Greetings Skaleagues,

Normally I begin the Skal Newsletter by looking back at the most recent get-together. However, this time it is important that I begin by looking forward to this month’s planned programme which is being held at The Legend River Resort & Spa, Chiang Rai. Esteemed Skal Member and GM of The Legend, Marc Dumur, has put together a fun package for Saturday 21 June & Sunday 22 June. You probably already know about this special Skal “away” weekend so NOW is the time to make your reservation requests known to Marc and Hon.Sec Mohamad. It’s great to be able to support our more northern Skal members so let’s do it – and also have a most unusual Skal meeting!

The deal Marc has kindly put together is Baht 1,800 for a Superior Studio Room (Single or Twin Room) which includes Welcome Cocktails (compliments of The Legend) at 6.00pm on Saturday and Buffet Breakfast on Sunday morning. Normal Skal dinner and wine fees will apply i.e. Baht 600 per member, Baht 800 per guest with an add-on of Baht 200 per person for those wishing to have wine.

That’s a great deal in itself but additionally on Saturday evening, long time Skal member David Hardcastle has arranged for us to be joined by some folk from the Lanna Vintage Car Club to give us a chance of seeing some classic cars up-close-and-personal. David will also introduce us to the ongoing Mystique and Magic of the Rolls Royce motor car. I can’t wait – I’ve never seen inside a “Roller”!

Sunday morning, 10.30am, will see us depart The Legend (in our own transport) for a visit to the Mae Chan Winery. Both Mohamad, Marc and the good people at the Winery will, no doubt, be telling us something of the viticulture industry. And if that is not enough, Khun Onanong of SGA (Siam General Aviation) is putting together a very special charter package for those who like to arrive Chiang Rai in grand style but haven’t got a Rolls Royce! Khun Onanong may be contacted on Mobile + (66)8 41146448 for costs and details.

So there you have it Skaleagues – a different Skal get-together for Sat. /Sun. 21 & 22 June. Your presence will make it all the more rewarding for all of us so we do look forward to receiving a reservation for yourself and any guests you may care to bring.

Our recent May dinner was hosted by GM Eleanor Hardy at The Chedi and it was a lovely, laid-back evening. The Chedi is one of those properties which are deceiving from the outside but inside has a gentle, relaxing ambiance created by hundreds of candles flickering and reflecting in the water-mirrors of many indoor & outdoor pools. Most of us don’t like getting our electricity bill – I would hate to receive Eleanor’s Candle bill!

It was great to see so many Skal members, and their guests, at The Chedi. Around forty people were made welcome including Struan Robertson (Skal Club, Bangkok) and Hon. Treasurer Armin’s guest Philip Baechtold also from Bangkok. Local “faces” present were Khun Toby and Khun Pakin, plus Yvone Hesketh (and Hubby!) from Oasis Spas (Oasis are doing a great promotion at present – check it out!). Stalwart dinner attendee Sarah Leelaphat (Wayfarers Travel) was there to add to the conviviality. Also, Mark Bradford (Dhara Dhevi), Nick Bauer (Imperial Mae Ping), Yves Mudry (Le Meridien), Elaine Yue (Shangri La) and, of course, Eleanor Hardy (The Chedi) were all obviously enjoying the cuisine. Marc Dumur (The Legend, Chiang Rai) had driven down especially to join us so it was certainly a gathering of hotel GMs. We are all appreciative of the support our Hoteliers give us and thank them accordingly. Within Skal International it is good to see our philosophy in action as one hand washes the other.

The dinner was a delicious, beautifully presented series of Indian curry dishes. Lots of people claim that to get a decent curry you have to go to London. Not so! The Chedi has two great Indian chefs – direct from Mumbai – who work their curry skills right here at The Chedi in Chiang Mai. Regular guest, Bruce Beresford, who know a good meal when he tastes it, was full of praise for the flavours and Frank Sethi (Fashion King) who should know about such things, announced that the curries were “Five Star”. Our thanks to the chefs for their skill and artistry.

Guest speakers can shed a new light on situations which are out of our normal routine and such was the case when Richard Colburn (Sterling Assets) drew our attention to a charitable service which his organization provides totally free. Basically, Richard pointed out there are many small, under-exposed charitable groups which never see the light-of-day because of lack of promotional/funding/resource opportunities. Richard’s Company has a dedicated website and any genuine charity is welcome to have its own page at this website where it may promote itself – totally free. It’s not often anything is offered free so thank you, Richard, for this and any interested parties may contact Richard at email =

On a lighter note, we had a Skal raffle (to help support our own charitable effort at the Dr. Sem Foundation) which was a goodly bottle of wine kindly donated by the Manager of Rimping Supermarkets, Khun Pairoj. Thank you Sir. The bottle of wine was won by an overjoyed Khun Pim Kemasingki (Managing Editor Citylife Magazine) so maybe Khun Pim’s photograph, with wine, will appear in the fullness of time.

Getting even lighter, this writer has recently returned from a motoring tour around the south of Thailand. Whilst in Ranong, he couldn’t resist purchasing two small bottles of a locally produced wine – vintage 2005 – as little appreciations for our Madame President, Khun Anchalee, and Hon.Sec Mohamad. The wine, created by the Golden Bell Winery, is called “Where is My Dear” – so who better to sample it than wine connoisseurs Khun Anchalee and Khun Mohamad. It may not be an award winning wine but it was fun presenting it. Our newest Committee member, Khun Annette Kalmapijit (Eagle House) kindly received a cake from Krabi which, doubtless, will give her food for thought re what she’s got herself into!

Saying farewell for the moment and an ardent “Haste Ye Back” we wish a great holiday to Khun Wanna and David Thomas (Wanna Tours) who are off to Bonnie Scotland to explore the Banks and Braes and listen to local folks who call each other “Hen” (I recall being asked, when breakfasting in Glasgow, “Hoo d’ye like yer eggs, Hen”? I thought this sounded faintly cannibalistic!). Do have a great time Wanna and David.

Still on the Scottish theme (and to keep on the good side of Eleanor) I must tell you of a coincidence (?) which I discovered last Thursday at The Chedi. As you know, GM Eleanor Hardy comes from Scotland and I from New Zealand. At our last Skal dinner I talked with Eleanor’s Executive Chef Blair Mathieson who, I discovered, comes from Dunedin in the deep south of New Zealand’s South Island. Dunedin is oft times known as “The Edinburgh of the South” and has a city-centre statue of Robbie Burns to prove it. Chef Blair was educated at St. Kentigern’s College, Auckland, not 500 meters from where this writer used to live in Auckland. Is that not all a huge coincidence coming together in Chiang Mai – or just another daft tale?

Finally, my thanks to Mohamad for his work in putting together last month’s Skal Newsletter during my absence. Thanks, my friend, for a grand effort – did you know I’ll soon be off on holiday again?

And finally, finally – I look forward to seeing all of you (and your guests) at The Legend, Chiang Rai on the 21st. I am confident it will be a lot of fun – do you think I should ask Marc if he can give a demonstration of Swiss yodeling – or how about if Yorkshire man David Hardcastle shows us a bit of Clog or Morris Dancing???? That should be very pretty with a Rolls Royce as a backdrop!

For now, on behalf of our Madame President, Khun Anchalee, and your Committee for Skal Chiang Mai & Northern Thailand – Cheers, All the Best and SKAL!

Written by Ken Hill

Photos by Phinyo Sueanto