Moss/Lichen Investigation

Teacher page

Investigation Question:

Do more moss and lichens grow on the north or the south side of tree trunks on the school campus?

·  Show students photos of moss and lichens on tree trunks

·  Choose 15 trees on the school campus if possible


Map of area to show locations of sites would be wonderful, but not required to do activity

Transparency with grid-1 for each student

Picture of lichen and moss

Compasses-1 for each group


Meter stick

Recording sheets


  1. Choose 15 trees on campus
  2. Divide students into groups of 2
  3. Explain that in field investigations location and site descriptions are essential to gather useful information.
  4. Give students information about moss and lichens growing on tree trunks and how there is a tale that moss only grows on the north side of a tree trunk
  5. Have students predict whether they think moss will grow more on the north than the south side of a tree trunk
  6. Assign each group to a tree.
  7. At their tree students find North and then place the meter stick at North on the tree
  8. At the top of the meter sticks students place the transparency so the middle is at North.
  9. Students then mark off every square that has lichens or moss in it
  10. Students count their squares and record the number
  11. Student repeat with a new transparency on the south side of the tree trunk (steps 7-10)

Moss/Lichen Investigation

Student Page

Field Investigation Question:

Does more moss and lichens grow on the North or the South side of tree trunks on the school campus?

Prediction: Predict whether more moss and lichen will grow on the North or South side of the tree trunks:


Materials: Transparency with grid, Marker, picture of moss and lichens, compass,

Moss/Lichen Investigation Procedure:

1.  Locate your tree

2.  Record the date, general site description, location if possible of the site

3.  Describe the site

4.  Place the transparency bottom 1 meter from the middle at due North

5.  Mark each square that has moss or lichen growing in it.

6.  Record the number of squares that have moss/lichen on the data sheet under North.

7.  Repeat with a new transparency on the South side of the tree trunk 1 meter from the ground and the center a South


Field Investigation



Site Description______


Trial Number______

Direction on Tree Trunk / Number of squares with Moss and/or lichen growing
North side of Tree Trunk
South side of Tree Trunk


Pacific Education Institute

Moss/Lichen Investigation

Question: Do more moss and lichens grow on the north or the south side of tree trunks on the school campus?



Description of site______


Direction on tree trunk vs. Number of squares lichen/moss are growing

Direction on Tree Trunk / Number of squares lichen/moss are growing
Trial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3 / Trial 4 / Trial 5 / Trial 6 / Trial 7 / Trial 8 / Trial 9 / Trial 10 / Average


Pacific Education Institute