Wright State University ME 315/515, Winter 2010
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Instructor: Professor Scott K. Thomas, (937) 775-5142, Rm. 124 Russ Engineering Center
Class Hours: 8:30 to 10:10 a.m. TR, Rm. 148 RC
Office Hours: 10:10 to 11:10 a.m. TR
Text: Cengel and Boles; Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, McGraw-Hill, 6th edn.
References: Howell and Buckius; Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill. Van Wylen and Sonntag; Introduction to Thermodynamics, Classical and Statistical, Wiley.
Problem Sets: Late homework will not be accepted.
Course Grade: 5% Problem Sets, 25% Exam I, 30% Exam II, 40% Final Exam
A: 100 to 90, B: 89 to 80, C: 79 to 70, D: 69 to 60, F: < 60
Course Schedule
Period / Date / Subject / Chapter / Homework (Handouts) / Due Date1 / 1/5 / Introduction and Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics / 1 / #1: 1.8, 31, 65, 66E, 69, 142, 144
2 / 1/7 / Properties of Pure Substances / 3
3 / 1/12 / Properties of Pure Substances / 3 / #2: 2.26, 33E, 38, 43, 53, 70, 81 / Hmwk #1
4 / 1/14 / Properties of Pure Substances / 3
5 / 1/19 / Energy, Energy Transfer, and General Energy Analysis / 2 / #3: 3.15, 17E, 19, 20, 22, 29, 31 / Hmwk #2
6 / 1/21 / Energy, Energy Transfer, and General Energy Analysis / 2
7 / 1/26 / Review and Problem Session / Hmwk #3
8 / 1/28 / Exam I (Chapters 1 through 3)
9 / 2/2 / Energy Analysis of Closed Systems / 4 / #4: 4.6E, 7, 11, 18, 28, 34, 50
10 / 2/4 / Energy Analysis of Closed Systems / 4
11 / 2/9 / Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes / 5 / #5: 4.66, 79, 96, 104, 114, 141, 149 / Hmwk #4
12 / 2/11 / Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes / 5
13 / 2/16 / Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes / 5
14 / 2/18 / Review and Problem Session / Hmwk #5
15 / 2/23 / Exam II (Chapters 1 through 5)
16 / 2/25 / Second Law of Thermodynamics / 6 / #6: 5.18, 21, 34E, 50, 59, 81, 116
17 / 3/2 / Second Law of Thermodynamics / 6
18 / 3/4 / Entropy / 7 / #7: 6.32, 39, 73, 95, 100, 102, 110 / Hmwk #6
19 / 3/9 / Entropy / 7
20 / 3/11 / Review and Problem Session / Hmwk #7
Final Exam (Comprehensive): Tuesday, March 16, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.