Lifton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meetingat thePrimary School, North Road

Thursday26th September2013

PresentMr C Edmonds, Miss G Elias, Mr M Hall, Mr B Moore, Mr S Parsons,

Mr L Showell,Mr T Sutton-Woodhouse,Mrs R Willing.

Apologies Mr D Horn, borough councillor,Mr C Warne

ResignationCllr Warneis thinking of resigning because ofhis poor health.

Minutes Of the meeting on 22nd August were approved and signed.

Dec of Interest‘Notice of Interest’ documents still to come from Cllrs Parsons and Sutton-Woodhouse. Interest statements from all councillors could be on the website.

Speaker: Dave Chapple, (Police Community Support Officer)

Duntz Hill: no offence has been committed unless cars are parked right on the bend. But he can no longer issue tickets, and has to call for regular police help. Congestion on North Rd: layout was not designed properly; a single yellow line would have restricted parking at school opening and closing hours. North Road one-way proposal: advice from Mr Newcombe (DCC Road Safety) that any such scheme would cost £6-8,000.Visibility problem leaving Parkwood Rise; West End cottages, parking on footpath; Fore Street parking over pavement; congestion on approach to Tinhay Ind Est; horse droppings on pavement in Fore Street: all these would be monitored by PCSO Chapple and he would issue warnings where necessary.Parishioners should note the number of any car causing a problem and phone either the police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. PCSO Chapple asked whether the council had considered the Speedwatch system? The Council originally decided not to go with this because of possible bad feeling, but it would be considered againby the Community Plan.

Public Participation See above.

Grass cutting does not connect with Farm Shop. Cllr Moore explained that their licence only covers 30 mph zone. Mr Badge was covering other areas but not as frequently.

General Items


Traffic problems See above.It seems that reportingthe car number to crimestoppers might be quicker than using 101. Both numbers are to go on the website.


Up and running. Cllr Willing reported her new e-mail address was not working,and Steph Moore iswaiting to set up Cllr Parsons’.

Neighbourhood Planning

The council approved the delegation of authority to the focus group, but more formal resolutions were to go to the parish council. Operating decisions may need immediate response. Cllr Moore quoted from the initial plan documentation, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. In the focus group are Cllrs Moore, Hall,Sutton-Woodhouse, and Elias.Public meeting: Thursday 3rd October, 7.30 p.m.,at the Primary School.The council needs members of the public to help with and support this project.

Housing needs survey completed – summary available for meeting on 3rd.

Okehampton-Exeter railway project

Support needed for using the line more frequently. Working party to be set up.

Dog bin DCC Highways have approved the proposed site.Clerk finding out who owns the track.

Direction sign Sign needed for QEll Recreation Field, at the top of Leat Road. Could the sign use the post already there? Clerk to ask Steve Brockman (DCC Highways).

Twinning proposal

Being followed up by Cllr Sutton-Woodhouse.

26th September 2013 page 2

Councillor vacancy

Check with WDBC. Maybe 2 vacancies.

Notice Board siting Is the one on Fore street the right side of the road? Is there space available near the shop? Cllr Edmonds to consult the Post Office.

Burial Ground Approval sought for burning hedge trimmings. Council agreed.


Rec Field Committee: Fire alarm being fixed on Monday. Fire extinguishers and blankets checked. ROSPA report available – all OK.

Community Centre: Carboot sale Sept – small income. Another 2nd Sat in Oct. Fence being replaced,no date available yet.Grant application with Big Lottery. If successful then maybe 2 years to completion.


For paymentWhite Rose Garden Services (September) 252.70

Steph Moore, website set-up fee 250.00

I Williams, clerk’s salary July-September 920.00

Broadband (part cost 21.00), admin Jul-Sep (11.85) 32.85

Pro RW, sec LS , that all the above should be paid

Receipts2nd portion of precept5,500.00

GeneralAppeal from local area CAB

Clerk to invite speaker from the CAB for Nov or Dec meeting.


ApplicationsLifton Farm Shop: two 250kW solar PV arrays, 07 & 0.8 Ha, plus associated

works and formation of access track.

1.5 Ha classified as ‘small development’. Should be all right if well protected and shrouded with native species of trees etc. Heritage: neutral impact. Highways OK. Other agencies have no objections. Sheep will continue to graze. Recommended for approval

ApprovalsLand to rear of St Mary’s, stables and new access.


DALC: AGM and conference, Exeter, 12th October

LGBC: Electoral review of West Devon.

Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda

Notice boards.Report from public meeting.TASS speaker. Rev Tim Deacon.

Commercial notices on boards. Railway working party. Councillor vacancy.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.

Signed ...... date ......

Next meetings

Neighbourhood Planning:Thursday 3rd October, Primary School, 7.30 p.m.

Parish Council:Thursday 24th October,Lifton Down Church Room, 7.00 p.m.