Municipal Charities of Plymouth

The Municipal Charities of Plymouth comprises several charities and has existed in various incarnations since approximately 1584, now being an amalgamation of several different charities. One of the arms of The Municipal Charities of Plymouth enables us to provide low-cost, self-contained housing, in a safe and secure environment for single and vulnerable Ladies over the age of 60 with naval connections and who have been residents in the Plymouth area for some years. This ethos, which would have originally been aimed at helping naval widows, can now include connections such as children and grand-children. Our 16 Almshouses are situated at Green Street, Plymouth, at The Rawlin Homes and John Gayer Homes. These Almshouses are within the Parish boundary of St Charles with St Matthias Church.

As a Charity, we consider that we have a strong pastoral duty to these vulnerable ladies and seek to ensure that they are happy, secure and confident in our ability as Trustees to deliver this service. Either one of the Trustees or Clerk visits the Ladies each month to maintain our links and to demonstrate our pastoral commitment to them. We are currently able to obtain a concessionary television licence for the Ladies and have taken on the responsibility for the Water Rates and all repairs within the John Gayer Homes, lessening the financial burden on the Ladies, who do not have large amounts of savings and normally rely solely on their pensions.

One of the benefits to Plymouth City Council is mainly that our housing stock negates the need for these Ladies to seek accommodation in Council-owned housing, and allows the Ladies to live close to all amenities within the City Centre and local shops and businesses. There is a great need for safe, low-cost housing for Ladies of this age and status.

The properties at The John Gayer Homes are currently bedsits, with one large room and a separate bathroom/shower room and separate, fully-fitted kitchen, but are rather small and our wish is to increase the footage of these, without losing any available properties, and to make them more accessible to the less-abled.

As a Charity we currently have a Chair, Clerk/Treasurer and 7 Trustees; 3 of whom are co-opted by Plymouth City for a period of 3 years, and sometimes commit to staying on the Board once their 3 years are up, and otherswho have also voluntarily been on the Board for many years and all of whom have given freely and willingly of their time. As the members are all becoming older, we are now looking to recruit more Trustees, particularly someone with legal or financial skills, and would ask you to consider if you may be interested in joining us. We meet 6 times a year on the second Wednesday on the odd months, so January, March, May, July, September and November, and occasionally more on an ad-hoc, emergency basis. No particular skills are needed, just a willingness to be part of this ancient Charity and a desire to help those less fortunate in today's society.

We also currently have two vacancies for our bedsits, so if you know of anyone who would like to live in one of our Almshouses, or if you yourself are interested, then please contact me.

For more information please contact The Clerk:

Mrs Vanessa Steer

Oldwell House

184 Mannamead Road

Hartley, Plymouth PL3 5RE

Tel: (01752) 703280 or 07739961559 or email: