Info-Tech Research Group

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Executive Brief


Module I – Scope Your Current State

1a) Mobile Inventory Estimate

1b) Mobile Application Delivery

1c) Mobile Infrastructure Map

1d) Mobile Approach Outline

Module II – Map Your Mobile Future

2a) Mobile SWOT Analysis

2b) Mobile Tech Monitor

2c) Mobile Use Cases

Module III – Outline Mobile Initiatives

3a) Mobile Goals

3b) Gap Analysis

3c) Mobile Initiatives

Module IV – Integrate Mobile

4a) Re-evaluate regularly to measure progress

4b) Integrate Mobile into your IT strategy

Executive Brief

The Mobile Strategy Document acts as a central repository for information gathered from the Architect the Mobile Strategy in Two Days project, the Mobile Inventory Estimator tool, the Mobile SWOT Analysistool, and the Mobile Tech Monitor tool. The contents of this document are meant to simplify the summary of the most pertinent information for the Mobile Strategy Summary, which is to be inserted into an organization’sIT strategy.

This document is meant to be reviewed on an annual basis. By capturing information and goals, it serves as a comparison for future years. It facilitates an evaluation of whether or not goals have been achieved. It enables an organizationto see where gaps and opportunities exist to move forward with mobile strategies.

As part of mobile strategy planning, this Mobile Strategy Documentalong with the Mobile Strategy Summaryshould be brought to and referenced during all IT and business stakeholder meetings addressing mobile.

Any changes to the Mobile Strategy Document should be documented on the second page of this document.


The objective of a mobile strategy is take advantage of mobile to generate value for an organization. It can be focussed on increasing employee productivity, improving employee satisfaction, attracting new market segments, maintaining organizational growth, and – among many other objectives – creating a competitive advantage. Regardless of whether or not an organization invests directly in mobile technology, a mobile strategy is critical to optimizing the potential of mobile and addressing any risks associated with it.

A mobile strategy guides an organization through the exercise of taking stock of available resources and assessing existing processes around mobile. It ensures that an organization defines a path to its mobile goals and outlines the specific steps needed to achieve them.

An effective mobile strategy can be summarized to work with an organization’s IT strategy. It should be simplified so it can be directly inserted into the IT strategy. To achieve seamless integration, the participants involved in designing the mobile strategy must have a comprehensive understanding of IT goals as well as organizational goals. An effective mobile strategy will facilitate communication on mobile initiatives across the entire organization.

Architecting an effective mobile strategy may seem like an overwhelming process, but by understanding an organization’s current state and future state, there are specific exercises the organization can do to fill in the gaps to achieve its mobile goals.

Module I – Scope Your Current State

1a) Mobile Inventory Estimate

Refer to the Mobile Inventor Estimator and create a complete list the mobile technology that already exists in your organization. Be sure to include personal devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets) in your estimate.

Mobile Technology / Total Estimate

1b) Mobile Application Delivery

Check all of the application delivery methods that apply to your enterprise.

App store – public

App store – corporate

Mobile web apps

Physical download and transfer of apps

Virtual desktops access to apps

Virtual apps

1c) Mobile Infrastructure Map

Generate a simplified, yet comprehensive visualization of the mobile infrastructure supporting your enterprise.


1d) Mobile Approach Outline

Use the legend and color key below to create an overview of mobile technology to highlight aspects of your mobile approach that can and need to be optimized.

Aim for color consistency across each set of mobile tech. Green across indicates that technology is provided or enabled, supported, and has high user adoption. Yellow across indicates permitted technology receiving partial support and exhibiting mid-range user adoption. Red across indicates prohibited mobile technology without support and no to very low user adoption.

Color inconsistencies across indicate areas needing optimization.

Module II – Map Your Mobile Future

2a) Mobile SWOT Analysis

Fill out the Mobile SWOT Analysis tool and insert the results below.


Strengths / Weaknesses
Smartphones already in use by a high proportion of doctors and nurses for internal communication. Improves nature of on-call work. On-call staff can arrive with info on-hand. / Distractive nature of technology. Possible intrusions into work-life balance of healthcare staff.
Opportunities / Threats
Geo-based location tech embedded in software will enable on-call staff to avoid traffic more effectively and make it to the site more quickly (life-saving) - near future. / Without proper BYOD strategies and policies in place, the uniqueness of mobile and different platforms could cause info gaps and harm the integrity of patient info collected.
Strengths / Weaknesses
Opportunities / Threats

2b) Mobile Tech Monitor

Fill out the Mobile Tech Monitor tool and insert the results below.


2c) Mobile Use Cases

Generate use cases appropriate to the needs of users in your organization.

Role / Mobile Technology: Scenario
Roaming Worker (Nurse) / Tablet: Logs patient information according to HIPAA standards and investigates side effects of proposed medication for a patient.

Module III – Outline Mobile Initiatives

3a) Mobile Goals

Refer to the Outline Your Initiatives section of the project. List each of your mobile goals in order of priority. Include the overall consolidated group to which each goal belongs.

Consolidated Goal / Mobile Goals
(1)Innovation /
  1. Foster innovation and creativity with mobile.

  1. Pilot wearable technology in the enterprise.

  1. Prepare for Internet of Things (IoT).

3b) Gap Analysis

List the gaps identified in the Stop, Start, Continue game.

START agnosticallysupporting a broader range of mobile platforms.

3c) Mobile Initiatives

Fill in the details for each initiative. Include the consolidated mobile goal, specific mobile goal, gap initiative, colour of the gap initiative (status: stop = red, start = green, continue = yellow), priority level, available resources, processes in place, and steps needed to achieve the goal.


INNOVATION: Foster innovation and creativity with mobile.
STARTagnostically supporting a broader range of mobile platforms.
Status 
Priority 1A
Resources / Steps
  • Robust wireless infrastructure
  • Collect contract information to begin determining when to phase out old mobile technology.
  • Hire staff with specific expertise in mobile implementation.

  • Rudimentary BYOD policy in place

3d) Mobile Timeline

Determine the sequence of initiatives by outlining this timeline.

Mobile Timeline / Q1-Q2 `13 / Q3-Q4 `13 / Q1-Q2 `14 / Q3-Q4 `14

Module IV – Integrate Mobile

4a) Re-evaluation & Measurement

Identify your mobile goals and select a team or an individual to take ownership of the goal. Identify key performance indicators that will allow you to revisit the goals and understand the progress you have made.

Mobile Goal / Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) / Owner/Team
Agnostically support a broader range of mobile platforms. /
  • User adoption of mobile technology (% of total employees)
  • Ratio of corporate-issued to personal devices (%)
  • Ratio of supported platforms to total platforms (%)
/ Tara Bite
Mike Rochip

4b) Integrate Mobile into your IT strategy

Summarize the key aspects of your mobile strategy. Identify your highest priority mobile goals and the critical steps that will get you to achieve these mobile goals. Outline specifically why you are striving to achieve this goal. Copy and paste the contents of this exercise into your IT strategy.


ACME INC. aims to:
Agnostically support a broader range of mobile platforms to enable employees…
Achieve peak efficiency with their mobile technology – whether corporate-issued or personal.
ACME INC. will achieve this by:
  • Phasing out old, unused mobile technology.
  • Hiring staff with specific expertise in mobile implementation.

[Insert company name] aims to:
[Insert mobile goal]…
[Insert reason/purpose of goal].
[Insert company name] will achieve this by: