The Installation of Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Zeta at Baker University

February 8, 2007

Under the direction of Dr. Harold Wilkinson and Dr. James Hall, the Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Zeta was installed on February 8, 2007.

The event was opened by Dr. Darcy Russell, who introduced Dr. Wilkinson and Dr. Hall. The meeting was officially called to order by Dr. Wilkinson at 7:00pm in the Audio-Visual room of Owens Musical Arts Building on the Baker University campus.

Dr. Rand Zeigler, Dean of the College of Arts and Science at Baker, welcomed the visitors and spoke about the role of the sciences in a liberal arts education.

Dr. Wilkinson then proceeded to install the chapter by welcoming the faculty members from the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics into Membership.

Dr. Kelly Bach, Dr. Gary Giachino, Dr. Charmaine Henry, Dr. Jean Johnson, Dr. Mircea Martin, Dr. William Miller and Dr. Darcy Russell were present for the installation. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Kofahi, Dr. Michael Barbush, Dr. Calvin Cink, Dr. Gene Johnson and Dr. Ran Sivron were welcomed in absentia.

Dr. Hall explained some of the symbolism of the organization at this time. The faculty were given certificates and pins.

Dr. Wilkinson and Dr. Hall then welcomed the collegiate charter members of the organization to membership with a certificate and a pin. These students included:

Seniors: Aaron Craig Molecular Bioscience

Scott Driver Molecular Bioscience

Kyrstan Hubble Wildlife Biology

Matt Kmiec Math

Mike King Chemistry and Physics

Krista McClain Biology

Adrian Salazar Biology

Seth Williams Biology

Chris Woolery Math – In absentia (Game Night)

Evan Wright Math – In absentia (Game Night

Juniors: McKenzie Fergerson Biology

Laura Langseth Biology

Jeff Juiliano Computer Science

Paul Pfeifler Biology

Sarah Romereim Biology

Sophomores: Kendra Morrison Biology

Megan Renehan Chemistry and Math

Jonathan Vaughn Wildlife Biology

Dr. Hall explained more of the symbols of the organization.

Following these initiations a business meeting occurred for the purpose of electing officers.

Dr. Charmaine Henry will serve as the Faculty Advisor to the Organization.

Ms. Megan Renehan was elected to the office of President

Ms. Sarah Romereim was elected to the office of Vice President

Ms. McKenzie Fergerson was elected to the office of Secretary

Mr. Jeff Juiliano was elected to the office of Treasurer

The new officers were then installed into office and ran the remainder of the meeting. Ms. Renehan was presented with the Charter of the Chapter.

Dr. Jim Hall presented the history of Sigma Zeta with a power point presentation.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm and refreshments were served.

Respectfully Submitted,

Darcy L. Russell, Ph.D.

Reporter for the Installation Ceremony