Moss/Lichen Investigation
Teacher page
Investigation Question:
Do more moss and lichens grow on the north or the south side of tree trunks on the school campus?
· Show students photos of moss and lichens on tree trunks
· Choose 15 trees on the school campus if possible
Map of area to show locations of sites would be wonderful, but not required to do activity
Transparency with grid-1 for each student
Picture of lichen and moss
Compasses-1 for each group
Meter stick
Recording sheets
- Choose 15 trees on campus
- Divide students into groups of 2
- Explain that in field investigations location and site descriptions are essential to gather useful information.
- Give students information about moss and lichens growing on tree trunks and how there is a tale that moss only grows on the north side of a tree trunk
- Have students predict whether they think moss will grow more on the north than the south side of a tree trunk
- Assign each group to a tree.
- At their tree students find North and then place the meter stick at North on the tree
- At the top of the meter sticks students place the transparency so the middle is at North.
- Students then mark off every square that has lichens or moss in it
- Students count their squares and record the number
- Student repeat with a new transparency on the south side of the tree trunk (steps 7-10)
Moss/Lichen Investigation
Student Page
Field Investigation Question:
Does more moss and lichens grow on the North or the South side of tree trunks on the school campus?
Prediction: Predict whether more moss and lichen will grow on the North or South side of the tree trunks:
Materials: Transparency with grid, Marker, picture of moss and lichens, compass,
Moss/Lichen Investigation Procedure:
1. Locate your tree
2. Record the date, general site description, location if possible of the site
3. Describe the site
4. Place the transparency bottom 1 meter from the middle at due North
5. Mark each square that has moss or lichen growing in it.
6. Record the number of squares that have moss/lichen on the data sheet under North.
7. Repeat with a new transparency on the South side of the tree trunk 1 meter from the ground and the center a South
Field Investigation
Site Description______
Trial Number______
Direction on Tree Trunk / Number of squares with Moss and/or lichen growingNorth side of Tree Trunk
South side of Tree Trunk
Pacific Education Institute
Moss/Lichen Investigation
Question: Do more moss and lichens grow on the north or the south side of tree trunks on the school campus?
Description of site______
Direction on tree trunk vs. Number of squares lichen/moss are growing
Direction on Tree Trunk / Number of squares lichen/moss are growingTrial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3 / Trial 4 / Trial 5 / Trial 6 / Trial 7 / Trial 8 / Trial 9 / Trial 10 / Average
Pacific Education Institute