Money & Finance Skills
Additional Resources
NatWest MoneySense /

Below are some additional resources from NatWest’s MoneySense for Schools which learners can complete during the course ( We have indicated which part of the Unit they are suitable for, but note they don’t satisfy the Assessment Criteria - tutors are required to write their own assignments or use those provided by Edexcel or the Nationwide Education Student Log .

Unit 1 / Money Matters for Career Planning / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Know how earnings are calculated / 1.1 describe differences in ways individuals are paid
1.2 outline information about deductions made from earnings / Money for Life (14-18) / 2 Paul the plumber / Wsheet 1 – Meet Paul
Wsheets 2 , 3 & 4– Paul’s Payslip
1.3 calculate take-home pay for different earnings / Money for Life (14-18) / 4 Life Choices / Wsheet 2 - Your job
2 Understand how career choice affects personal finance / 2.1 explain how career choice affects financial stability / Money for Life (14-18) / 4 Life Choices / Wsheets 8, 9 &10 – My future my money
Wsheet 11- Life Choices
Wsheet 12- Circle of Life
3 Know qualifications and earnings for career choices / 3.1 describe qualifications and earnings for preferred careers
Unit 2 / Managing Money Matters / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Know how to pay for goods and services / 1.1 describe different ways to pay for different goods and services / Bank On It (11-14) / 2 It’s your turn to get banking / Wsheet 4 – Using an ATM Wsheet 5 - Services offered by ATMs
Wsheet 6 – Cheques
Wsheet 7 – Filling in Cheque Wsheets 9 & 10 – Paying with Plastic Wsheet 11 – Debit Cards
2 Understand saving / 2.1 explain reasons to save / Bank on it (11-14)
The Credit File (11-14) / 1 What do banks do?
1 Saving and Borrowing / Wsheet 1 – Joe’s Dilemma Wsheet 2 –Vox Pops
Wsheet 1 – Raising Money
2.2 review methods of saving / Money for Life (14-18) / 2 Paul the plumber / Wsheet 7 – Pensions
3 Be able to plan a personal budget / 3.1 present a personal budget for a month / Bank On It (11-14)
Money for Life (14-18) / 3 Balancing Act
1 Samara’s Student Budget / Wsheet 3 – It’s your turn to manage your money
Wsheet 1 – Meet Samara
Wsheet 2 – Samara’s spending
Wsheet 4 – Your own budget Wsheets 5 & 6– The weekly shop
3.2 identify ways savings can be made in a personal budget
Unit 3 / Support with Money Matters / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Know financial benefits available for designated groups of people / 1.1  outline financial support for students / Money for Life (14-18) / 1 Samara’s Student Budget / Wsheet 3 – Sources of student income
1.2  identify financial support for people unable to work
2 Understand debt management / 2.1 explain reasons for planned borrowing / The Credit File (11-14) / 1 Saving and Borrowing / Wsheet 1 – Raising Money
Wsheet 2 – The Cost of Borrowing
Wsheet 3- Debt Dilemmas Wsheet 4 – A National Issue Wsheet 5 – Is Debt always a bad thing?
2.2 outline ways to borrow money for expensive items / The Credit File(11-14) / 2 Lenders / Wsheets 1, 2 & 3 - Lenders
Wsheet 4 – Lender’s Quiz
2.3 identify sources of support for managing debt / The Credit File (11-14) / 3 Dealing with debt / Wsheet 1 – Getting into debt
Wsheet 3 - Getting out of debt
Wsheet 4 – Spread the Word Work sheet quiz and answer check
Unit 4 / National and Global Money Matters / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Know about taxation / 1.1  identify different taxes / No resources for any of this Unit
1.2 outline the services provided by taxes
2 Understand ethical shopping / 2.1 explain reasons to shop ethically
2.2 describe ways to make ethical choices when shopping
3 Understand about exchanging currencies / 3.1 describe why it is important to know exchange rates before changing money
3.2 calculate currency exchanges for different countries using money calculators
Unit 5 / Planning an Enterprise Activity / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Know how to select a suitable enterprise activity / 1.1 describe the strengths and weaknesses of generated ideas for an enterprise activity / We’re in Business (11-14) / 1 Grand Opening / Wsheet 1 – The brief
2 Know appropriate roles and skills required for the enterprise activity / 2.1 list roles and the practical and personal skills required for the enterprise activity / We’re in Business (11-14) / 1 Grand Opening
2 The Project Manger / Wsheet 2- Allocating Team roles
Wsheets 3 &4 – Personality and Skills Quiz
Wsheet 1 – The project begins!
3 Understand the costs involved in producing and selling a product or service / 3.1 use basic calculations to show the cost of items and processes related to producing and selling the product or service / We’re in Business(11-14) / 4 The Catering Consultant / Wsheet 1 – The menu
Wsheets2 &3 – Menu Costings sheet
3.2 use basic calculations to show the final pricing of the product or service / We’re in Business(11-14) / 3 The Finance Officer
6 The Final Presentation / Wsheet 1- Keeping track of the budget
Wsheet 3 - Costings Sheet
Wsheet 1 – Keeping on track – taking advice
3 Know appropriate promotional techniques / 4.1 provide appropriate promotional materials / We’re in Business(11-14) / 1 Grand Opening
5 The Marketing Executive / Wsheet 5 – Dreaming up name
Wsheet 6 – To theme or not to theme?
Wsheet 1 – Putting out the word
Wsheet 2 – Marketing Planner
Wsheet 3 - Invite a Celebrity Wsheet 4 – Get Designing
Unit 6 / Running an Enterprise Activity / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Know how to increase the likelihood of success in an enterprise activity / 1.1 describe features which would lead to the effective delivery of a chosen enterprise activity / We’re in Business (11-14) / 2 The project manager
5 The marketing Executive / Wsheet 1 – The Project Begins
Wsheet 1 – Putting out the word
Wsheet 2 – Marketing Planner
2 Be able to complete an enterprise activity / 2.1 demonstrate selling a product or service, taking into account the practical and personal skills needed
3 Be able to review the success of the enterprise activity / 3.1 produce records to show the success and failures of the enterprise activity
Unit 7 / Working and Earning / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Understand earnings / 1.1  explain what affects the amount an individual earns
1.2  explain the difference between a salary and a wage
2 Understand deductions shown on a payslip / 2.1 explain the difference between gross and net pay
2.2 give examples of how income tax is calculated / Money for Life(14-18) / 4 Life Choices / Wsheet 2 - Your job
2.3 outline why National Insurance contributions are deducted from pay
3 Understand how choice of career can affect financial stability / 3.1 compare earnings of different career choices / Money for Life (14-18) / 4 Life Choices / Wsheets 8, 9 &10 – My future my money
Wsheet 11- Life Choices
Wsheet 12- Circle of Life
3.2 explain how different employment types affect financial stability / Money for Life (14-18) / 4 Life Choices / Wsheets 13 & 14 – Financial Implications
Unit 8 / Saving and Spending / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Know how to save money / 1.1  suggest ways to save money which apply to different aspects of own lifestyle / Money for Life (14-18) / 4 Life Choices
2  Paul the Plumber / Wsheets 1, 3, 4, 5 ,6 &7– Staying in Control
Wsheet 6 – Savings
Wsheet 7 – Pensions
2.1  suggest a savings account which meets own needs
2 Understand government benefits available to designated groups of people unable to work / 2.1 explain financial benefits provided for people unable to work
3 Understand sources of financial support for students / 3.1  explain financial benefits for students / Money for Life (14-18) / 1 Samara’s Student Budget / Wsheet 3 – Sources of student income
4 Know how to balance a personal budget / 4.1 prepare a plan showing a personal income and expenditure for a month / Bank On It (14-16)
Money for Life (14-18) / 4  Making Your Money Work for you
1 Samara’s Student Budget / Wsheet1 – Budgeting for a holiday 1
Wsheet2– Budgeting for a holiday 2
Wsheet 3 – Your personal budget
Wsheet 1 – Meet Samara
Wsheet 2 – Samara’s spending
Wsheet 4 – Your own budget
Wsheets 5 & 6– The weekly shop
4.2 prepare a forecast for a designated period which estimates income and expenditure / Bank On It (14-16) / 5 Making Your Money Work for you / Wsheet 4 – Filling in a budget planner
Wsheet 5 – Amending your budget
4.3 identify strategies to ensure income does not exceed expenditure / Money for Life (14-18) / 4 Life choices / Wsheet 3, 4, 5 6 & 7– Staying in Control
Unit 9 / Borrowing Money and Managing Risk / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Understand the risks when borrowing money / 1.1  compare ways of borrowing money for expensive items / Bank on it (14-16)
The Credit File (14-16)
Money For Life (14-18) / 4. To borrow or not to Borrow?
2  Lenders
3 Eve and Jason’s Mortgage / Wsheet 1 &2 – Borrowing
Wsheets 1, 2, 3 &4- Types of Money Lender
Wsheet 1 – Meet Eve + video
Wsheet 2 – Mortgage planning
Wsheet 3 –Mortgage repayments
2.1  describe the risks involved in borrowing money / The Credit File (14-16) / 1 Saving and Borrowing
3Adam’s Story
4 Jessica’s Story / Wsheet 1 – Raising Money
Wsheet 2 – The cost of Borrowing
Wsheets 1&2 – Meet Adam
Wsheet 3 – Moving out
Wsheet 4 – What is APR?
Wsheets 6, 7 & 8 – Borrowing Options
Wsheet 1 – Meet Jessica
Wsheets 2 &3 – Jessica’s budget
Wsheets 4 &5 Pro and Cons
2.2  explain different types of debt / The Credit File (14-16) / 1 Saving and Borrowing / Wsheet 3 Debt Dilemmas
Wsheet 5 – A National Issue
2.3  illustrate ways to avoid unnecessary debt
2 Understand the need for insurance / 2.1 explain the purpose of different types of insurance
Unit 10 / Using Methods of Payment / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Understand forms of payment for goods and services / 1.1  describe different forms of payment / Bank On It (14-16) / 2 It’s your turn to get banking / Wsheet 4 – Using an ATM
Wsheet 5 - Services offered by ATMs
Wsheet 6 – Cheques
Wsheet 7 – Filling in Cheque
Wsheet 9 & 10 – Paying with Plastic
Wsheet 11 – Debit Cards
1.2  compare advantages and disadvantages of different types of payment
1.3  select appropriate forms of paymnt fr diff goods servs
2 Understand regular payment methods / 2.1 explain ways of making regular payments / Bank On It (14-16) / 2 It’s your turn to get banking / Wsheet 12 – Internet Banking 1
Wsheet 13 – Internet Banking 2
3 Know how payments for goods and services are recorded / 3.1 describe documents needed to keep track of payments / Bank On It (14-16) / 2 It’s .. get banking
3 Balancing Act / Wsheet 14 – Internet Banking 3
Wsheet 1- Bank Statements
Wsheet 2 – Understanding a Bank Statement
Wsheet 3 – Its your turn to manage money
Wsheet 4 – Your Statement
Unit 11 / Using Money Abroad / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Understand foreign currencies / 1.1 explain why currencies fluctuate
2 Understand how to manage money abroad / 2.1 compare ways to pay for good s and services abroad
2.2 explain how to ensure financial safety abroad
3 Be able to plan costs for a trip abroad / 3.1 estimate costs for a trip abroad within a given budget / Interactive game -
Holiday Planner - The true cost of a dream holiday
Unit 12 / Using Money to Help Others / NatWest MoneySense for Schools Resources
Learning Outcomes
The learner will: / Assessment Criteria
The learner can: / Module / Topic / Worksheets
1 Understand ethical spending / 1.1 examine different factors which influence how people spend money / No resources for any of this Unit
1.2 explain ways to shop ethically
2 Understand giving to charities / 2.1 identify ways to give to charity