City of Hastings
County of Barry, State of Michigan
City Council Minutes
January 22, 2018
1.Regular meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Tossava in Council Chambers at City Hall.
2.Present at roll call were Bowers, Cusack, Jarvis, Maupin-Moore, McNabb-Stange, Redman, Resseguie, Smith, and Tossava.
City Staff and Appointees Present: Mansfield, King, Pratt, Caris, Hays, Czarnecki, Hemerling, and Fekkes.
3. Pledge to the flag.
4.Approval of the agenda.
Motion by Redman, with support by Cusack, to approve the agenda as presented.
All ayes. Motion carried.
5.Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 8, 2018.
Motion by Smith, with support by Maupin-Moore, to approve minutes as presented.
Ayes:Bowers, Cusack, Jarvis, Maupin-Moore, McNabb-Stange, Redman, Resseguie, Smith, and Tossava.
Motion carried.
6.Open public discussion regarding matters not on the agenda.
Matthew Hull: (through sign language interpreter) shared a concern that police understand that persons with hearing disability may not respond immediately to requests. Some communication can be achieved through written word.
Hoot Gibson: Gave his report on the committees and councils that he represents.
7.Proclamations: (None).
8. Public Hearings: (None).
9. Formal presentations and requests:
A.Presentation by Tom Thompson, Professional Code Inspectors, 2017 Building Report.
*B.Presentation by Bill Voight, Barry County Transit.
*C.Consider request from the Very Barry Committee to host the Very Barry Family Event in Tyden Park on June 9, 2018.
Motion by Jarvis, with support by Maupin-Moore, to approve request as presented.
Ayes:Cusack, Jarvis, Maupin-Moore, McNabb-Stange, Redman, Resseguie, Smith, and Tossava.
Motion carried.
*D. Consider request from Kara Andrews, Race Director, to hold St. Rose St. Patricks’ Day 5K Run on March 17, 2018.
Motion by Smith, with support by Cusack, to approve request as presented.
Ayes:Bowers, Cusack, Jarvis, Maupin-Moore, McNabb-Stange, Redman, Resseguie, Smith, and Tossava.
Motion carried.
10.Recommendations from other Boards: (None).
First reading ofOrdinance No. 552 Vicious Animal Ordinance.
McNabb-Stange shared areas in the draft of the ordinance that needed to be revisited to make sure references were to the correct section and that the intent of the ordinance was understandable.
Fekkes agreed and noted the suggestions. Also stated that animals identified under the current Dangerous Dog ordinances would also be identified under the new ordinance if adopted.
A.Emergency Boiler Replacement at the Fire Station.
*Consider Budget Resolution 2018-02 (Amendment #6) for Fiscal Year
Motion by McNabb-Stange, with support by Maupin-Moore, to adopt Resolution 2018-02as presented.
Ayes:Bowers, Cusack, Jarvis, Maupin-Moore, McNabb-Stange, Redman, Resseguie, Smith, and Tossava.
Motion carried.
13.Appointments: (None).
14.Bids, Contracts, Agreements, and Sales: (None)
15.City Manager's report:
A.Police Chief Jeff Pratt monthly and annual reports.
*B.City Clerk/Treasurer Czarnecki monthly and annual reports.
*C.Community Development Director King monthly and annual reports.
D.Consider Closure of the Compost Site for the Winter months.
Motion by Redman, with support by Ressegui, to close the City Compost Site on January 26, 2018.
Ayes:Bowers, Cusack, Jarvis, Maupin-Moore, McNabb-Stange, Redman, Resseguie, Smith, and Tossava.
Motion carried.
*E.Dog Park Update.
16.Consent items without individual discussion:
Hallifax $9,000.00 (December 2017 Sexton Operations).
Kent Oil & Propane $11,802.52 (Fuel).
Civic Systems $5,494.00 (Semi-Annual Software Support Fees).
Deere & Company $44,172.85 (Purchase of a Tractor).
Integrated Controls, Inc. $13,481.53 (Updating Controls for Well #1 and Well #4).
YMCA of Barry County $15,000 (Payment of the contracted recreation agreement.
*B.Council Meeting Public Notice 2018 corrected copy.
*C.Draft Minutes Barry County Board of Commissioners January 9, 2018.
*D.Green Gables Haven November and December 2017 statistics.
*E.Agenda and Registration Capital Conference March 20-21, 2018 in Lansing.
*F.Events Calendar January 2018.
*G.Joint Planning Commission Resolution Honoring Jim Carr.
*H.GVMC Transportation Newsletter Winter 2018.
*I.Draft Minutes Joint Planning Alliance January 15, 2018.
*J.Draft Minutes Barry County Board of Commissioners January 9, 2018.
*K.Draft Minutes Barry County Board of Commissioners Committee of the Whole January 16, 2018.
*L.Management Resources Development Letter January 12, 2018.
*M.Draft Minutes Downtown Development Authority January 18, 2018.
Motion by Redman, with support by Smith, to receive and place on file Items #16.A. through Items 16.M. inclusive.
All ayes. Motion carried.
17.City Attorney's Report:
No Report.
18.Legislative Director's Report:
No GVMC meeting in February.
Legislation issues:
- Online sales tax issue – US Supreme Court will revisit
- State Congress voted to override the veto by Governor Snyder dealing with sales tax on trade in reduction of a vehicle.
- Bill to limit mileage requests to November elections only being considered.
- Senate Bill 574: In committee, this would allow payment from a regional enhancement property tax to go to a public school academy.
- OPEB package of bills passed, January 31 deadline for reporting of pension and OPEB funding levels.
19.Open Public Discussion from the Floor:
Jenelle McFadden: Requested clarification that if the Vicious Animal Ordinance is adopted will the Dangerous Dog Ordinance be repelled and reference to breed will be eliminated.
Confirmed by Fekkes that if Vicious Animal Ordinance is adopted there will be no reference to breed.
Vicki Butler: Thank you to the Council and City for support of the Dog Park.
Tia Pelkey:Thank you for listening and taking action in regards to the Dog Park. Appreciate efforts by Council and the City.
Starlene Roe: Thank you for working to keep dogs safe. Questioned how claims can be made on donations from years before.
20.Mayor and Council comment:
Redman informed that interviews for the new Director for 911 Dispatch are happening. Thanked interpreters for their assistance at the meeting.
Resseguie reminded that the Library will be holding Sign Language Classes, first on is the 1st Monday in February.
Jarvis asked about a home destroyed by fire, what the status and procedure that is followed in this type of situation.
Bowers stated that MML is in talks with Legislature about the mileage vote only being allowed on November ballots.
McNabb-Stange notified the group that there will be construction on M37 in July. May interfere with traffic to the Barry County Fair.
Maupin-Moore reminded that the Cops vs. Cadets basketball game will be Sunday January 28.
Tossava thanked Matthew Hull for his comments to the Council.
21.Consider Closed Session as permitted by PA 267 of 1976, Section 15.268-8(e) to consult with attorney regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with specific pending litigation.
Motion by Bowers, with support by Redman, to go into closed session
Ayes:Bowers, Cusack, Jarvis, Maupin-Moore, McNabb-Stange, Redman, Resseguie, Smith, and Tossava.
Motion carried.
Motion by Jarvis,with support by Cusack, to adjourn at 8:53 PM.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Read and Approved:
David J. Tossava, MayorJerald L. Czarnecki, City Clerk
Council MinutesJanuary 22, 2018