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Mason Varsity Wrestling Team

Participation in the

2014–Al Dvorak Wrestling Invitational (12/22/14 – 12/23/14)
Depart on December 21, 2014


Depart December 21st, 2014

December 22st, 2014 - Wrestling begins at 9:30 am

December 23rd, 2014 - Wrestling begins at 9:00 am


The Al Dvorak Wrestling Invitational


Harlem High School

9229 N. Alpine Road

Machesney Park, IL 61115


Individual Advancement Tournament


All matches will follow the NFHS guidelines


The Team will depart at12:00pm on Sunday December 21stfrom Mason High School located behind the athletic office. The team will be departing immediately after practice. All team members will need to bring all travel gear / overnight gear for the tournament.


Mason City School District will not be providing transportation to or from this activity. Thus, if i choose to allow my child to participate in this activity, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that my child is provided safe transportation to and from this activity.

All team members and coaches will be responsible for providing their own travel arrangements.

Student athletes and parents will be required to fill out the Mason City School District – No transportation provided form. Document MCS-705

A final copy of those attending will be emailed to Scott Stemple prior to departure. This will include a complete list of all athletes attending the event and any updates as a result of injury, wrestle-offs, family matters, or adjusted weight classes.

This event is a varsity event that will feature 14 Mason High School wrestlers in the appropriate weight classes. Two additional wrestlers will make the trip in supporting roles (video and stats). A total of 16 wrestlers will make the trip.

No student will be charged money to participate. The cost of the trip will be covered by the booster fundraisers as outlined in the 2014-15 Mason Wrestling Budget.

Student athletes and parents will be required to fill out the Mason City School District – Permission Slip Form. Document MCS-702


All Breakfast and Lunches will be provided at the tournament site by the wrestling boosters. Wrestlers should plan on brining small snacks such as protein bars and Gatorades over and above the normal booster meals provided.

Dinner will occur after wrestling at a local restaurant or back at the hotel site.

Wrestlers are encouraged to bring a small amount of Cash for incidental food cost throughout the trip. $25.00 will be plenty.


In addition to area hospitals, nearby healthcare facilities offer outpatient Services and other non-emergency services. First aid and other appropriate services will be available at the tournament site. All coaches traveling with the team will maintain a copy of Emergency Medical Forms.


Hampton Inn

615 Clark Drive, Rockford, IL 61107


Check in: SundayDecember 21st, 2014

Check out: Tuesday December 23rd, 2014

8Rooms Reserved.

All Mason athletes will be required to sleep in the hotel rooms secured by the team under the supervision of the Mason coaching staff.


All wrestlers must adhere to rules and regulations outlined in Mason’s drug and alcohol policy and associated school rules. Additional behavior standards (rules, curfews, ect.) will ensure that Mason is represented in a professional manner,


Please use the addresses provided in this document for specific directions. Yahoo – maps will work for specific directions depending upon where you are departing from.



Craig Murnan(513) 304-2500

Ryan Root(513) 604-7433

Thik Phou(513) 225-8948

Josh Sasfy(614) 565-1186

Brennan Ryan(513) 378-2099

Tournament Directors:

Kurt Weight(815) 654-4578


Hampton Inn(815) 229-0404

ITINERARY (All Times are based on local time)

SundayDecember 21, 2014

10:00 amTeam Workout at Mason High School

11:30 amLunch at Mason High School (Packed Lunch)

12:00 pm Meet in the Mason High School athletic parking lot.

12:15 pm Gas up at Speedway Gas Stationat the corner of Tylersville and Route 42

12:30 pmLeave for Chicago, Illinois

-Approximately 390 miles

5:00 pmArrive in Rockford, IL (1 hour time change)

5:00 pmParents and Assistant Coach will check into Hampton Inn

- 615 Clark Drive

Rockford, IL 61107

(815) 229-0404

6:45 pmDinner ( Order Pasta / Pizza to Hotel )

8:00 pmWeight Check

10:30 pm Lights out

ITINERARY (All Times are based on local time)

Monday December 22, 2014

5:30 amEarly weight check for those in need

6:15 am Wake up call

6:30 am Meet in the Lobby of Hampton Inn

6:30 am Leave for Harlem High School

-Approximately 15 miles

9229 N. Alpine Road

Machesney Park, IL 61115

7:00 amArrive at Harlem High School

-Head Coach will check in with tournament director

-Assistant Coach will take team for weight check

-Parents will setup post weigh-in meal in cafeteria section

7:30 am Weigh-in as a team

7:45 amBreakfast

8:30 amTeam warm up

9:10 amCoaches Meeting

9:30 am Wrestling Begins (Session 1)

-Two rounds of championship bracket

-One round of wrestle back bracket

12:00 pmParents will setup meal in cafeteria section

3:00 pmWrestling continues (Session 2)

-Two rounds of wrestle back bracket

-One round of championship bracket (quarter finals)

8:30 pmShower & Check Weight with Coach Root

9:00 pmDinner (Subway Restaurant)

10:00 pmLights out

ITINERARY (All Times are based on local time)

TuesdayDecember 23, 2014

5:30 amEarly weight check for those in need

6:15 am Wake up call

6:30 am Meet in the Lobby of Hampton Inn

6:30 am Leave for Harlem High School

-Approximately 15 miles

9229 N. Alpine Road

Machesney Park, IL 61115

7:00 amArrive at Harlem High School

-Head Coach will check in with tournament director

-Assistant Coach will take team for weight check

-Parents will setup post weigh-in meal in cafeteria section

7:30 am Weigh-in as a team

7:45 amBreakfast

8:15 amTeam warm up

9:00 am Wrestling Begins (Session 3)


-Three rounds of wrestle back bracket

12:00 pmParents will setup meal in cafeteria section

2:00 pmWrestling continues (Session 4)

-Placement Matches

-Championship Matches

5:30 pmShower

6:00 pmHead Home

6:30 pmStop for dinner (fast food)

Gas up at available Gas Station

7:00 pm Depart for Mason, Ohio

MCS-702 Rev. 02/05

211 N. East Street

Mason, OH45040



Activity: Mason Wrestling @ Al Dvorak Invitational - Machesney Park,Illinois

(12/22/14 & 12/23/14 - Depart 12/21/14)

Student Name: ______

Date: ______Location: Machesney Park,Illinois (Chicago Area)

This permission slip is for participation in the above referenced activity. This activity will be supervised by the Mason City Schools staff.

We, the undersigned do hereby give permission for our child to participate in the above stated activity. We do hereby assume full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, personal injury or mental injury or death due to our child’s participation in these activities and the necessary travel to and from any activity site. We also further hereby assume full responsibility for all lost, stolen, or damaged personal property and will not hold the school or its employees responsible for said loss or damage to personal property.

The undersigned further release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue the Mason City School District Board of Education, its individual members, its superintendent, principals, administrators, employees, agents or anyone acting on its behalf, from all liability, arising from or by reason of any bodily injury, personal injury or mental injury, known or unknown, including death, resulting from, or to result from our child’s participation in field trips and co-curricular activities with Mason City School District.

We expressly agree that this release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Ohio or any other state in which said student may be injured and that if any portion of this release is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, nevertheless, continue in full force and effect.

We further state that we have fully and carefully read the above release and know the contents of the same and sign this release as our own free act.

We further consent to emergency treatment by a physician in the event of injury to or illness of our child during his/her participation in such activities.

DateSignature of Parent/Guardian

DateSignature of Student

MCS-705 Rev.11/06


Group:Mason High School – Wrestling TeamActivity:Dvorak Wrestling Invitational
LocationMachesney Park,Illinois (Chicago Area)Date:12/21/14-12/23/14Time:All Day

IacknowledgethatIhavereceivedwrittennoticefromtheMasonCitySchoolDistrictregardingtheabovereferencedactivity.IunderstandthattheMasonCitySchoolDistrictwill notbeprovidingtransportationtoorfromthisactivity.Thus,ifIchoosetoallowmychildtoparticipateinthisactivity,Iacknowledgethatitismyresponsibilitytoensurethatmychildisprovided safe transportationto and from this activity.

Iunderstandthattheoperatorofthemotorvehiclewhotransportsmychildtothisactivity, whetheritismeorsomeoneelse, willbeactingpurely in his or herprivatecapacity andnotunderthesupervisionorcontroloftheMasonCitySchoolDistrict.Furthermore, IunderstandthattheMasonCitySchoolDistrict’sinsurancepolicywillnotcoveranyaccidentsorinjuriessufferedduringthe transportation of my child toor from this activity.

Iunderstandthat,pursuanttotheMasonCitySchoolDistrict’sTransportationPolicy,mychildwillnotbeallowedtoparticipateintheactivitydescribedaboveunlessIsignthisAcknowledgement,ReleaseandConsentForm,anditisreceivedbytheMasonCitySchoolDistrict nolater thanone school daybeforethedateoftheactivity(listed above).

IacknowledgethatIhavereadandfullyunderstandthisAcknowledgement,ReleaseandConsentForm,andonbehalfofme,myspouse(ifapplicable),myheirs,legalrepresentativesandassigns,IherebyreleasetheMasonCitySchoolDistrictBoardofEducation,itsindividualmembers,agents,employees,representatives,andassignsfromanyandallpotentialliability,claims,demands,controversies,damages,actionsandcausesofactionrelatedtomychild’stransportationto or from the activity described above.

Parent / GuardianSignature Date

Student’ s Name – Please Print






