Summer 2014 Math 203 Intermediate Algegra Hybrid

Section: A4-30791 June 16, 2014 – July 24, 2014

Professor:Rina Santos

f emailing, please write in subject heading: Math 203Hybrid

Required Textbook:

Elementary and Intermediate Algebra for College Students by Angel and Runde, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall/Pearson.

Required Material:

Scientific Calculator is required, graphing calculator is suggested

Course Compass Access Code (in textbook package) or may be purchased separately at the COA bookstore or online at Credit cards are required for online course access code purchased online but if you have a financial aid voucher, I have ordered some to be placed at the bookstore for those that can’t purchase online with a credit/debit card.

Please note: It is up to you whether you want to purchase the textbook wrapped with the access code from the bookstore or just purchase the access code at the bookstore or online but I definitely need you to purchaseat least the access code (approx. $95.20 online or $119.00 COAbookstore) to do your required homework and online tests. With the access code, there is an online version of the textbook but if you want certain pages, you have to print them out one page at a time. The price of the textbook w/ student manual and the access code wrapped with it is over $250. The choice is yours depending on your financial ability.Please note that if you have taken the Math 201 course at COA and/or have used the Angel, 4th edition access code within the past year, then it may still be valid and therefore you would not have to pay the access code again.


Course Code for My Stat/Course Compass Lab:

For the Hybrid class - section A4-30791 use: santos76302

ORIENTATION (not mandatory this semester. There is a homework orientation assignment online called COA MML Orientation, but you must get into the course first (see last page of syllabus under “Getting Access to MyMathLab or Purchasing the Access Code Online”) and have finished the first homework set (Chap 6 and 7) and Quiz #’s 1-4 by Sunday 6/22/14 and take the first online test (Chap 7&8 Online Test) by Sunday 6/29/14midnight or you will be DROPPED from the course.This is similar to a NO-SHOW on the first day.

If you need extra help with gaining access to mymathlab and would like me to guide you through the process, I will be available on

Monday June 16 and Wed June 18 from 8:30-9:30am

in the library on the 1st floor, on the left hand side as you walk in.


  • Manipulate algebraic expressions to simplify them, including expressions that represent functions.
  • Develop problem-solving abilities: Synthesize data, translate words in to math language, and construct an abstract model that describes the problem.
  • Determine if an algebraic expression is an equation, classify the equation, then solve the equation (and check the solution)
  • Given data, analyze the information, and create a graph that is correctly titled and labeled, appropriately designed, and accurately emphasizes the most important data content.

Course Topics

Short Review on Factoring

Rational Expressions and Equations

Functions and Their Graphs

Systems of Linear Equations

Inequalities in One and Two Variables

Roots, Radicals and Complex Numbers

Quadratic Functions

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Conic Sections

Grading Policy


Exams (3 total)20%

Quizzes (16 total)25%

Midterm 10%

Final Exam20%



A: 90 – 100%; B: 80 – 89%; C: 70 – 79%; D: 60 – 69%; F: 0 – 59%

As a hybrid class you must come to the COA campus only two times during the semester:

The MIDTERM is MANDATORY on Wed, July 3rd, from 8-10am or 7-9pm Room still TBD


The COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM is MANDATORYon Thursday July 24th, from 8-10am or 7-9pm Room still TBD

Online Test dates other than the midterm or final should be completed by the date below:

Sun. June 29, 2014 : Chap 7 and 8 online test

Wed. July 3 ******MandatoryMIDTERM*****(On-campus at COA fromeither from 8-10am or 7-9pm Room # still TBD)

Sun. July 13, 2014: Chap 11 and 12 online test

Sun. July 20, 2014: Chap 13 and 14 online test

Mon. July 21, 2014(optional 8-10am or 7-9pm):Review for Final Lecture

Thurs. July 24, 2014*****Mandatory Comprehensive FINAL EXAM**** (On-campus at COAeither from 8-10am or 7-9pm Room # still TBD)

Room Locations still to be determined and will be emailed later for the optional review for the final, midterm and the final.

For my hybrid classes, the midterm and the final must be taken on campus on the date listed above, but an alternate date can be arranged with me by email given enough time (one week notice) as long as the test is taken before the above dates so as not to delay the other student’s test being returned.

The online tests usually opens on a Friday and closes on the Sunday (3 days), dates given above so whether you work on the weekdays or the weekends, you would still have enough time to take the online test on one of the days in that time span.

Please note: for the in-class exams, you are NOT allowed to use notes, books or formula sheets during the exam. I will let you know which formulas to memorize, which concepts will be covered and I will also provide the tables that you will need for that particular test. Calculators are ok to use during the test.

All exams contain both multiple-choice and a written portion to the test where you must show all work or define completely for full credit. For example on an in class exam, it has 25 multiple choice questions worth 3 points each and 5 questions worth 5 points each, other exams may be 30 multiple choice and 8 written questions. In the written portion, you may receive partial credit for correct work done so far but may not have the correct final answer whereas the multiple choice questions are just right or wrong.

For the midterm and the final, please bring an 882-E scantron sheet (long green scantron) and a #2 pencil to each test. You can purchase the scantron sheets at any campus bookstore. Questions on each exam will be similar to exercises and examples presented in the textbook and problems from the homework assignments. The online exams do not have this problem as you can take the online exam on any day out of the three days allotted to take the online exam so for example, if it opens on Friday morning, you will have to take it by Sunday midnight (the due dates are above), but keep in mind that once you open the online exam, you must complete it, it may or may not let you log out and come back in. It will score whatever you did once you logged out or got kicked off which happens if you are not on a reliable computer. Once you start, try to complete the exam within 3 hours and try to avoid finishing too close to the midnight deadline to assure proper submission of the test online.

There are NO MAKE-UP EXAMS. I drop the lowest exam score (not including the midterm or the final) for any missed online exams from illness, computer problems, forgot etc. but don’t miss any more than one online exam as it will seriously affect your grade and at the point of missing two online exams, or if you miss the midterm, that also does not have a make up exam, you should probably drop the class before it is too late. Last day to drop with a “W” is July 15, 2014.

Cheating Policy

Cheating is a very serious offense that I will not tolerate. If you are caught cheating on an exam, you will be given a grade of 0% for that exam. Both, or all parties involved will be charged. In addition, your grade may drop by one level (e.g. No one caught cheating will earn an A in the course.)

Offenses during an exam or quiz include, but are not limited to, talking to another student, staring at another's exam for answers or ideas, copying another's exam, getting help from others during a quiz and using prohibited materials such as notes on hands or cheat sheets andusing cell phones for a calculator.

Online Portion Format

This part of the course is presented in a virtual classroom using course management software. It takes advantage of the web's capacity for interactivity and linking. It is meant to be available "Anytime,Anywhere" but it must still be "Sometime, Somewhere". Online students typically need to be able to learn independently and have the discipline to do the course work and meet deadlines on a regular basis each week.

Course Format

Course material will be divided into chapters. Each chapter will consist of a homework assignment per section. You may submit your homework anytime before the deadline, but at the latest midnight on the due date. You must be completed with all homework that the Chapter Tests (Exams) covers by the Saturday night before the exam opens. This method is to keep you on track for the next section of homework and the next Test.NO MAKEUP HOMEWORK is allowed, therefore you must meet the weekly deadlines (See below). Please do not email me asking me to reopen any assignments that are past due because of this or that circumstance. This is exactly why I drop the lowest 3 assignments to accommodate for this and why you must note all the deadlines in your personal calendar. Don’t wait until the last day to do all your homework due for that week and an hour before the assignment closes at that. Believe me, I have seen it all. This will also help you decide whether an online course is right for you at this time. If you do decide to drop, it is your responsibility to drop yourself from the class via Passport or the Admission Office but please drop the class by June 18 to avoid getting a “W” on your transcript. Also, the last day to drop the class with a “W” is July 15.


Thurs. June19, 2014: COA MML Orientation Homework Due

Sun. June 22, 2014: Chap 7 Homework Due

Thurs. June 26, 2014: Chap 8 Homework Due

Wed. July 2, 2014: Chap 9/10 Homework Due

Thurs. July 10, 2014: Chap 11/12 Homework Due

Thurs. July 17, 2014: Chap 13 Homework Due

Wed. July 23, 2014: Chap 14 Homework Due

Course Compass / My Math Lab:
Students will be using an online program called Course Compass/MyMathLab available from the publisher, Addison Wesley, to complete their homework. You will need the course compass course id code which is santos76302. With the access code, you also obtain a multimedia version of the textbook and publisher videos online. After registering at MyMathLab you will be asked to detect and/or install some programs needed to run the system (Adobe, Macromedia Flash, JAVA, Quicktime etc.). On the homepage of the course it is called “Browser Check”. Make sure to install all necessary programs to avoid any mishaps while doing your homework or taking any online tests.You can login and do your work from any computer as long as you run the online installation program. It was the case not too long ago that Macs were having trouble running coursecompass programs because of the internet explorer conflict but now even Macs are ok as long as it has a split hard drive. I have been told by my students that their Macs run better using Firefox, Mozilla or Opera browsers so see which one is better for your particular Mac. The computers in the Math Lab are all set to go so you can use those too, but please, please, please always use a reliable computer especially when taking online tests.

Getting Access to MyMathLab or Purchasing the Access Code Online:
Please do not purchase access unless you have definitely decided to take the online course because if you transfer to another class that does not use this book then you cannot get a refund but if you drop or transfer into a class that does use this book then your access code is still valid and you can use it again as long as it is the same book. The access code costs anywhere from $95.20-$119.00.

Here are the steps to follow to purchase online access only:

> means “then click” also known as breadcrumbs because it leaves a trail

Go to website > Register - Student (colored button)> in the course id box, type in santos76302 if you are in section A4-30791 > Continue> (if you see on the far right “COA SUMMER 2014 Math 203 Int. Algebra Hybrid”, then you are in the right course > either “Sign in with your Pearson Account” or “Create a Pearson Account”:

“Sign in with your Pearson Account” is if you have used mymathlab before for a different class or are repeating this class.

“Create a Pearson Account” is for most students as they have never used mymathlab before and therefore have to create a username, password and security question. Please make sure to write down this information in a safe place so that if you forget it then you can reference it later.

Once you are done with this part, your choices will be “Use an Access Code” or “Use a Credit Card or Paypal”:

“Use an Access Code” is if you bought the book in a bundle and in the bundle you got a flat cardboard peel away one time use access code. Type in the series of random words with all the dashes in between exactly as it appears once you peel back to reveal the code.

“Use a Credit Card or Paypal” is if you don’t want to buy the book and are perfectly comfortable just reading from a computer screen or printing out just the parts that you need. You are only required to buy the access code but if you would like a book, you would have to buy the bundle (book and access code) at the bookstore. The COA bookstore also sells the access code by itself if you are not comfortable purchasing online.

(Note: The program also has an option called “gain temporary access” on the bottom left hand corner of one of the screens that will give you access to the course for approx. 14 days so if you need time financially, at least you can keep up with the course while you are waiting for your money to officially pay for the access code but after the date expires, you will be locked out and you must then pay to regain access to continue on with the class. It will keep all your work, but you will not get to continue without paying so you may miss deadlines that I cannot reopen so keep that in mind and pay as soon as you are able. If you need more explanation, just email me.)

After clicking one of these, the rest is up to you. You can now log into the course and start doing your homework. Go back to and now click “Sign In” and use the username and password you just created. This is the same username and password that you will be using for the rest of the course; then click the course itself and you will be in the homepage where the Dashboard, Announcements, Homework, etc. will be. First, click on the “Browser Check” in the middle of the page to see if your computer has all the applications it need to run the online homework and online tests smoothly. Once you are done, downloading and checking everything, I suggest restarting your computer and then click the Browser Check button again just to make sure. After that, check out the “Multimedia Library” button and click on “PowerPoint” and “Videos” to see the slides that I would use if I were to lecture on that chapter and also the video lectures for each section in Chap 6-14 as if you were in a classroom and use these useful toolsas a good review before you do your homework. Also this is the same area that you will find the e-version of your textbook under “Multimedia Textbook” > Find Now then click on any chapter/section. Make sure to either view the PowerPoint/Videos and/or read the chapters prior to doing your homework. Please email me if you have questions or concerns. Happy Learning!

Also for future reference, if you have any trouble with MyMathLab try the following website:

or you can call 800-677-6337 M-F 12pm-8pm (Eastern)

Office Hours:

By appointment and always welcomed; just email what dates and times you are available and I will let you know when I can meet you on campus.