
Comparing and Contrasting-Point of View

Utilizing “A Storm at Sea” and “Because of Winn Dixie”

Theme: a story’s theme is its main message or lesson. The theme is revealed through what the main character learns.

Point of View: A character narrates the story, using first or third person point of view. When a character uses the pronouns I, me, and my, they are writing in first person. When the words, he, she, or they is used then the point of view is in third person which is showing narration by an outside observer.


Read “A Storm at Sea”. Pay attention to clues that reveal the theme and clues that reveal point of view. Read the story “Because of Winn Dixie” and continue to look for clues that reveal point of view and theme as well. Complete the Venn Diagram by comparing and contrasting the themes and points of view of “A Storm at Sea”and “Because of Winn Dixie”. After completion of the Venn Diagram, utilize the graphic organizer to write a paragraph comparing and contrasting theme and point of view in both stories.


Comparing and Contrasting

Point of View and Theme


Use the details from the Venn Diagram and the graphic organizer below to help you write a well-organized essay comparing and contrasting point of view and theme.

Paragraph / Notes
Write about the point of view, character, problem, and solution of the story “A Storm at Sea”. Use details from the story.
Paragraph #2
Write about the point of view, main characters, problem, and solution from the story, “Because of Winn Dixie”. Use details from the story.
Paragraph #3
What is the common theme in both stories? Think about how both main characters felt using details from the story. Use these questions to help guide your understanding of the themes of these stories.
  • What does the main character in each story learn?
  • What is the author’s message in each story?

Check your writing for the following:

  • Good use of details from BOTH stories
  • Check that you used all the information you gathered in your Venn Diagram in your writing piece
  • Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Make certain your name is on your work