A boy, a girl and some other people flew in a plane and went parachuting.

All the persons jumped out, and only J.D., Nancy and the pilot were just in the plane.

“Hello, my name is Nancy Griess,” Nancy said.

J.D. answered, “Hi I’m Jimmy Domeier, but call me J.D.”

Nancy and J.D.: The Perfect Pair

But suddenly a man [the 2nd pilot] pushed the two out of the plane. Nancy cried, “Nooo!”

And even J.D. fell down, too. “Jesus Christ,” Jimmy yelped. The parachute of Nancyhad not opened!

They screamed together, “I’m a looser please get me out of that!!” And now an old man in a wheelchair flew around to help these two kids.

He shouted, “Hold on, I’m coming! Hold on, I’m coming!” He saved J.D. and Nancy and flew away. But the place where the youngsters landed was strange. Of course, a poppy field! They want to run away but the poppy made them sleepy.

Chapter II: The Poppy Field

After one day [the two should wake up in an hour] a tractor harvests the poppy. The tractor was near. A helping action would be very barely!

At the same time in Albuquerque…

The inventor of the tractor said, “With my new remote control I can destroy all the poppy field-tractors of the world Buhahahahahaha!!!”


Chapter III: The Mushy, Kitschy Kiss

Because of the big explosion Griess and Domeier woke up. They go to the nearest town and drunk a lot in a disco. After the party they meet together at an old wall.

And J.D. said, “Oh, Nancy I love you so much! You’re prettier than Niki Lauder!” And that was the part of the story where Nancy kissed him! This moment was better than thousand rainbows and roses. But suddenly something rustle. “It sounds like a donkey,” J.D. said. And yes. It was quite not a donkey but it was the man from the electric wheelchair who eavesdrops at them behind the wall.


“Oh, hello,” he said, “I’m a writer of the Cosmopolitan and I report a kitschy love-story of two young kids.” J.D. goes mad and asked, “You only helped us to report our story you criminal?” “Don’t call me a liar,” shout the man in the wheelchair. He jumped over the wall and- “Oh, I forgot that I’m challenged!” He looked around and started his electric wheelchair mobilefor a second time and escaped into the sky and was never seen again. But a week later in the Cosmopolitan editorial: “Nancy Griess kisses Jimmy Domeier.” Now, Nancy was still angry about this tuff guy who even wasn’t challenged.

Chapter IV: The Accident

Nancy’s father walked down the street and saw Nancy. “Nancy, oh my god. You’re alive,” he screamed. They would fall in arms together.

But suddenly Mr. Domeier droved with 300miles/h precisely into Mr. Griess. Somebody called the police and the ambulance. After the terrible accident the father of J.D. must use a wheelchair and the father of Nancy was death. The Griess-family doesn’t like the Domeiers because they killed Mr. Griess and for the reason that Jimmy’s father looks like the man from the Cosmopolitan in the electric wheelchair. But Nancy likes J.D. still all the time.

Last but not least- Chapter V: The End

“Nancy I love you so much,” J.D. said. But Nancy cried, “My mother said, that I’m not allowed to see you again. It was so horrible!” Just in the same moment Nancy’s mother jumped between the leads, “I hate the Domeiers because they killed my husband but now I hurt you!” “No mother please let him love me,” Nancy yelped.

Just when Mrs. Griess want to kill Jimmy, the national societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals step in, “Hands up, Mrs. Griess put the knife away!” “No, first I must finish.” The societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals shoot stun arrows into the body of Mrs. Griess.

Since this disasterNancy’s mother was cooler.

And J.D. have to sign the contract of live may Nancy’s mother forgive him

and Nancy and Jimmy could be friends. Who knows?