Your Name______P__ Honors Chemistry
HC Unit 5 Chemical Equation Packet
Bring Packets Everyday!
What am I Quiz 98 Points
Chemical Reaction Test 204 Points
Unit 5 Test 104 Points
Work Sheet Points Pages
Types of Chemical Reactions 2
Activity Series & Solubility Tables 3
What am I 49 4-6
What am I Test & Packet Due 98 Points & 49 Points
Combination Reactions 20 7-10
Combustion Reactions 14 11-12
Decomposition Reactions 20 13-16
Single Replacement Reactions 13 17-18
Double Replacement Reactions 15 19-22
Acid Base Reactions 10 23-24
Reaction Flowchart 10 25-26
What reaction am I Test & Packet Due 204 Points & 102 Points
Unit 5 PreTest 16 27-28
Unit 5 Test & Packet Due 104 Points & 16 Points
Mr. Schultz’s Phase Rules 29
Table of Common Ions 30
Mr. Schultz’s Periodic Table 31
C8 Chemical Reaction Power Point 1-13
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Your Reference Materials
C7 Equation Writing Green Problem Solving Book Pages 63-74
C8.3 Classifying Chemical Equations HOLT Pages 275-285
C8 Chemical Reaction Power Point @ end of this Packet
A. Combination Rxn A + B à AB
1. two elements à a binary compound
2. metallic oxide + water à a base
3. nonmetallic oxide + water à an acid
B. Combustion Rxn A + Oxygen à AOxygen + (water if A is hydrocarbon)
1. metal + Oxygen à metallic oxide
2. nonmetal + Oxygen à nonmetallic oxide
3. Any hydrocarbon + Oxygen à carbon dioxide + water
C. Decomposition Rxn AB à A + B
1. binary compound à two elements
2. base à metallic oxide + water
3. acid à nonmetallic oxide + water
4. metallic carbonate à metallic oxide + carbon dioxide
5. metallic chlorate à metallic chloride + oxygen gas
6. hydrated salt à salt + water
D. Single Replacement Rxn A + BX à B + AX
1. active metal (or H2) + ionic compound à less active metal (or H2) + ionic compound
2. active halogen + ionic halide à less active halogen + ionic halide
E. Double Replacement Rxn AX + BY à AY + BX
1. two soluble ionic compounds à two new ionic compounds, 1 must be insoluble
F. Neutralization Rxn (H)X + B(OH)à (H)(OH) + BX
1. Any Acid + Any Base à Water + Salt
Solubility RulesNegative Ions
(Anions) / + / Positive Ions
(Cations) / = / Solubility of compounds in water
any anion / + /
Li+, Na+ , K+, Rb+, Cs+, Fr+ / = / soluble
H- / + / Any cation / = / soluble
any anion / + / NH4+ / = / soluble
ClO3- / + / any cation / = / soluble
C2H3O2- / + / any cation / = / soluble
I- / + / Ag+, Cu+, Pb+2, Hg+22, Tl+3 / = / (insoluble)
+ / any other cation / = / soluble
SO42- / + / Ag+, Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Ra+2, Pb+2 / = / (insoluble)
+ / any other cation / = / soluble
S2- / + / H+, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Fr+, NH4+
Be+2, Mg+2,Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2, Ra+2 / = / soluble
+ / any other cation / = / (insoluble)
OH- / + / H+, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Fr+, NH4+ Sr+2, Ba+2, Ra+2, Tl+3 / = / soluble
+ / any other cation / = / (insoluble)
PO43- CO32- SO32- / + / H+, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Fr+, NH4+ / = / soluble
+ / any other cation / = / (insoluble)
O-2 / + / H+, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Fr+ / = / soluble
O-2 / + / any other cation / = / (insoluble)
Activity Series for Metals Rules
1. Cd through Li will replace H in acids and water.
2. Pb through Co will replace H in acids.
3. Au through Cu will NOT replace H anywhere!
4. Higher metal will replace the lower metal.
Activity Series for Nonmetals Rules
1. Fluorine replaces everything below it.
2. Higher halogen will replace the lower halogen.
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Activity / SeriesMetals / Halogens
Lithium / Fluorine
Rubidium / Chlorine
Potassium / Bromine
Barium / Iodine
What am I
Species Type / Formulas / NamesElement Metal
Element Metal
Element Metal
Element Metal
Element Metal
Element Non Metal
Element Non Metal
Element Non Metal
Element Non Metal
Element Non Metal
Metallic Oxide
Metallic Oxide
Metallic Oxide
Metallic Oxide
Metallic Oxide
Nonmetallic Oxide
Nonmetallic Oxide
Nonmetallic Oxide
Nonmetallic Oxide
Nonmetallic Oxide
Binary Ionic Compound
Binary Ionic Compound
Binary Ionic Compound
Binary Ionic Compound
Binary Ionic Compound
Binary Molecular Compound
Binary Molecular Compound
Binary Molecular Compound
Binary Molecular Compound
Binary Molecular Compound
Metallic carbonate
Metallic carbonate
Metallic carbonate
Metallic carbonate
Metallic carbonate
Metallic chorate
Metallic chorate
Metallic chorate
Metallic chorate
Metallic chorate
Hydrated salt
Hydrated salt
Hydrated salt
Hydrated salt
Hydrated salt
Ionic compound- ternary
Ionic compound- ternary
Ionic compound- ternary
Ionic compound- ternary
Ionic compound- ternary
Ionic halide
Ionic halide
Ionic halide
Ionic halide
Ionic halide
Soluble ionic compound
Soluble ionic compound
Soluble ionic compound
Soluble ionic compound
Soluble ionic compound
insoluble ionic compound
insoluble ionic compound
insoluble ionic compound
insoluble ionic compound
insoluble ionic compound
Diatomic element
Diatomic element
Diatomic element
Diatomic element
Diatomic element
Diatomic element
Diatomic element
Octatomic element
Combination Reactions
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A. Complete and balance each of the following COMbination reactions. Name the product.
Use Stock names as needed.
1. lithium solid and iodine gas à
2. magnesium solid and nitrogen gas à
3. hydrogen gas and nitrogen gas à
4. sulfur dioxide gas and water à
5. aluminum solid and chlorine gas à
6. lead solid and bromine liquid à
7. iron (III) oxide solid and water à
8. carbon dioxide gas and water à
9. sulfur solid and oxygen gas à
10. lead (II) oxide solid and oxygen gas à
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Use Classic Names as needed.
11. Sn(s) + Br(l) à
12. CuCl(l) + Cl2(g) à
13. P2O5(g) + H2O(l) à
14. Fe(s) + O2(g) à
15. BaO(s) + H2O(l) à
16. Ag(s) + P(s)à
17. N2O5(g) + H2O(l) à
18. Ga(s) + O2(g) à
19. K2O(s) + H2O(l) à
20. C4H6O3(s) + H2O(l) à
Propylene carbonate solid
Combustion Reactions
A. Complete and balance each of the following COMBUSTION reactions. Name the product(s).
1. C6H6(g) + O2(g) →
2. CH3OH (g) + O2(g) →
3. C4H8(g) + O2(g) →
4. C6H12O6(s) + O2(g) →
5. C8H12O6(s) + O2(g) →
6. CH4(g) + O2(g) →
7. Magnesium(s)+ Oxygen(g) →
8. Sulfur(s) + Oxygen(g) →
9. HCOOH(g) + O2(g) →
10. C7H14(g) + O2(g) →
11. C3H8O3(g) + O2(g) →
12. C3H6O (g) + O2(g) →
13. C8H18(g) + O2(g) →
14. Barium(s) + Oxygen(g) →
Decomposition Reactions
B. Complete and balance each of the following DECOMPOSITION reactions. Name the product.
↓↓Use Classic Names↓↓
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1. Zinc carbonate →
2. Barium chlorate →
3. Ferrous oxide →
4. Barium hydroxide →
5. Barium chloride dihydrate →
6. Cuprous carbonate →
7. Strontium hydroxide →
8. Sulfuric acid →
9. Mercuric oxide →
10. Aluminum chlorate →
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Use Stock Names
11. Chromium (III) hydroxide →
12. Hypochlorous acid →
13. Aluminum carbonate →
14. Barium hydroxide →
15. Potassium hydroxide →
16. Tin (IV) chloride(s) →
17. Potassium chlorate →
18. Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate →
19. Sodium chloride →
20. Sulfurous acid →
A. Complete, balance, and name the products for each of the following SINGLE REPLACEMENT reactions.
1. calcium chloride and strontium
2. sodium fluoride and chlorine
3. aluminum and ferric oxide
4. Tin (IV) chloride and sodium
5. hydrochloric acid and cadmium
6. manganese and mercuric chloride
7. calcium and water
8. magnesium and copper (II) bromide
9. copper (II) oxide and hydrogen gas
10. hydrobromic acid and barium
11. copper and silver nitrate
12. fluorine and sodium bromide
13. lead (II) sulfate and nickel
A. Complete, balance, and name the products for each of the following DOUBLE REPLACEMENT reactions.
1. Sodium chloride + Hydrogen sulfate à
2. Barium chloride + Potassium carbonate à
3. Iron (II) sulfide + Hydrogen chloride à
4. Strontium bromide + Ammonium carbonate à
5. Sodium iodide + Lead (II) nitrate à
6. Aluminum sulfate + Calcium hydroxide à
7. Sodium carbonate + Calcium hydroxideà
8. Barium nitrate + Sodium hydroxide à
9. Strontium hydroxide + Sodium sulfite à
10. Potassium sulfite + Sodium chloride à
11. Ammonium chloride + Silver sulfate à
12. Barium chloride + Sodium sulfiteà
13. Sodium hydroxide + ammonium chlorideà
14. Barium nitrate + Sulfuric acid à
15. Cupric nitrate + Potassium sulfiteà
Acid – Base Neutralization
A. Complete, balance, and name the products for each of the following Neutralization reactions.
1. Sodium hydroxide + Nitric Acid →
2. Ferric Hydroxide + Oxalic Acid →
3. Phosphoric Acid + Aluminum Hydroxide →
4. Hydrochloric Acid + Rubidium Hydroxide →
5. Perchloric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide →
6. Sulfuric Acid + Cesium Hydroxide →
7. Calcium Hydroxide + Hydrobromic Acid →
8. Magnesium Hydroxide + Sulfurous Acid →
9. Hydrofluoric Acid + Potassium Hydroxide →
10. Hydrocyanic Acid + Manganese (II) Hydroxide →
Reaction FlowchartNo
↓↓ / Is there just 1 reactant? / Yes, it must decomposition à
↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
↓↓ / 1. Is it a base( Does it have OH
or hydroxide in it? / It becomes a metallic oxide plus water
↓↓ / 2. Is it acid (Does it start with H, and has a polyatomic anion & ends with ic or ous & acid?) / It becomes a nonmetallic oxide plus water
↓↓ / 3. Is it a metallic carbonate(does it contain a metal plus CO3-2 or carbonate)? / It becomes a metallic oxide plus carbon dioxide gas
↓↓ / 4. It is a metallic chloride(does it contain a metal plus a ClO3-1 or chlorate)? / It becomes a metallic chloride plus oxygen gas
↓↓ / 5. It is a compound with a • in it with water at the end? / It becomes a salt plus water.
↓↓ / 6. Is it a binary ionic compound (Does it contain only 2 elements, metal & nonmetal?) / It separates into the individual elements
← / Is 1 of the reactants O2(g) or oxygen gas by itself?
NO! / Yes, it must be combustionà
↓↓ / 1. It just a metal plus oxygen gas? / It becomes a metallic oxide
↓↓ / 2. It just a non metal plus oxygen gas? / It becomes a non metallic oxide?
↓↓ / 3. Is a hydrocarbon plus oxygen gas? / All of these become carbon dioxide plus water
à / Are the reactants are 1 compound & 1 metal or halogen? / Yes, it must be Single Replacement Rxnà
↓↓ / NO / 1. Is it an ionic compound (metal & nonmetal and a metal)? / If the metal by itself is higher on the Metal activity series it replaces the metal in the ionic compound if not NR.
↓↓ / 2. Is it an ionic halide (metal & halogen and another halogen)? / If the halogen by itself is higher on the Halogen activity series, it replaces the halogen in the ionic halide if not get NR.
à / Are the reactants 2 compounds, both aqueous & acid and base? / Yes, it must be a neutralization Rxn↓↓
à à à à / It makes a salt and water
← / NO
← / Are the reactants 2 compounds and both are aqueous?
NO / Yes, it must be double displacement Rxn↓↓
à à
àà / Have the 2 metals switch partners & see if one of the new ionic compounds forms a solid
(Use Solubility Table) If not get NR.
à / Are the reactants just 2 elements or a compound plus water? / Yes, it must be a combination Rxn
1. Are they just 2 separate elements? / Just put them together.
2. Is the compound made of a metal and oxygen? (metallic oxide) / Put the metallic oxide and water together to make 1 thing, a base (must have OH in it or hydroxide)
3. Is the compound made of a non metal and oxygen (nonmetallic oxide) / Put the nonmetallic oxide and water together to make 1 thing, an acid (must start with H)
A. Unit 5 PRETEST 1 Point Each
If this was the test, see below!
Points for correctly identifying the reaction type
Use Com for Combination, Bust for combustion, Dec for decomposition, SR for single replacement, DR for double replacement, and N for neutralization reactions.