Part 4 Fixing our cities’ problems: Hong Kong and Shanghai

Unit 14 Where is Shanghai?

Suggested no. of lessons
Where is Shanghai?
/ 2
What are its characteristics?


/ Teaching strategy /

Workbook questions

At the end of this section, students should be able to
  1. tell the latitude and longitude of Shanghai;
  2. describe the location of Shanghai in relation to Hong Kong, Beijing, Jiangsu province and Zhejiang province;
  3. measure the distance between two cities;
  4. find the direction of a city in relation to others;
  5. state the main urban area of Shanghai;
  6. tell the major functions, land uses and other characteristics of the city;
  7. obtain relevant materials from web sites, photos, maps and newspaper clippings.
  1. Assign students to complete Activity 14.1.
  2. Based on the Activity together with Fig. 14.2, guide students to learn the locational characteristics of Shanghai.
  3. Encourage students to browse the web sites and the ‘point of interest’ on p. 7.
  4. Assign students to complete Activity 14.2.
  5. Based on the Activity together with
b)Fig. 14.4, guide students to learn the trading function of Shanghai;
c)Fig. 14.5-14.7, guide students to learn the distribution and characteristics of commercial and industrial activities of Shanghai.
  1. Encourage students to browse the web site on p. 12 and learn the economic progress of Shanghai in recent years.
  2. With reference to Figs. 14.10-14.13, guide students to learn how Shanghai is located at the focal point of both water and land transport.
  3. Finally, using Fig. 14.14, guide students to learn the hinterland of Shanghai.
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Part 4 Fixing our cities’ problems: Hong Kong and Shanghai

Unit 15 What are the problems of our cities?

Suggested no. of lessons
What are the major urban problems of Hong Kong and Shanghai?
/ 3
Are the problems the same and why?


/ Teaching strategy /

Workbook questions

At the end of this section, students should be able to
  1. describe the housing problems in Shanghai and Hong Kong;
  2. describe the transport problems in both cities;
  3. tell the environmental problems in both cities;
  4. compare the urban problems in Shanghai with Hong Kong;
  5. identify urban problems in both cities from photos, charts, fact sheets, maps and graphs
  6. obtain relevant materials from web sites, photos, maps and newspaper clippings.
  1. Assign students to complete Activity 15.1.
  2. Based upon the Activity together with Figs. 15.9-15.13, guide students to learn the housing problems in both Shanghai and Hong Kong.
  3. Moreover, with reference to the Activity together with Figs. 15.14-15.17, guide students to learn the transport problems in both cities.
  4. With respect to Figs. 15.18-15.25, guide students to learn various environmental problems in both cities.
  5. Assign students to complete Activity 15.2.
  6. Based on the Activity and the previous knowledge, discuss together with students whether the urban problems in both cities are the same.
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Part 4 Fixing our cities’ problems: Hong Kong and Shanghai

Unit 16 What are the causes of these problems?

Suggested no. of lessons
What are the causes of urban problems in Hong Kong and Shanghai?
/ 3


/ Teaching strategy /

Workbook questions

At the end of this section, students should be able to
  1. tell how rapid population growth causes great urban problems in Shanghai and Hong Kong;
  2. describe how rapid economic growth brings urban problems to both cities;
  3. state how poor land use planning leads to great urban problems in both cities;
  4. get relevant information from photos, charts, fact sheets, maps, cartoons, newspaper clippings, tables and graphs;
  5. obtain relevant materials from web sites.
  1. Assign students to complete Activity 16.1.
  2. Based upon the Activity (Figs. 16.1-16.5) together with ‘more to learn’ on p. 35, guide students to learn how rapid population growth in Shanghai and Hong Kong brings about the urban problems.
  3. Moreover, with reference to Activity 16.1 together with Fig. 16.9 and Table 16.2, guide students to learn how rapid economic development leads to urban problems in both cities.
  4. Finally, based on the Activity (Table 16.1) together with Figs. 16.10-16.11, guide students to learn how poor land use planning leads to the urban problems in both cities.
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Part 4 Fixing our cities’ problems: Hong Kong and Shanghai

Unit 17 What has been done?

Suggested no. of lessons
How do the governments of both cities solve the problems?
/ 4
What are the pros and cons of the measures?


/ Teaching strategy /

Workbook questions

At the end of this section, students should be able to
  1. tell how the decentralization of human activities to suburban areas including new town development,
setting up industrial estates,
improving transportation links,
relocating the airport,
helps to lessen the urban problems inShanghai and Hong Kong;
  1. tell how urban redevelopment helps to lessen the urban problems in Shanghai and Hong Kong;
  2. tell how pollution controls help to mitigate the urban problems in both cities;
  3. state the views of different people towards the measures mitigating the urban problems;
  4. get relevant information from photos, charts, fact sheets, maps, cartoons, newspaper clippings, tables and graphs;
  5. obtain relevant materials from web sites.
  1. Assign students to complete the first half of Activity 17.1.
  2. Based upon the previous activity together with Figs. 17.11-17.13 and 17.16-17.17, guide students to learn how the decentralization of human activities to suburban areas helps to lessen the urban problems in Shanghai.
  3. Based upon the same activity together with Figs. 17.14-17.15 and ‘more to learn’ on p. 45, guide students to learn how the decentralization of human activities to suburban areas helps to lessen the urban problems in Hong Kong.
  4. Assign students to complete the second half of Activity 17.1.
  5. With reference to the activity, together with Figs. 17.18-17.21, guide students to learn how urban redevelopment helps to lessen the urban problems in both cities.
  6. Furthermore, based on Figs. 17.22-17.23, Table 17.1 and ‘more to learn’ on p. 51, guide students to learn how pollution controls help to mitigate the urban problems in both cities.
  7. Go together with students to do the role-play in Activity 17.2.
  8. Based on the role-play, discuss with students the views of Gi Gi’s family members toward re-housing of her family to Tung Chung.
  9. Assign students to complete Activity 17.3.
  10. Based upon the activity, discuss with students the views of different people toward various measures of solving the urban problems.
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Part 4 Fixing our cities’ problems: Hong Kong and Shanghai

Unit 18 What is an ideal city?

Suggested no. of lessons
How can individual citizens help to alleviate the problems?
/ 2
What is your opinion of an ideal city?


/ Teaching strategy /

Workbook questions

At the end of this section, students should be able to
  1. tell some ways to alleviate the urban problems and build an ideal city;
  2. take some actions to build a good living environment;
  3. give examples of ideal city in the real world;
  4. describe the general characteristics of an ideal city;
  5. get relevant information from photos, charts, maps, cartoons and tables;
  6. obtain relevant materials from web sites.
  1. Assign students to complete Activity 18.1.
  2. Based upon the Activity together with Tables 18.1, 18.2 and Figs. 18.1-18.7, guide students to learn the ways taken by individual to improve the living environment in urban area.
  3. Assign students to complete Activity 18.2.
  4. With reference to the Activity and Figs. 18.8-18.10, guide students to learn the examples and the general characteristics of ideal cities in the real world.
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