2018-09-291 (2)


SciLifeLab National Projects 2017

Total Budget

Describe the total budget applied for. Clearly state amount to be covered by SciLifeLab and the amount covered by the applicant (if applicable, according to the terms of the grant if co-financing is required).

(preparation, sequencing) / Amount
(#) / Cost
(SEK) / Funded by SciLifeLab
Total cost
(SEK) / Total cost applicant
(SEK) / Total funding SciLifeLab

Specify which facilities will process your samples:

On Mac first highlight the check-box, then tick it by pressing space.

Tick all that apply

☐ National Genomics Infrastructure

☐ Microbial Single Cell Genomics

Type of sequencing project:

Tick all that apply

2018-09-291 (2)


☐De Novo


☐Single Cell



☐Other (specify below)

2018-09-291 (2)

Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.

Sample Description

Please describe your samples. The number of samples, type of samples, quality and quantity etc. The information should be detailed enough to enable a technical feasibility review.

Genome size: Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter Latin name of organism(s). If samples contains mixes of cultures or organisms, please tick the box below
☐ Mixed culture/tissue
Estimated total number of samples:
(Including replicates) / Click or tap here to enter number of samples. /
Average total amount (e.g. ng DNA)per sample: Click or tap here to enter text.
Sample quality: Click or tap here to enter text.
Sample type to submit (Tick all that apply)
☐ Whole cells ☐ DNA ☐ RNA ☐ Ready made library
☐ Other (specify below)
Comments: Click or tap here to enter text.

Single Cell Preparation

Only applicable to microbial single cell biodiversity projects. Skip this section if not applicable.

Sorting: ☐ FACS ☐ C1 (including amplification)
Amplification: ☐ MDA
PCR screening: ☐ 16S rRNA
Cell size and shape, cell abundance: Click or tap here to enter text.
Sample preservation method: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ Unknown

Preparation and Sequencing

Describe the sample preparation and sequencing. The method(s) should be available at the facilities that will process your samples, and applicable to the DNA quality and quantity available.

☐ Illumina ☐ PacBio ☐ Ion ☐ Other (please specify below)
Specify read-length and setup: Click or tap here to enter text.
Requested library preparation method: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ Unknown
Requested amount of data per sample: Click or tap here to enter text.
☐ Unknown