims or help with hospitality at the overnight resting places. You can offer support along the route by being available to pick up tired or injured walkers as they pass through your area. You can tell everyone you know about the Pilgrimage; it is open to all.

The route through the Borders

Date / from / to / miles / staying at
Mon 3 June / Edinburgh / Gorebridge / 11 – 15 / Gorebridge Parish Church hall
Tue 4 / Gorebridge / Stow / 15 / Stow Church/local homes
Wed 5 / Stow / Newstead, Melrose / 13 / Newstead village hall
Thur 6 / Newstead / Kelso / 14 / Quaker Meeting House
Fri 7 / Kelso / Yetholm / 12 / Yetholm Youth Hall
Sat 8 / Yetholm / Wooler / 13 / United Reform Church Hall
Sun 9 / Wooler / Beale / 13 / The Barn at Beale
Mon 10 / Beale / Holy Island / 4 / To be confirmed
Tue 11 / Holy island / Budle Bay / 16

More information from and offers of help to

Kath McDonald 01896 820034

Pilgrimage for Peace and Economic Justice

Beginning on Iona at Pentecost (Sunday May 19th) 2013, finishing at the Houses of Parliament in London: an act of witness and communal celebration drawing strength and inspiration from historic centres of prayer along the way.

A primary aim of the 2013 Pilgrimage is to focus national public attention on the Government’s proposal to spend up to £100 billion renewing the Trident nuclear missile system, while continuing to slash NHS, education and social welfare budgets, including vital financial support for some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities across the UK.

Find out more about the Pilgrimage on <www.justpeacepilgrimage.com>. You can become involved by joining the Pilgrimage to walk for as long as you like – a few miles, a day, a week or more. You can offer to help find accommodation for the Pilgrims or help with hospitality at the overnight resting places. You can offer support along the route by being available to pick up tired or injured walkers as they pass through your area. You can tell everyone you know about the Pilgrimage; it is open to all.

The route through the Borders

Date / from / to / miles / staying at
Mon 3 June / Edinburgh / Gorebridge / 11 – 15 / Gorebridge Parish Church hall
Tue 4 / Gorebridge / Stow / 15 / Stow Church/local homes
Wed 5 / Stow / Newstead, Melrose / 13 / Newstead village hall
Thur 6 / Newstead / Kelso / 14 / Quaker Meeting House
Fri 7 / Kelso / Yetholm / 12 / Yetholm Youth Hall
Sat 8 / Yetholm / Wooler / 13 / United Reform Church Hall
Sun 9 / Wooler / Beale / 13 / The Barn at Beale
Mon 10 / Beale / Holy Island / 4 / To be confirmed
Tue 11 / Holy island / Budle Bay / 16

More information from and offers of help to

Kath McDonald 01896 820034