School Procurement Rules Revision Summary


·  Corrections were made throughout the rules. Examples include:

·  A common format of capitalized first word and all lower case for the rest of the words for each item in the table of contents.

·  Corrected several rule numbers.

·  Completion or correction of several citations.

·  Corrected text where need was discovered. (1 to one, 2 to two, 5% to five percent, etc.)

·  Corrected text changes are not included in the summary below.

R7-2-1001. Definitions

·  Added definitions for consistency with ADOA procurement rules.

·  Relocated APDM definitions from R7-2-1116.

·  Renumbered the definitions.

·  Revised “Reverse auction” to reference vendor, instead of offeror (12/15/11)

·  Deleted “School district chief procurement officer” and renumbered remaining definitions (12/15/11)

·  Deleted “Specific single project” and renumbered remaining definitions, per the committee (12/15/11)

·  Added “Procurement advisor” and renumbered the remaining definitions (1/4/12)

·  Revised the “Construction” definition to be consistent with 41-2503 (2/15/12)

·  1001(9): Changed “of” to “or” and spelled “submitting” correctly. (3/16/12)

·  1001(64): Spelled “facsimile” correctly. (3/16/12)

R7-2-1002. Applicability

·  Revised the applicability amount for consistency with A.R.S. § 15-213(A)(1).

·  Added a specific exclusions section.

·  Added subsection (D)(17) consistent with statute. (12/8/11)

·  Added “providing career and technological education and vocational education” to (D)(1) (12/15/11)

·  Deleted (D)(9) auxiliary funds and renumbered the remaining items (12/15/11)

R7-2-1003. General provisions

·  Revised section A.

·  Added sections E, F and G.

R7-2-1004. Written determinations

·  Added section C.

R7-2-1005. Confidential information

·  Added subsection A(1).

·  Revised sections B, C, D.

·  Added section E.

R7-2-1006. Delegation of procurement authority

·  Completed the statutory citation.

·  Added subsection (A)(1) specifying items that governing boards may delegate (12/15/11

R7-2-1007. Procurement advisors

·  No changes.

R7-2-1008. Change orders and contract amendments percentage

·  Changed the rule title to match revisions to the rules.

·  Deleted the original rule.

·  Added new rules consistent with ADOA procurement rules.

R7-2-1009. Proprietary specifications

·  No changes.

R7-2-1010. Recycled Products Use

·  Added governing board authority to section A.


New section heading for clarity.

R7-2-1011. Electronic online bidding

·  Added this new section.

·  1011(J): Deleted “, if a competing bidder located outside of this state is not subject to a transaction privilege or use tax of a political subdivision of this state” after “lowest bidder” in the next to last line. (3/16/12)

R7-2-1012. Authorization of electronic transactions

·  Added this new section.


R7-2-1021. Method of Source Selection

·  Revised section A.

·  Updated the exceptions list (1/5/12)

R7-2-1022. Notice of competitive sealed bidding

·  Revised sections A & C.

·  1022(A): Deleted “. Specified Professional Services” after “R7-2-1123” in the next to last line of the paragraph. 3/16/12)

R7-2-1023. Prospective bidders' lists

·  Added subsection A(1).

R7-2-1024. Invitation for Bids

·  Revised subsection B(1)(b).

·  Added subsection B(1)(e)(i).

·  Added subsections B(1)(g)(I, ii, iii).

·  Added subsections B(1)(i-v).

·  Deleted subsections B(2 & 3).

R7-2-1025. Pre-bid conferences

·  Revised section A.

·  Added section B.

R7-2-1026. Amendments to invitation for bids

·  Added subsections A(4 & 5).

·  Added section D.

R7-2-1027. Pre-opening modification or withdrawal of bids

·  Revised section B.

R7-2-1028. Late bids, late withdrawals and late modifications

·  Revised sections C & D.

R7-2-1029. Receipt, opening and recording of bids

·  Added subsection A(1)

·  Revised section B.

R7-2-1030. Mistakes in bids

·  Added sections A, B, I, J, K.

·  Deleted original section G.

·  Renumbered remaining original sections.

R7-2-1031. Bid Evaluation and Award

·  Added subsection A(1).

·  Added new section B.

·  Deleted original section J.

·  Renumbered remaining original sections.

·  Added subsection I(1).

·  Revised new section J.

·  Added sections K, L, M, N.

·  Removed “if a competing bidder located outside of this state is not subject to a transaction privilege or use tax of a political subdivision of this state.” from (A) for statutory consistency (12/15/11)

R7-2-1032. Only One bid received

·  Added a section number to the first paragraph.

R7-2-1033. Simplified School Construction Procurement Program

·  No changes.


R7-2-1035. Multistep sealed bidding

·  Revised section A.

R7-2-1036. Phase 1 of multistep sealed bidding

·  Added new section C.

·  Renumbered remaining original subsections.

·  Added subsection D(3).

R7-2-1037. Phase 2 of multistep sealed bidding

·  No changes.


R7-2-1041. Competitive sealed proposals

·  Added subsection A(1).

·  Added new section B.

·  Renumbered original section B.

R7-2-1042. Request for Proposals

·  Revised section A.

R7-2-1043. Pre-proposal conferences

·  No changes.

R7-2-1044. Late proposals, modifications or withdrawals

·  Added section E.

R7-2-1045. Receipt of proposals

·  Added subsection A(1).

R7-2-1046. Evaluation of proposals

·  Revised section A.

·  Deleted original section B.

·  Added sections B, C, D, E.

R7-2-1047. Clarifications and discussions with individual offerors

·  Added “Clarifications” to the rule title.

·  Deleted the original rule.

·  Added new sections A & B.

R7-2-1048. Best and final offers

·  Deleted the original rule.

·  Added new sections A, B, C.

R7-2-1049. Mistakes in proposals

·  Revised section A.

R7-2-1050. Contract Award

·  Deleted original sections D & E.

·  Added new sections D, E, F, G.

·  Removed “if a competing offeror located outside of this state is not subject to a transaction privilege or use tax of a political subdivision of this state.” from (A) for statutory consistency (12/15/11)


R7-2-1053. Sole source procurements

·  Deleted the original section B.

·  Added new sections B, C, D, E.

·  Removed subsection (B)(1) (12/15/11)

·  Changed the order of (B), (C), (D) (1/5/12)


R7-2-1056. Emergency procurements

·  No changes.

R7-2-1057. Emergency procurement procedure

·  Added section D.


New section heading for clarity.

Removed public-private partnerships (12/15/11)

R7-2-1058. Competition Impracticable Procurements

·  New rules consistent with the ADOA procurement rules.

·  Removed subsection (B)(1) per the committee 12/15/11

R7-2-1059. Public-private partnerships (Removed 12/15/11)

·  New rules consistent with the ADOA procurement rules.


R7-2-1061. Competitive selection procedures for clergy, certified public accountants, physicians, dentists and legal counsel

·  Revised section A.

·  Added new sections C, D, E, F.

R7-2-1062. Statement of qualifications

·  Revised section A.

·  Added section C.

R7-2-1063. Request for proposals

·  Designated original rule as section A.

·  Added section B.

R7-2-1064. Receipt of proposals

·  No changes.

R7-2-1065. Evaluation of proposals

·  No changes.

R7-2-1066. Discussions with individual offerors

·  No changes.

R7-2-1067. Contract award

·  Changed the rule title to be consistent with new rules.

·  Deleted the original rule.

·  Added new rules in sections A-E consistent with ADOA procurement rules.


New section heading for clarity.

R7-2-1068. Request for information

·  Deleted original rule.

·  Added new rules for request for information.

R7-2-1069. General Services Administration contracts

·  Added new rules consistent with A.R.S. § 15-213

·  Revised subsection (A) for compliance with 15-213 (12/8/11)


R7-2-1071. Reserved

R7-2-1072. Cancellation of solicitations; rejection of bids and proposals

·  No changes.

R7-2-1073. Cancellation of solicitation before the due date and time

·  No changes.

·  Revised the title to better reflect the rule (1/5/12)

·  Revised subsection (A) (1/5/12)

·  Added subsections (B) &(C) (1/5/12)

R7-2-1074. Cancellation of solicitation after bid or proposal opening and before award

·  Made existing paragraph section A.

·  Added new sections B, C, D, E.

·  Revised the title to better reflect the rule (1/5/12)

·  Revised subsection (A) (1/5/12)

·  Deleted subsections (B) &(C) and moved them to R7-2-1073 (1/5/12)

·  Renumbered Remaining subsections (1/5/12)

R7-2-1075. Rejection of individual bids and proposals

·  No changes.

R7-2-1076. Responsibility of bidders and offerors

·  Added subsections A(1-3).

·  Added subsections B(3 & 6).

·  Renumbered remaining section B subsections.

·  Added new section D.

·  Renumbered original section D.

R7-2-1077. Prequalification of contractors for materials, services and construction

·  No changes.

R7-2-1078. Bid and contract security

·  No changes.

R7-2-1079. Cost or pricing data

·  Revised sections D & F.

R7-2-1080. Refusal to submit cost or pricing data

·  No changes.

R7-2-1081. Defective cost or pricing data

·  No changes.

R7-2-1082. Right to inspect plant

·  No changes.

R7-2-1083. Right to audit records

·  Changed the time limit to five years for consistency with ADOA procurement rules.

R7-2-1084. Anticompetitive practices

·  No changes.

R7-2-1085. Retention of procurement records

·  No changes.

R7-2-1086. Record of procurement actions

·  Revised and corrected section A.

R7-2-1087. Determination of fair and reasonable price

·  Added new rules consistent with ADOA procurement rules.

R7-2-1088. Contract clauses

·  Added new rules consistent with ADOA procurement rules.

·  Added subsection G (12/8/11)


R7-2-1091. Authority to use contract types

·  No changes.

R7-2-1092. Approval of accounting system

·  No changes.

R7-2-1093. Multiterm contracts

·  Added subsection A(1).

·  Added new sections B & C consistent with ADOA procurement rules.

·  Renumbered original section B.

·  Revised subsection (A)(1) to remove the 10 year cap for consistency with statute (1/5/12)



R7-2-1101. Preparation of specifications

·  No changes.

R7-2-1102. Types of specifications

·  No changes.

R7-2-1103. Confidentiality

·  No changes.

R7-2-1104. Maximum practicable competition

·  No changes.

R7-2-1105. Conflict of interest

·  No changes.


R7-2-1109. Notice of competitive sealed bidding for construction

·  No changes.

R7-2-1110. Qualified Select Bidders List

·  No changes. Not reviewed.

·  Changed “proposer” to “offeror” for consistency with the rest of the rules. Removed the annual reporting requirement. (1/5/12)

R7-2-1111. Bid security

·  No changes.

R7-2-1112. Contract performance and payment bonds

·  No changes.

R7-2-1113. Bond forms

·  No changes.

R7-2-1114. Contract Payment Retention and Substitute Security

·  No changes.

R7-2-1115. Progress Payments

·  No changes.

R7-2-1116. Procurement of construction using alternative project delivery methods

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Added new rules consistent with applicable statute.

·  Inserted revised procurement file contents and review rules (12/15/11.


R7-2-1117. Procurement of specified professional services

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Revised the rules consistent with applicable statute.

R7-2-1118. Public notice of specified professional services

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Revised the rules consistent with applicable statute.

R7-2-1119. Specified professional services selection committee

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Revised the rules consistent with applicable statute.

R7-2-1120. Cancellation or rejection of the solicitation

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Revised the rules consistent with applicable statute.

R7-2-1121. Committee evaluation and selection

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Revised the rules consistent with applicable statute.

R7-2-1122. Single negotiated fee method of award

·  Changed the rule title to “Procurement of specified professional services contracts not exceeding $250,000.”

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Added new rules consistent with statute.

R7-2-1123. Multiple fee proposal method of award

·  Changed the rule title to “Procurement file contents and review.”

·  Deleted the original rules.

·  Added new rules consistent with statute.

·  Inserted revised procurement file contents and review rules (12/15/11.


R7-2-1125. Cost principles

·  No changes.


R7-2-1131. Material Management and Disposition

·  Revised subsection C(2)(a) to require that potential bidders be provided with notices of sale bids, rather than requiring that such notices be mailed.

·  Added subsection C(3)(a) to authorize additional auction advertisement.

·  Added subsection C(3)(b) to authorize appropriate advertising for online auctions.

·  Revised subsection C(3)(5) to include employees of school district agents.

·  Revised subsection (C)(1) to add equipment and furniture the 15-352 exemption pursuant to statute. (12/8/11)

·  Added subsection (C)(7) pursuant to 15-342 (13).

·  Added online sales to the authorized methods. Added subsection iv to (C)(3)(b) (2/15/12)

R7-2-1132. State and federal surplus materials program

·  No changes.

R7-2-1133. Authority for transfer of material

·  No changes.


R7-2-1141. Resolution of bid protests

·  Corrected the reference to the location of the definition for the district representative.

R7-2-1142. Filing of a protest

·  Revised section A to add not susceptible of award.

R7-2-1143. Time for filing protests

·  Revised subsection A(1) for clarity.

·  Replaced subsection A(2) for clarity.

·  Added new section C consistent with ADOA procurement rules.

·  Renumbered remaining original sections.

R7-2-1144. Stay of procurements during the protest

·  Replaced the original rules with rules consistent with ADOA procurement rules.

R7-2-1145. Decision by the district representative

·  Added new section A to address district representative authority.

·  Renumbered original sections.

·  Corrected subsection references in section E.

R7-2-1146. Remedies

·  Revised section A to add not susceptible of award.

·  Added other relevant issues to section B.

·  Revised subsection C(3).

R7-2-1147. Appeals to the governing board

·  Revised section A to indicated appeals are to the governing board.

·  Added new sections C, D, E for selecting the hearing officer.

R7-2-1148. Notice of appeal

·  No changes.

R7-2-1149. Stay of procurement during appeal

·  No changes.

R7-2-1150. District representative's response