Spring 2017 – 1st Year BA/OMA-- Venue: Main119– Time: 8-10a.m. Mo

Instructor: Pál Csontos -- Office Hours: see institute homepage -- e-mail:

Texts/Sources: Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference.Boston/New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003.

Jacobson, Michael D. Pros & Cons: A Debater’s Handbook.London: Routledge, 1992.

Sebranek et al. Writers INC: A Student Handbook for Writing and Learning. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath

and Company, 1996.

Steven-Harker-Lewis. From Reading to Writing.Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1989.

Warriner, John E. and Francis Griffith. English Grammar and Composition.New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.

+ Class handouts / transparencies / projected images

Recommended: any of the pertinent Internet pages, including

Course Description and Requirements: After the first term’s introductory course into writing, which focused on paragraph writing and individual genres (rhetorical strategies, treatment of material), this course moves beyond, but relies on what has been covered in the first term’s material. Following an in-depth treatment of, and practice in, argumentation (supporting claims with evidence, being mindful of audience and purpose, strategies as well as fallacies of argumentation), a considerable amount of time is dedicated to revision. The third part of this course deals with the theory and practice of summary writing, a skill tested in the end-of-year EYE. The fourth major part of the course is the research paper, (library search, documenting sources, etc.).

The nature of the course suggests that there will be weekly practical assignments along with in-class discussions. Course material will be provided by the instructor.

Attendance will be monitored and registered. An aggregate grade for the 4 individual written assignments(the argumentative paper, revision assignment, summary assignment, and the research paper) and the extent and quality of class participation will be taken into consideration for the final grades. Missing the deadline for an individual assignment will result in a lower grade (same week delivery = -1; w/in 2 weeks from the original deadline = -2)

Schedule of Assignments:

Week 1 (2/20)Introduction, orientation, the mechanics of the course. Assignment: The top 10 reasons why anyone should take an Advanced Writing course

Grading table (TM)

Week 2 (2/27) Discussion: The top 10 reasons (Peer response and evaluation). Reviewing the writing process (Pre-writing techniques; The essay format). Argumentation reconsidered. Önéletrajz-CV-autobiography assignment.

Week 3 (3/6)Strategies & fallacies of reasoning (Distinguishing between fact and opinion and recognizing deceptive arguments; Pros and cons; EYE assessment criteria). Assignment: Argumentative essay

Organizing and refuting arguments(TM)Logic task sheet(TM)

> + Class handout

Week 4 (3/13)First draft of Argumentative essay due (peer response session in class). Revising guidelines introduced.

Argumentative Essay Revision Checklist(TM) Revision tasksheet 1(TM) Revision illustration(TM)

Week 5 (3/20)Revision: In-class discussion, assignment. Final draft of Argumentative essay due.

Revision tasksheet 2 (TM)Analyzing revisions 1-2(TM)Revision assignment(TM)


Week 6 (3/27)Summary writing: in-class discussion (Stages and strategies of effective summary writing; EYE assessment criteria). Revision assignment due.

Argumentative Essay Mistakes 2016(TM)Sample summary task(TM)

Week 7 (4/3)Summary writing: In-class practice (Précis writing), assignment.

Summary practice package(TM)Summary, Paraphrase, Precis(TM) Summary assignment(TM)

Week 8 (4/10)Consultation week (no class—only office hours)

Week 9 (4/17) Easter Monday (no class—only assignment)

Punctuation. PunctPE(TM)

Week 10 (4/24) Summary assignment due.

The Research Paper: In-class discussion (library and electronic search, topic choice + thesis statement).

Hacker-Research1 (TM)PunctQuizzes(TM)Summary mistakes 2016(TM)

Week 11 (5/1)Mayday (no class—only assignment)

The Research Paper: Sentence outline. Citing sources. Avoiding plagiarism. Styles/Bibliography/Works cited

Hacker-Research2 (TM)


Week 12 (5/8) First draft of The Research Paper due. (peer response session and conferencing) ResPaperChList (TM)

Week 13 (5/15)Research Paper due.

Week 14 (5/22)Conclusion, evaluation, grading.

Student name / ARES / REVP / SUMP / RESP / FG / Missed class dates