Cheer and Chant List


·  Fire up ignite, hey we’re dynamite.

·  Let’s hear it for the best XX HHHS

·  Aww Hatters, Go Big Red

·  Red XX Black, Red and Black go Hats

·  F-I-G-H-T, fight Red and Black

·  To the G, To the O Yell go, Go

·  Hats, yell it. Red and Black

·  W-I-N, fight to win

·  Hats, do it again. Go, Fight, Win

·  Red Black White, victory tonight

·  G-O let’s go Hats. G-O let;s go.

·  B-E-A-T, beat those ______.

·  Clap it high. Clap it Low. Come on fans, go hats go.

·  B-E-A-T, come on Hatters beat the ______.

·  Go, Go Hatters. Everybody yell, go hatters

·  Yell out your colors Hatters, Red and Black

·  Hey, Hey, Hey Hatters, Go Big Red

·  Take it down, take it down, take it all the way down, Touchdown!


·  Hatters X what do ya say, move that ball the other way.

·  Defense X get tough. Hold that line.

·  T-A, K-E, take that ball away.

·  Hold ‘em, defense. Hold that line.

·  Push ‘em back, go Hats. Hold that line.

·  Attack. Attack. Let’s go Red and Black.

·  A-T-T, A-C-K. Attack Hats go all the way.

·  Sack that quarterback, crash through that line.

·  Defense, Push ‘em back, push em’ back, push ‘em back hold that line


·  M-O XX V-E XX Move the ball to victory.

·  S-C-O-R-E. Score Hats score.

·  Touchdown. Let’s do it again. Touchdown. Let’s win.

·  Hats, Hats we want a touchdown.

·  Move that ball, down that field. Touchdown, go Hats.

·  We want a touchdown. We want 6 points

·  Hatters score XX 6 more.

·  Take it down. Take it down. Take it all the way down. Touchdown

·  Another. Another. Just like the other. We want a first and XX 10