AB 32 Implementation: Understanding a Cap and Trade System

State Capitol, Room 3191

May 21, 2008

9:00 a.m.

  1. Welcome
  1. Introduction

Senator Christine Kehoe, Chair

Senate Energy, Utilities & Communications Committee

III.CPUC/CEC staff presentation

Julie A. Fitch, Director, Policy and Planning Division

California Public Utilities Commission

Karen Douglas, Commissioner

California Energy Commission

  1. California Air Resources Board

Mary Nichols, Chairwoman

California Air Resources Board

  1. Experience with Cap and Trade

James Bushnell

University of California Energy Institute

  1. Roundtable with Advocates

Jane Williams, Co-Chair

Environmental Justice Working Group

David Nahai, General Manager

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Audrey Chang, Director, California Climate Program

Natural Resources Defense Council

Tom Bottorff, Senior Vice-President, Regulatory Relations

Pacific Gas & Electric

Lenny Goldberg, Legislative Advocate

The Utility Reform Network

  1. Public Comment

David Ashuckian

Division of Ratepayer Advocates

David Wright

Southern California Public Power Authority

Jerry Jordon

California Municipal Utilities Association

Northern California Power Agency


Greenhouse Gas Emission Levels

Statutory and Procedural Background -- AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, requires that California reduce its emissions of greenhouse gasses to 1990 levels by 2020. Fulfilling this simple goal requires an immense effort. Leading this effort is the California State Air Resources Board (ARB) which has until January 1, 2011 to adopt regulations to meet the 2020 emission levels. ARB is authorized, but not required, to establish “a system of market-based declining annual aggregate emission limits for sources or categories of sources that emit greenhouse gas emissions.” In support of the ARB’s efforts the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the California Energy Commission (CEC) opened a two-phase proceeding to develop guidelines for a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions cap for the electric and natural gas industries which would be recommended to the ARB. The first phase of that recommendation has been completed with the two agencies issuing a joint decision in March 2008.[1] The second phase will provide more detail and a cost analysis. A final phase 2 decision is expected in September 2008. ARB is concurrently developing a scoping plan, as required by law. The draft scoping plan is expected in June. ARB’s final scoping plan is due by the end of this year.

California GHG Emissions -- ARB has performed an inventory of California’s GHG emissions and determined that 1990 levels were 427 million metric tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide equivalents.[2] Without additional actions GHG emissions in 2020 are estimated to be 600 MMT, implying that annual GHG emissions must be reduced by 173 MMT by 2020. The 2020 goal does not adjust for growth in the economy; that level of reduction is required irrespective of the level of economic activity. This absolute cap was set because the amount of global warming is directly related to the concentration of GHGs in the atmosphere. Stopping global warming means stopping the growth in GHG concentrations. The challenge is to do this at the least cost.

Electric Sector GHG Emissions -- Looking specifically at the electric sector, which contributes 25% of California’s GHG emissions, 1990 GHG emissions

were 111 MMT. In 2008 GHG emissions were 108 MMT, already at the 1990 level despite a 28% increase in electricity use. The CPUC forecasts that by 2020 California’s electric sector can be at or even well below 1990 levels through a combination of even more rigorous energy efficiency, achievement of at least the 20% renewable portfolio standard, the implementation of California’s emission performance standards for power plants, and the implementation of the California Solar Initiative. Depending on where the ARB sets the 2020 GHG reduction targets for the electric sector, those levels could be met through direct regulation.

Direct Regulation and Cap-and-Trade Mechanisms -- In the transportation sector, the biggest contributor to GHG emissions at 40%, direct regulation of GHG tailpipe emissions pursuant to the Pavley bill (AB 1493 of 2002) and the establishment of a low carbon fuel standard, will provide significant GHG reductions. Overall, ARB’s Chairman believes that 60% of the GHG emission reductions necessary to meet the 2020 goal will be achieved through direct regulation. The other 40% will come from a market-based approach such as a cap-and-trade system.

What is Cap and Trade?

Description -- A cap-and-trade system is a straightforward concept. Overall GHG emission levels are limited by a cap which is reduced over time until the cap reaches the goal (e.g. 1990 levels by 2020). Permits to emit GHGs are allocated or sold by the regulator. Every regulated entity, such as a power plant, must obtain sufficient permits to cover its GHG emissions for that year. In the next year there are fewer GHG permits because the cap has been reduced. Entities can choose to emit less GHG by, for example, investing in new equipment. Alternatively, an entity can simply buy additional permits from those companies who have made those investments and therefore need fewer permits. A final option would be to pay any fines that accrue from emitting GHG in excess of that for which the entity has permits.

Offsets -- An additional feature of a cap-and-trade system is the creation of GHG emission offsets. These are GHG emission reductions from entities that are not under the cap-and-trade system. Offsets are a way to potentially reduce the cost of reducing GHG emissions because they provide a financial incentive to companies outside of the cap-and-trade scheme to reduce emissions. For example, a small manufacturer who is not subject to GHG emission regulation may employ a new industrial process which reduces his GHG emissions. That manufacturer can sell those GHG emission reductions to a power plant owner to help him meet his GHG reduction obligations.

Design Issues-- There are several critical design issues in establishing a cap and trade system. This is a partial list:

  • What sectors of the economy are included in the cap and trade system? Within each sector, which entities are included?
  • How are the emission caps set for each sector of the economy?
  • How many emission permits will be available?
  • How are emission permits allocated? If they are given away, how are the amounts determined? If auctioned, how will the proceeds be used?
  • How will the cap and trade system be monitored and enforced?

Benefits of Cap-and-Trade -- A cap-and-trade scheme has the virtue of harnessing the energy and resources of many more companies into creating carbon reduction mechanisms by allowing all those companies to profit from their ingenuity. It is a potentially powerful tool. And by setting an absolute cap, a cap-and-trade system ensures that the emission goals are met. Theoretically, a cap-and-trade system simplifies the job of the regulator by focusing on the outcome (e.g. lower GHG emissions) rather than the specific mechanisms for each regulated entity. This gives regulated entities more flexibility, potentially lowering the cost of compliance. Cap-and-trade systems are also controversial, as there is no consensus that it has been more effective than direct regulation.

Problems with Cap-and-Trade -- While the theory behind cap-and-trade is attractive, the devil is truly in the many details. Some contend that under direct regulation there is less for regulators to know. The world is limited to the regulated entities. In contrast, under a cap-and-trade system every company in the economy is potentially a participant, making it more complex to administer. And there are many fundamental decisions which are difficult and complex, such as how the GHG permits are allocated to companies, how to administer, monitor, and enforce a permit trading program across politically independent entities, and how to ensure that an offset program provides genuine, permanent, and additional GHG reductions. As was learned in the 2000-2001 energy crisis, it is quite difficult for regulators to construct a market that works.

Prerequisites for Adoption of Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms-- AB 32 imposes minimum requirements on any regulation adopted by ARB:

  • The GHG emission reductions must be real, permanent, quantifiable, verifiable, and enforceable by ARB.
  • The GHG emission reductions must be in addition to any GHG emission reductions otherwise required by law or regulation.

For market-based mechanisms, there are additional requirements:

  • ARB must determine that the mechanism will achieve the maximum technologically feasible and cost-effective reductions in GHG emissions.
  • ARB must consider the potential for direct, indirect, and cumulative emission impacts from these mechanisms, including localized impacts in communities that are already adversely impacted by air pollution.
  • ARB must design any market-based compliance mechanism to prevent any increase in the emissions of toxic air contaminants or criteria air pollutants.
  • ARB must maximize additional environmental and economic benefits for California, as appropriate.

Learning from Others -- Cap-and-trade has been often used. In the mid 1990’s the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) employed a cap-and-trade program to control smog. Also in the mid 1990’s a cap-and-trade program was used to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions to control acid rain. In 2005 the European Union implemented a cap-and-trade program to cut carbon emissions. And starting next year, eight northeastern states will employ a cap-and-trade mechanism in their GHG reduction program known as RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative). These efforts illustrate some of the successes, failures, and critical design elements of cap-and-trade programs. Understanding the real world experience with cap-and-trade programs, rather than just the economic theory, is essential if California is going to successfully implement its own cap-and-trade program.


[1]Interim Decision on Basic Greenhouse Gas Regulatory Framework for Electricity and Natural Gas Sectors; Joint Agency Decision. CEC-100-2008-002-F, CPUC Rulemaking 06-04-009; March 2008.

[2] There are six major greenhouse gasses (GHG) with varying potency. Because carbon dioxide is by far the most prevalent, the GHG reductions are defined as units of carbon dioxide equivalent.