1. Call to Order

Vice President Sandhu called the meeting to order at 6:15 PM.

  1. Quorum Roll Call

Roll Call 6:15 PM
Name / Present / Absent / Late
Executives / President Alex Lee / 1
VP Abhay Sandhu / 1
Controller Joe DeAngelo / 1
O/R - Jade Wolansky / 1
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Puneet Dhinsa / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Adam Xu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Total / 7 / 2 / 2
Commission Chairs / AAC - Hemali Patel / 1
GASC - Alison Tam (Sarah Shemery) / 1
BFC - David Heifitz / 1
IAC - Nick Flores / 1
EAC - Sara Williams / 1
ECAC - Komal Sharma / 1

With 7 Senators present out of 11 seated, quorum was established.

  1. Confirmation of New Senator

President Lee introduced newly appointed Senator, Julie Jung.

Senator Dhaliwal: What is your platform?

Senator Jung: Basic needs & food security are top priorities.

Senator Singh: What experience did you gain working for the Executive Office?

Senator Jung: Learned to be a leader and a follower.

Senator Chiang: Do any of your platforms intersect with other senators?

Senator Jung: They intersect with bills from Senator Jamaludin and OASR.

Senator Chiang moved to confirm Senator Jung. The motion was seconded. The motion to confirm Senator Jung carried unanimously.

  1. Presentation: Cory Vu

Janice Corbett introduced Interim Director Dr. Cory Vu

Senator Chiang: How will you help with the transition with the new director?

Dr Vu: The new director will come in January

Senator Chiang: Are there any plans to expand psych services?

Dr Vu: We have 4 psychologists at our campus and we are including looking into telepsychiatry.

  1. Presentation: Clement Stokes

Clement Stokes: Director of Emergency Management at UC Davis. Senior leadership is tuned in any time of emergencies/crises/threats on campus. 6/10 UCs have gone through shootings. They are inviting constituents to sign up for emergency notification services to communicate any emergency situations that happen on campus. Students should download crisis management application, as students take an active role in safety. They can provide tours for emergency operation center. They can provide services at ASUCD events.

  1. Appointments and Confirmations: EC Gardens

Nick Campbell, new chair for EC Gardens

Currently working to rebrand EC gardens and raise more awareness as we are an agriculture school

Senator Singh moved to confirm Nick Campbell as EC Gardens Chair. The motion was seconded. The motion to confirm Nick Campbell as EC Gardens Chair carried unanimously.

  1. Presentation: Body Positivity Group

Shannon George: Coordinator for The Body Project - here to help students love their bodies so students don't have to conform to different standards of beauty. Holding several events this quarter, starting with a workshop on October 8th.

Sarah Shemery: It is important to include trans, queer, and colored bodies. Reach out to GASC to make this more inclusive.

Senator Dhaliwal: Reach out to GASC to collaborate on events.

  1. Appointments and Confirmations
  2. Elections Committee - Chair

Pro-tem Jamaludin: Elections are right around the corner, usually confirmations are done in spring, but we needed a chair ASAP.

Sevan Nahabedian: Will be able to remain non partisan. marketing elections, increasing outreach.

Commissioner Flores: What structural changes are you looking to make?

Sevan: The bylaws were written in 1996; we need to make adjustments to slate fees.

Sevan: Looking to have a staff of about 10 people.

Senator Dalavai moved to confirm Sevan Nahabedian as Elections Committee Chair. The motion was seconded. The motion to confirm Sevan Nahabedian as Elections Committee Chair carried unanimously.

  1. Elections Committee - Vice Chair

Maggie He: Organized campaign for 57 candidates in high school and has a lot of experience in marketing, social media, and graphic design.

Senator Chiang moved to confirm Maggie He as Elections Committee Vice Chair. The motion was seconded. The motion to confirm Maggie He as Elections Committee Vice Chair carried unanimously.

No objections to recessing for 10 minutes.

Vice President Sandhu called the meeting back to order at 7:50 PM.

Roll Call 7:50 PM
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Puneet Dhinsa / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Zheng Zhu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Total / 8 / 2 / 1

With 8 Senators present out of 11 seated, quorum was established.

  1. IAC

Kimia Akbari, Ryan Gardiner, Jaren Gaither, Oscar Cervantes - new IAC commissioners.

Commissioner Flores: They will all become voting members soon.

Senator Dalavai moved to confirm the new IAC commissioners. The motion was seconded. The motion to confirm the new IAC commissioners carried unanimously.

  1. Consideration of Old Legislation

●Commissioner Heifetz: Business & Finance abled Senate Bill #4.

●Controller DeAngelo: Senate should see this.

Senator Dhinsa moved to unrefer Senate Bill #4 from B&F. The motion was seconded. The motion to unrefer Senate Bill #4 from B&F carried unanimously.

●Senator Chiang: We need to respect the commission process, they are there for a reason.

●Commissioner Heifetz: The bill is mostly just structural so it’s fine.

  1. Senate Bill #4

●Controller DeAngelo: The bill amends the USA committee to add two career staff. It was never added to the bylaws by SGAO. Marketing is internal, USA is external.

●Secretary Wolansky: Remove outreach assembly speaker

●Senator Dalavai: Is there any overlap between ASUCD executive outreach and USA?

○Controller DeAngelo: USA deals with more corporate partnerships and will be used to expand ASUCD and market to students in a new way.

●Senator Singh: Have we reached out to KDVS?

○Controller DeAngelo: We will notify them.

Senator Dalavai moved to call the bill into question. The motion was seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

  1. Status of Legislation Previously Passed

●All bills have been signed.

  1. Introduction of New Legislation

●Senate bills going to committees:

○Constitutional amendment to dissolve judicial branch - Flores/Dalavai

○Make Subsection 901(a) of bylaws consistent with Section 901 - Flores

○Amend the Aggie budget in light of new information - DeAngelo

  1. Ex-Officio Reports

●Oral reports were given for all officers present.

  1. Elected Officer Reports

●Oral reports were given for all officers present.

  1. Unit Assignments

●Ally Lozano is now running SGAO.

●Unit assignments are as follows:

○Aggie Reuse - Senator Dalavai & Senator Grewal

○Bike Barn - Senator Singh

○Campus Center for the Environment - Senator Jamaludin & Senator Dhaliwal

○Coho - Senator Jung & Senator Molodanof

○Creative Media - Senator Dalavai & Senator Singh

○Entertainment Council - Senator Jung & Senator Molodanof

○Experimental College - Senator Chiang & Senator Jung

○Experimental College Gardens - Senator Martinez

○HAUS - Senator Grewal & Senator Xu

○KDVS - Senator Dhaliwal & Senator Park

○OASR - Senator Dalavai & Senator Chiang

○Pantry - Senator Chiang & Senator Jung

○Picnic Day - Senator Dhaliwal

○STS - Senator Grewal & Senator Dalavai

○Unitrans - Senator Martinez

○WEF - Senator Singh & Senator Park

○Refrigerator - Senator Grewal & Senator Jung

●Commissioner Flores: IAC will go through units.

  1. Public Discussion

●Sophie: Marketing director of Creative Media, currently working on project with CoHo & having a contest next week.

●Commissioner Flores: Come to IAC next week.

●Pro-tem Jamaludin: Couple things senate needs to work on. 1) tardiness. We start at 6:10, let Adilla know if you will be late so presenters know. Time yourselves during breaks, we only have 10 minutes. 2) Interview process has changed, reply all if you can make the meeting, reply directly to Adilla if you cannot make the meeting. 3) Electronics not allowed during meetings. 4) Attitude and apparel - you are still an elected official; do your job well and with respect. 5) Google doc for new chancellor - fill out Google doc for chancellor search resolution. It should be collective opinions from all senators. If you are late there will be consequences. This is a team effort, we should be working as such.

●Vice President Sandhu: Some committee chairs do not follow up with committee members. Should we have senators be leads of the committees?

○Senator Dhaliwal: Committee chairs do not come to meetings.

○Commissioner Flores: We have two options - strengthen relationship between chairs and senators OR get rid of committees that haven’t met in the last 6 months. We can make it a special committee to renew status every year so they have to advocate for why they should be a committee….or have senators be the committee chairs.

○Senator Dalavai: We can mandate a reporting system.

○Senator Dhaliwal: We need to rethink senators being committee chairs.

○Controller DeAngelo: Find out the problem committees first.

Senator Dalavai moved to divide the house to make a list of problem committees or have senators be committee chairs. The motion was seconded.

Divide the House: Committee List vs. Senators as Chairs
List / Chairs / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Puneet Dhinsa / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Adam Xu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Total / 9 / 0 / 2

With 9 in favor to create the list of problem committees, the motion carries.

○Pro-tem Jamaludin, Senator Jung, Senator Dalavai, Senator Grewal, & Senator Chiang will create the list.

  1. Public Announcements

●No public announcements.

  1. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

●Minutes from September 29th, 2016 were approved unanimously.

  1. Adjournment

●Vice President Sandhu adjourned the meeting at 9:20 pm.

Minutes taken & completed by:

Naeema Kaleem | ASUCD Senate Recorder