The Michigan Section ASCE annually presents the Quality of Life Award for a project that exemplifies ASCE’s theme, “Civil Engineers Make the Difference - They Build the Quality of Life.”
One award is given to the project and presented to the owner, so that all engineers who worked on the project are recognized for their contributions. Additional plaques may be ordered. The Michigan Section Quality of Life Award will be presented at the fall awards luncheon to the owner of the project.
The following guidelines have been developed:
The project must be completed and put into service or be ready for use. Phased projects may be submitted upon completion of a particular phase or segment.
No project or project segment may be renominated after having received an award.
Emphasis will be on small community or private projects.
The project should have a significant positive effect on human lives without adversely affecting the surrounding environment.
Resourcefulness in planning and in the solution of design problems should be evident.
The project and the headquarters of the prime design or construction firm must be located in Michigan.
Each branch may nominate up to three projects.
One or two color slides or .jpg computer file of the project would be appreciated for use at the awards program and for press release. / OUTLINE:
Project Title:
Project Site:
Brief Description of the Project:
1. Project data (size, completion date, etc.):
2. Major problems and solutions during:
a) planning
b) design
c) construction
d) operation
e) maintenance
3. Effects which demonstrate how the project made a difference, improving the quality of life:
a) environmental
b) economic
c) political
d) social
e) ecological
f) legal
4. Project photos (if available). Each submittal should include one or two slides of the project for use at the awards luncheon:
Professional Personnel Associated with Project (name, title, firm):
Nominating Branch of ASCE:
To submit a nomination for this award, refer to the outline above and provide the information requested. A nonrefundable entrance fee of $25.00 (payable to Michigan Section, ASCE) is required for submittals in this category. Nominations are due by FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2001. Send entrance fee and one original nomination with three photocopies to:
Gailius A. Vasonis, P.E.
Michigan Section Awards Committee
445 W. Michigan Ave., Ste 101
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(616) 381-2222





The purpose of this award is to enhance our understanding of the history and heritage of civil engineering in Michigan, and to preserve information pertaining to its development. The Michigan Section grants the Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Award to a site of civil engineering significance, designating the site as a landmark.
The committee takes very seriously its responsibility for recommending a Michigan Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Award. If a branch nomination is approved for landmark designation by the Michigan Section, the branch will be expected to assume responsibility for the planning of an award ceremony at which the plaque will be presented to the owner.
The following guidelines have been developed:
The site must be officially nominated by an ASCE branch.
As much detailed documentation as possible should be provided to support the nomination.
The site shall have civil engineering significance. Size or technical complexity of design/construction is not sufficient in itself to qualify for an award.
Each site must have at least one unique feature.
The site should be generally available for public viewing, although safety considerations or geographical isolation may restrict access.
A nominated site should be at least fifty years old. The original structure should be substantially intact, although routine maintenance is expected.
t  Black and white glossy photographs should be included for publicity releases.
t  One or two color slides or .jpg computer files should be included for use at the awards luncheon and for press release.
To submit a nomination for this award, refer to the outline at right and provide the information requested. Award nominations are due by FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2001. Send one original and three photocopies of nominations to:
Gailius A. Vasonis, P.E.
Michigan Section Awards Committee
445 W. Michigan Ave., Ste 101
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(616) 381-2222 / OUTLINE:
Name of Proposed Landmark:
Site of Proposed Landmark:
Owner of Proposed Landmark:
In support of this nomination the following information is provided.
1. Date of construction:
2. Other significant dates of the project:
3. Names of key professional personnel associated with the project:
4. Civil engineering historical significance of this proposed landmark:
5. Comparable or similar projects:
6. Unique features which set this proposed landmark apart from other civil engineering projects:
7. Contributions this structure or project made toward development of:
a) the civil engineering profession:
b) the nation or a large region thereof:
8. List of enclosed documents, photographs and historical evidence which further support nomination:
9. Justification of nomination by project owner (if applicable):
10. Include the following acknowledgment of landmark responsibilities:
If the nomination is approved for designation as a Michigan Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the Michigan Section of ASCE, the branch expects to assume responsibility for the planning of an award ceremony at which the plaque will be presented.
Branch: ______Date: ______
Branch President or Awards Chairperson
Each year the Michigan Section of ASCE honors a fellow engineer as Outstanding Civil Engineer of the Year. Selection of the Outstanding Engineer is based on an individual’s contributions towards the advancement of his/her profession through innovative designs, doctoral studies, or ethical practices as well as active participation in professional societies and community service.
The Michigan Section Outstanding Civil Engineer of the Year Award will be presented at the fall awards luncheon.
The following guidelines have been developed:
t  All candidates must be nominated through an ASCE branch (each branch is encouraged to have a branch award to complement the Michigan Section Award).
t  Information provided should be as complete and accurate as possible.
t  To be eligible to receive this award, the engineer nominated should be living at the time of his/her nomination and be a member of the Michigan Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.
t  An engineer who has moved out of state may still be nominated for service during his/her residency in Michigan.
t  A color slide or .jpg computer file of each nominee would be appreciated for use at the awards luncheon and for press release.
To submit a nomination for this award, refer to the outline at right and provide the information requested. Nominations are due by FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2001. Send one original and three photocopies of award nominations to:
Gailius A. Vasonis, P.E.
Michigan Section Awards Committee
445 W. Michigan Ave., Ste 101
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(616) 381-2222 / OUTLINE:
Award Candidate Name:
Place of Employment:
Brief Biography of Candidate:
Educational Background:
Professional Contributions:
Participation in Professional Societies:
Service to Community:
Honors/Awards Received from ASCE
(award title and date received):
Other Honors/Awards Received:
Nominating Branch of ASCE:
Branch Comments in Support of Candidate:





The Michigan Section of ASCE annually presents the Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award for a project that demonstrates the highest level of engineering skill and that “represents the greatest contribution to civil engineering progress and mankind.” Meritorious projects may also receive awards. The top three projects may be submitted for the National Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award.
One award is given to the project and presented to the owner, so that all engineers who worked on the project are recognized for their contributions. Additional plaques may be ordered. The Michigan Section Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award will be presented at the fall awards luncheon to the owner of the project.
The following guidelines have been developed:
t  The project must be completed and put into service or be ready for use. Phased projects may be submitted upon completion of a particular phase or segment.
t  No project or project segment may be renominated after having received an award.
t  The project must exemplify some aspect of civil engineering.
t  The project should demonstrate use of innovations in materials, technology or construction methods.
t  Resourcefulness in planning and in the solution of design problems should be evident.
t  The project should contribute to the well-being of people and communities.
t  Each project’s potentially adverse effects on society and the environment should also be considered.
t  Either the project or the headquarters of the prime design or construction firm must be located in Michigan.
t  Each branch may nominate up to three projects.
t  One or two color slides or .jpg computer file of the project would be appreciated for use at the awards program and for press release. / OUTLINE:
Project Title:
Project Site:
Brief Description of the Project:
1. Project data (size, completion date, etc):
2. Major problems and solutions during:
a) planning
b) design
c) construction
d) operation
e) maintenance
3. Effects of the project:
a) environmental
b) economic
c) political
d) social
e) ecological
f) legal
4. Project photos (if available). Each submittal should include one or two slides of the project for use at the awards luncheon:
Professional Personnel Associated with Project (name, title, firm):
Nominating Branch of ASCE:
To submit a nomination for this award, refer to the outline above and provide the information requested. A nonrefundable entrance fee of $25.00 (payable to Michigan Section, ASCE) is required for submittals in this category. Nominations are due by FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2001. Send entrance fee and one original nomination with three photocopies to:
Gailius A. Vasonis, P.E.
Michigan Section Awards Committee
445 W. Michigan Ave., Ste 101
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(616) 381-2222



The Michigan Section of ASCE encourages recognition of the professional contributions of younger members of the Section.
An award is presented annually to a member of the Michigan Section of ASCE, who is 35 years of age or less and who is judged to have attained significant professional achievement, by the degree to which the candidate has shown:
a) service to the advancement of the profession;
b) evidence of technical competence, high character and integrity;
c) leadership in the development of younger member attitudes toward the profession;
d) contributions to public service outside of their professional career;
e) other evidence of merit, which in the judgment of the award committee, shall have advanced the Society’s objectives.
The Michigan Section Young Civil Engineer Award for Professional Achievement will be presented at the fall awards luncheon.
The following guidelines have been developed:
t  An individual or group of individuals may submit nominations. All candidates must be nominated through an ASCE branch (each branch is encouraged to have a branch award to complement the Michigan Section Award).
t  Information provided should be as complete and accurate as possible.
t  To be eligible to receive this award, the engineer nominated should be living at the time of his/her nomination and be a member of the Michigan Section, American Society of Civil Engineers.
t  An engineer who has moved out of state may still be nominated for service during his/her residency in Michigan.
t  Active members of the Board of Directors and/or Awards Committee shall not be eligible for the award.
t  Candidate shall be 35 years of age or less at the date of the Annual Meeting (September, 2001).
t  A color slide or .jpg computer file of each nominee would be appreciated for use at the awards luncheon and for press release. / OUTLINE:
Award Candidate Name:
Place of Employment:
Educational Background:
Professional Contributions:
Participation in Professional Societies:
Service to Community:
Honors/Awards Received from ASCE
(award title and date received):
Other Honors/Awards Received:
Nominating Branch of ASCE:
Branch Comments in Support of Candidate:
To submit a nomination for this award, refer to the outline above and provide the information requested. Nominations are due by FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 2001. Send one original and three photocopies of award nominations to:
Gailius A. Vasonis, P.E.
Michigan Section Awards Committee
445 W. Michigan Ave., Ste 101
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
(616) 381-2222