Middleton History Unit


Monday, Feb. 4th (Afternoon 30 min.)

  • Explain what’s going to happen on Wednesday’s walking field trip
  • Overview Project

Wednesday, Feb. 6th (All morning, Afternoon in computer lab)

  • Walking Field Trip – Stan here to film
  1. Take digital photos
  2. Listen for a building that interests them
  • Use Inspiration for planning
  • Review project activities and expectations
  1. Timeline entries
  2. Web pages
  3. Summary Paragraphs
  4. Scripts
  • Email Kuna kids in the afternoon

Thursday, Feb. 7th (Afternoon 45-50 min.)

  • Model finding and highlighting facts from the Middleton History Book
  • Kids do research with book chapters
  • Complete timeline entries as facts are found during research

Friday, Feb. 8th (Afternoon 20-30 min.)

  • Lesson on including “interesting facts” use Sharks from Creating Writers Workshop
  • Continue research and timeline entries

Monday, Feb.11th (Afternoon 45 min.)

  • Model using Inspiration to organize facts
  • Continue research

Tuesday, Feb. 12th (Afternoon 20 min.)

  • Students continue researching and organizing facts

Wednesday, Feb. 13th (Afternoon 30 min. + computer lab)

  • Introduce Summary Paragraph Rubric
  • Email Kuna kids and explain what they have learned so far
  • Type first drafts

Thursday, Feb. 14th

Valentine’s Day Party

Friday, Feb. 15th (30 min. + computer lab)

  • Review summary paragraph rubric
  • Organization Lesson with Boa Constrictor and Abe Lincoln
  • Continue work on paragraphs and timeline
  • Finish up first drafts in computer lab

Monday, Feb. 18th

No School – Presidents Day

Tuesday, Feb. 19th (Afternoon 30 min.)

  • Revisit rubric
  • Revise paragraphs

Wednesday, Feb. 20th (Afternoon 45 min.)

  • Model paragraph revision for lead, organization, and conclusion
  • Finish summary paragraphs
  • Scan photographs if ready
  • Email Kuna kids

Thursday, Feb. 21st (Afternoon 45 min.)

  • Intro script format and rubric. Discuss:
  • Picking highlights or stories
  • Time limits
  • Descriptive language and inflection
  • Sharing time as partners

Friday, Feb. 22nd (Afternoon 20 min. + computer lab)

  • Work on scripts (writing)
  • Work on web page templates (Model first)
  • Insert title
  • Insert current photo
  • Insert paragraph

Monday, Feb. 25th (Afternoon 30 min.)

  • Finish scripts and begin practicing
  • Continue timeline work

Tuesday, Feb. 26th (Afternoon 20 min.)

  • Practice scripts

Wednesday, Feb. 27th (Afternoon 30 min. + computer lab)

  • Intro. Timeliner begin entries
  • Practice scripts
  • Continue web page work inserting historical photos
  • Email Kuna kids with update

Thursday, Feb. 28th (Afternoon 45 min.)

  • Dress rehearsals of scripts, video tape so students can see themselves
  • Finish up timeline entries

Friday, Mar. 1st (Afternoon 30 min.)

  • Review video tapes and continue practicing
  • Preview ABC book and other walking field trip info.

Monday, Mar. 4th (All Morning)

  • Walking Field Trip #2 – Stan here to film
  1. ABC Book - Digital Photos (2 groups)
  2. Pairs filming

Tuesday, Mar. 5th (Afternoon 20 min.)

  • Finish timeline
  • Work on ABC pages

Wednesday, Mar. 6th (computer lab)

  • Email Kuna Kids

Mar. 7th-15th

Stan will be rendering film for us. Finish web page links.

Mar. 18th-20th

Insert digital video and preview web pages