- Describe, in detail, the reserved matters which the UK Parliament can make decisions about for the whole of the UK. (6 marks)
- Describe, in detail, two ways MPs can represent their constituents in the House of Commons. (4 marks)
- Describe, in detail, two ways in which political parties campaign to get their candidates elected as MPs.(4 marks)
- Describe in detail two ways in which a backbencher MP can represent his or her constituents in the House of Commons.(4 Marks)
- Choose either women or ethnic minorities - Explain in detail why the group you have chosen is under represented in the House of Commons. (4 Marks)
- Explain the advantages & disadvantages of the First-Past-the-post electoral system. (8)
- Why is it important that people should use their vote? (8 marks)
- Describe, in detail, the ways in which party workers and volunteers can help during election campaigns. (6 marks)
- Describe, in detail, two ways in which the House of Lords plays a part in decision making in the UK. (4 marks)
- Explain, in detail, why some people want changes made to the House of Lords.(6 marks)
- Describe, in detail, two powers of the Prime Minister in the UK Government.(4 marks)
- Explain, in detail, why some people think the HOL is undemocratic and in need of reform while others do not.(K8)
- Apart from voting, in what ways can UK citizens participate in politics? (8 Marks)
- Describe, in detail, the rights and responsibilities of pressure groups. Answers refer to specific Pressure Groups you have studied. (8 marks)
- Explain, in detail, why some pressure groups are more successful than others. (6 Marks)
- Describe, in detail, the rights and responsibilities of Pressure Groups when trying to influence the decision-making process. (8 marks)
- Describe, in detail, the methods used by Pressure Groups to influence the Government and/or public.(6 Marks)
- Describe, in detail, two ways in which political parties campaign during General Elections. (4 marks)
- Explain, in detail, the disadvantages of First Past the Post ( 8 marks)
- Describe, in detail, the crimes most commonly committed by young people.(Knowledge 6)
- Explain, in detail, why some people commit crime. (Knowledge 8)
- Describe, in detail, the changes that have been made to laws in Scotland on smoking & alcohol in recent years. (Knowledge 6)
- Describe, in detail, the crimes most commonly committed by young people.(Knowledge 6)
- Describe, in details two ways in which the police try to prevent crime. (Knowledge 4)
- Describe, in detail, the adult court system in Scotland(Knowledge 6)
- Describe two types of adult courts in Scotland. ( Knowledge 4)
- Describe, in detail, the work of the police in Scotland. (Knowledge 6)
- Give one reason for and against the use electronic tags to deal with offenders. (Knowledge 4)
- Describe the work of TWO branches of the police in Scotland. (Knowledge 4)
- Explain, in detail, why other punishments are being used as alternatives to prison sentences in the UK. (Knowledge 8)
- Describe two actions the Children’s Hearing System can take to help young people with problems. (Knowledge 4)
- Describe two ways in which the children’s Hearing System in Scotland is different from the adult court system. (Knowledge 4)
- Give reasons why children may be referred to the Children’s Panel.(K 4)
- Describe, in detail, two ways in which the group you have chosen (government/police/courts) has tried to tackle crime in the UK. ( 4 marks)
- Explain, in detail, two reasons why some people are affected by crime more than others.
(6 marks)
- Explain, in detail, why the world power you have studied is considered to be one of the most important countries in the world. (Knowledge 8 Marks)
- Explain, in detail, why some groups of people in the world power you have studied are more likely to participate in politics than others. (6 Marks)
- Describe, in detail, the political rights of citizens of the world power you have studied. ( 6 Marks)
- Describe, in detail, the powers of the political leader of the world power you have studied. (6 Marks)
- Describe in detail, the ways in which citizens of a world power you have studied can participate in elections. (4 marks)
- Describe, in detail, the ways in which citizens in the world power you have studied can participate in the running of their country.(8 Marks)
- Explain, in detail, why some citizens in the world power you have studied are under-represented in political institutions. (6 Marks)
- Describe, in detail, the rights and responsibilities of citizens in the world power you have studied. (8 Marks)
- Describe, in detail, two things about the United States of America which attract immigrants. (4)
- Forthe world power you have studied, describe the government strategies that have been used to address social and economic inequality. (6 marks)
- Describe, in detail, the social and economic inequalities that exist in a world power you have studied. (8 marks)
- Describe, in detail, the help poor people in the world power you have studied may receive from government. (6 marks)
- Explain, in detail, why some groups living in the world power you have studied, may have more success in education than others. (6 marks)
- Describe, in detail, two political rights that the citizens have in the world power you have studied. (6 marks)
- Explain in detail, two reasons why the world power you have studied has the ability to influence other countries. (6 marks)