Cloud Computing Seminar

Load sharing

1.  Dynamic Load Balancing and Pricing in Grid Computing with Communication Delay
Qin Zheng · Chen-Khong Tham · Bharadwaj Veeravalli
Journal of Grid Computing, Springer, special issue on Grid Economics and Business Models, Vol. 6, Issue 3, September

2.  Analysis of the Effects of Delays on Load Sharing
Mirchandaney, R., Towsley, D., and Stankovic, J. A. 1989..
IEEE Trans. Comput. 38, 11 (Nov. 1989), 1513-1525.


3.  Memory Buddies: Exploiting Page Sharing for Smart Colocation in Virtualized Data Centers Wood, T. and Tarasuk-Levin, G. and Shenoy, P. and Desnoyers, P. and Cecchet, E. and Corner, M.D.
ACM SIGPOS Operating Systems Review

4.  Real-Time Issues in Live Migration of Virtual Machines
Checconi, F. and Cucinotta, T. and Stein, M.
Euro-Par 2009--Parallel Processing Workshops

5.  CloudNet: A Platform for Optimized WAN Migration of Virtual Machines
Wood, T. and Ramakrishnan, K. and van der Merwe, J. and Shenoy, P.
University of Massachusetts Technical Report TR-2010-002

6.  Predicting the Performance of Virtual Machine Migration.
Sherif Akoush and Ripduman Sohan and Andrew Rice and Andrew W. Moore and Andy Hopper
2010 18th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems MASCOTS 2010)

7.  SnowFlock: rapid virtual machine cloning for cloud computing .
Lagar-Cavilla, Horacio Andr\'{e}s and Whitney, Joseph Andrew and Scannell, Adin Matthew and Patchin, Philip and Rumble, Stephen M. and de Lara, Eyal and Brudno, Michael and Satyanarayanan Mahadev
Proceedings of the 4th ACM European conference on Computer systems

VM Placement – Resource Allocation

8.  Dynamic Placement of Virtual Machines for Managing SLA Violations
Bobroff, N. and Kochut, A. and Beaty, K.
Integrated Network Management, 2007. IM'07. 10th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on

9.  Improving the Scalability of Data Center Networks with Traffic-aware Virtual Machine Placement
Meng, X. and Pappas, V. and Zhang, L.
INFOCOM, 2010 Proceedings IEEE

10.  SLA-Aware Virtual Resource Management for Cloud Infrastructures
Van, H.N. and Tran, F.D. and Menaud, J.M.
Computer and Information Technology, 2009. CIT'09. Ninth IEEE International Conference on

11.  Virtual Machine Hosting for Networked Clusters: Building the Foundations for "Autonomic" Orchestration
Grit, L. and Irwin, D. and Chase, J.
Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing, 2006. VTDC 2006. First International Workshop on

12.  Starling: Minimizing Communication Overhead in Virtualized Computing Platforms Using Decentralized Affinity-Aware Migration
Sonnek, J. and Greensky, J. and Reutiman, R. and Chandra, A.
CSE, University of Minnesota, Tech. Rep. TR09-030

13.  A scalable solution to the multi-resource QoS problem
Lee, C. and Lehoczky, J. and Siewiorek, D. and Rajkumar, R. and Hansen, J.
Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1999. Proceedings. The 20th IEEE

14.  Entropy: a consolidation manager for clusters
Hermenier, F. and Lorca, X. and Menaud, J.M. and Muller, G. and Lawall, J.
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS international conference on Virtual execution environments

15.  Sandpiper: Black-box and Gray-box Resource Management for Virtual Machines
Timothy Wood, Prashant Shenoy, Arun Venkataramani, and Mazin Yousif. To appear in Computer Networks Journal Special Issue on Virtualized Data Centers 2009. (Extended version of NSDI 07 paper)

16.  pMapper: Power and Migration Cost Aware Application Placement in Virtualized Systems.
Akshat Verma, Puneet Ahuja and Anindya Neogi
Middleware 2008

Trust and security, Networking support for the Cloud, Local Vs. Cloud, Models, ETC.

17.  BCube: A High Performance, Servercentric Network Architecture for Modular Data Centers
Guo, C. and Lu, G. and Li, D. and Wu, H. and Zhang, X. and Shi, Y. and Tian, C. and Zhang, Y. and Lu, S.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review

18.  Cost-benefit analysis of Cloud Computing versus desktop grids
Kondo, D.; Javadi, B.; Malecot, P.; Cappello, F.; Anderson, D.P
Parallel & Distributed Processing, 2009. IPDPS 2009. IEEE International Symposium on

Additional Papers

19.  Energy optimization schemes in cluster with virtual machines

Liao, X. and Hu, L. and Jin, H.

Cluster Computing 2010.

20.  Cloud-Oriented Virtual Machine Management with MLN

Cloud-Oriented Virtual Machine Management with MLN

Begnum, K. and Lartey, N. and Xing, L. 2009

21.  Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Interactive Workflow Applications on Cloud Computing Platform

Zhou, H.Z. and Huang, K.C. and Wang, F.J.

Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers

22.  Designing and evaluating an energy efficient Cloud

Lefevre, L. and Orgerie, A.C.

The Journal of Supercomputing 2010.

23.  A Hybrid Reinforcement Learning Approach to Autonomic Resource Allocation

Tesauro, G. and Jong, NK and Das, R. and Bennani, MN

Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing 2006.

24.  Energy efficient utilization of resources in cloud computing systems

Lee, Y.C. and Zomaya, A.Y.

The Journal of Supercomputing

25.  How useful is old information?

Mitzenmacher, M.

Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 2002