March – reminds us of many things: Exams, Financial year ends, budget etc Moreover-Marchreminds me of March 8th – WOMENS’ DAY. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating Social. Economical, Cultural, Political of women. This is a day to mark a call to action to accelerate gender parity.Being observed since early 1900, the story of women’s struggle for equality does not belong to any single origin but to people who care about human rights.After 2011 – which saw 100 years of International women’s day - President Barack Obama proclaimed March 2011 to be Women history month.There is a great change andattitudinal shift in both women’sand society’s thought about women equality and emancipation. But it is unfortunate that ever now she does get paid equally as her male counterpart, as society does not accept equality of women in many parts of our country. How many women can make her own choice of career, husband, and howmany children to have? Domestic violence is rampant even now.Activities need to be taken up all round at home, workplace, societies throughsocial networking to bring a complete change.Women themselves can change their destiny. They need to bring about attitudinal change in themselves. Then we will be free of Nirbhayas,free of cases as Malala and rise up like Phoenix as Mother Teresa and Kiran Bedi and become “extradi naari “So make a difference – act locally and ensure that the future for our girls is bright, equal safe & secure.

“You can do almost anything you put your mind to swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a Doctor or fly a plane. You are strong, beautiful, and companionate and much more than words could ever say.”

Happy women’s Day to all women.