Name: / Date: / Length / Source:
School: / Grade: / #students:
Subject: Algebra I/Algebra I Part 2 / Topic: Factoring Quadratics / #IEP: 0
Action –
Students will learn how to solve quadratic equations by factoring and will understand why we factor. Students will understand factoring finds the roots of the equation, which will be applied later in the unit.
Connections- Explain how objectives relate to Kentucky Learner Goals and standards for learning content established by professional organizations. (Do not simply list the related goals, expectations, and or standards.)
MA-H-4.1.4 Students will identify linear, quadratic, absolute value, and exponential functions from graphs and equations.
MA-H-4.1.6 Students will recognize, give examples of, and apply the laws of exponents.
Academic Expectations
1.5 - 1.9 Students use mathematical ideas and procedures to communicate, reason, and solve problems.
M-H-A-8 Students will use the skills learned to solve linear equations and inequalities to solve numerically, graphically, or symbolically non-linear equations such as quadratic and exponential equations.
Core Content NSES=National Science Education Standards NCTM Standards NCSS Standards Nat’l Arts Standards
Context-Clearly describe how objectives and lesson relate to broad goals for teaching about the topic. Explain what has been done previously as it relates to this lesson.
Students will have learned about quadratics and what the standard form is. Students will have learned how to multiple two monomials together to get a polynomials; factoring is the reverse of this.
Materials/Technology-List materials and technology which will be used during the lesson. Attach print material to be used with students.
·  Classroom set of algebra tiles
·  Overhead algebra tiles or
·  Projector and using virtual algebra tiles on the following website, http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_189_g_4_t_2.html?open=activities
·  Supply of printing paper
·  Classroom set of scissors
·  Worksheet Factoring, Factoring worksheet #1 (leading coefficient is one)
Procedures-Describe strategies and activities to be used to involve students and accomplish objectives including how to trigger prior knowledge and adapt strategies to meet individual student needs and the diversity in your classroom.
Warm Up:
Multiple the following
·  Algebra Tiles (activity taken from Charles, Randall, & Thompson, Alba (1998). Polynomials. Focus on Algebra; An Integrated Approach (pp 603). Menlo Park, California: Scott Foresman Addison Wesley. )
o  Use the algebra tiles to model the trinomial
o  Arrange the tiles to form a rectangle. Be sure to use all the tiles used to model the trinomial. Don’t leave any gaps in your rectangle.
o  What binomials are modeled by the length and width of your rectangle? What is the product of these binomials?
o  Model each trinomial with algebra tiles. Use the same method to write each as a product of two binomials.
·  Do you see a pattern that could help you factor a trinomial without using the algebra tiles?
·  To give the students a reference it might be helpful to construct a foldable with them.
Designing a foldable:

Solid lines are folds
Dashed lines are cuts.
Discuss how the foldable works for each example pick some problems from the worksheet to do together as a class.
Front / Inside Flap
/ , Since c is positive, the signs have to be the same since both signs are positive in the equation, both signs are positive in the factored form.
de=c and dx + ex= bx
/ , Since c is positive, the signs have to be the same and b is negative so both signs are negative
(-d)(-e)=c and -dx-ex= -bx
/ , Since c is negative, the signs have to be different
-de=-c and -dx + ex= -bx since b is negative the larger of the numbers (d and e) goes in front of the negative sign.
/ , Since c is negative, the signs have to be different
-de=-c and -dx + ex= -bx since is b is positive the larger of the numbers (d and e) goes in front of the positive sign.
Student Assessment- Clearly state how you will assess student progress including performance criteria. Attach written assessment measures used in relation to the lesson
Students will be given homework, time in class to practice, a quiz and test covering the material.
Impact - Reflection/Analysis of Teaching and Learning-
Discuss student progress in relation to the stated objectives (i.e., what they learned with indicators of achievement). Discuss success of instruction as it relates to assessment of student progress
Refinement - Lesson Extension/Follow-up -

Document created by Joy Lynn Cox Buckingham July, 1999