
September 16, 2016

10:00 a.m.

Business ServicesConferenceRoom Building8,Room1106


Members Present: EverettMalcolm(Chair), Ashley Faulkner, Diana Tanner, Patrick Moore, Decato Burke, Glenda Kelsey, Elisabeth Avilla, William Godwin, William Mewborne, and Cole Poppell

Members Absent:Katrina Willis

Others Present: GeorgeAndrouin(BusinessandParkingServices), NealFisher (ParkingServices),Courtney Manns(ParkingServices), Gerald Davis (Parking Services)

Themeetingwascalledtoorder at 10:00 a.m.


  • EverettMalcolmmadethecouncil awarethat themeetingis beingrecordedtohelp with theaccuracyof theminutes.

2)Welcome and Introductions

  • All council members introduce themselves and stated which department they were representing.

3)Review PAC charge from VP Shuman

  • Everett Malcolm reviews on the charges issued by VP Shuman and speaks about future changes such as the ADT building becoming a part of UNF in 2019- 2020 and informs the council to keep that in mind for the future.

Everett Malcolm- Is there any questions referring to or related to the charges issued by VP Schuman?

(No response from council.)

4)Review By-laws and recommendation for charge

Everett Malcolm- Over the years we have made two minor tweaks to the bylaws. One had to deal with when we would meet and we put that we would meet quarterly, the second has to do with the chair. In the past the chair only voted if there was a tie. The chair now can vote without a tie. Those were the tweaks that have been made over the years. Is there any concerns on the current bylaws that you were able to review?

Cole Poppell - It says for the Student Government title that we are SGA, but our title is now SG.

EverettMalcolm - Okay we will have that changed.

William Godwin - Did you just say that the chair can vote normally now? Because it says on the bylaws that they still cannot unless there is a tie.

Everett Malcolm- That change will be made also. These are the most current bylaws signed. We made changes but they were never sent to Schuman to get signed so we will get that all updated and signed. Is everyone in an agreement to make these two changes raise your hand (SGA to SG and for the chair to vote?)

-All say I and raise hand.-

Everett Malcolm declares motion passed.

Everett Malcolm- George can you make those appropriate changes and get those to Shari?

George Androuin- Okay

5)Guest Speaker/ Issues of concern (Selection of Vice Chair for PAC)

Everett Malcolm- The selection for the vice chair for PAC will be voted for our next meeting; September 30th. Traditionally the VC has always been a student and that is because student hold most of the parking permits. I am not advocating of anything I am just holding historical information. We will accept nominations in our next meet. In my absence that person will be head of the council.

William Mewborne- What are the duties of the Vice chair for taking over?

Everett Malcolm- When I am absent the Vice Chair will generate the agenda issued by Shari Schuman, coordinate any issues of concerns with guest speakers.

William Mewborne- What is required of them when you are here? Will they assist you and your duties?

Everett Malcolm- Yes. (Goes into more detail about Vice Chair.) Is there any issues or concerns that may have been brought to council members?

Cole Poppell- There have been a lot of students asking to expand pavement lot 14 to some of the grass medians and about reducing the ratio that blue lots are sold under the logic that not everyone is going to be on campus at the same time, and allowing the housing residence to park one floor up.

Everett Malcolm- Those kind of issues are directly tied into our charge and as we get close to those items we will have lot counts from parking services which will really drive to parking services. After we get that information from parking services we will be able to go from there.

Elisabeth Avilla- Some students get here around 7 am and because on the Parking services website it says that they are opened at 8am and they don’t know about the drive through so we need to have that posted on the website so people will know. Advertisement about the drive thru or opening inside the building at 7 am will help.

Everett Malcolm- Two ways of handing that. One we can chance hours of operation with enforcement or we can market the hours so everyone knows when things are opened.

Ashley Faulkner- I have two concerns. One the PAC website need to be updated so that our names can be on it.

Neal Fisher- The person who manages the website was at a conference so we can take care of that easily.

Ashley Faulkner- My second concern is that If a member has to show documentationabout why they cannot make it to an appeal hearing, can it be written/ recorded on the rules and regulation for the appeals so that everyone knows?

George Androuin- We can have that written and we can also look into getting the appeals hearing to meet twice a month.

Everett Malcolm- any other questions or concern?


Everett Malcolm- (Encourages the council to encourage to bring guest speakers if they hear about any more issues or concerns from now until our next meeting.

William Mewborne- We have a lot of people who have been having issues with mailing addresses is there a way to solve this issue? Are we even going to use actual parking permits anymore next year?

George Androuin- No.

William Mewborne- Okay then that issue is solved. What will we need?

George Androuin- Just the license plate.

Diana Tanner- Are we not doing license plate recognition this summer?

George Androuin- We have decided come December to replace all pay and display machines around campus to machines that allow license plate entries only. The machine will continue to print out a permit for the spring semester. We will launch LPR in summer 2017 to test it out we will start advertise the nose in nose out policy as well

Diana Tanner- So no tickets right now for the nose in policy?

George Androuin- No, not until summer.

-All agrees it’s a good idea.-

Everett Malcolm- How many vehicles can get registered for one permit?

George Androuin- I believe it is five. If both people are sharing a permit then both cars will get ticketed if both on campus on the same time. So you will get two tickets on whoever owns the account.

Everett Malcolm- If I have two cars under my permit and if I am here and my daughter’s car is here and its registered under my name and she shows up here and we both get citations what action should be done there?

George Androuin- I say write an appeal. There’s a potential for abuse but depending on the situation things could be solved.

William Mewborne- If multiple people are on a pass is that abused?

Neal Fisher- Who gets the ticket?

William Mewborne- The person who owns the account.

Cole Poppell- Classes are different passes will not be sold as much.

George Androuin- Well students may have different classes but not all can work out that arrangement successfully because what if one wants to go somewhere on campus like the library?

William Mewborne- I agree but students will still try.

George Androuin- I agree.

Decato Burke- If a person rents a car can they use their pass for their rental pass?

George Androuin- Yes.

Neal Fisher- Yes.

Everett Malcolm- Is there any other questions of concerns?

-The room is silent-

6. Review meeting schedule

Everett Malcolm- It was very nice meeting you all our next meeting will be Friday, September 30, 2016 and I look forward to seeing you all there.


Minutes prepared by Courtney Manns