IST1223 Introduction to Visual Basic
Course Syllabus
Office Phone:
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Office Hours:
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to object-oriented programming using and IDE with emphasis on understanding and using graphical user interface technology. 3 credits.
Interactive web page programming has become more and more important in today's E-Commerce environment. Visual Basic .NET is an important aspect of web page programming. Visual Basic is also used to create and edit macros in Microsoft Office. This course will give students real world skills in Programming for the Internet using the Visual Studio .NET IDE.
Outcomes/Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Apply and use Visual Studio .NET IDE, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, and Visual Basic terminology.
- Perform mathematical calculations, recognize data types and variables, and apply appropriate decisions.
- Utilize loops, list boxes, and arrays, multiple forms and menus, graphics and print from Visual Basic.
- Use Visual Basic .NET programming techniques to write a program.
Text/Required Materials:
Methods Of Instruction:
Class time will include lecture, demonstration, and hands-on experience with computer software,. Review Questions, Projects, and Critical Thinking Activities will be assigned to provide practice in the concepts covered in the Lessons.
Evaluation Procedures:
Grades in Introduction to Visual Basic will be based on End-of-Lesson Assignments, Unit Reviews, and Unit Exams.
End-of-Lesson Assignments 50.0 % of Final Grade
Unit Reviews 12.5 %
Unit Exams 37.5 %
End-of-Lesson Assignments consist of Review Questions, Projects, and Critical Thinking Activities for each of the 16 Lessons, comprising 50 % of the final grade.
Unit Reviews will be completed for each of the six units, and will be 12.5% of the final grade.
Unit Exams for each of the six units consist of multiple choice, true/false, short answer, applications, case studies, or lab assignments, making up 50 % of the final grade.
Grading Scale:
A - Excellent 90 - 100 %
B - Above Average 80 - 89 %
C - Average 70 - 79 %
D - Conditional 60 - 69 %
F - Failing 0 - 59 %
Make-Up Policy:
1.All assignments and projects must be completed by all students.
2. Work turned in late without extenuating circumstances will receive 50% credit.
3. Students will not be allowed to slow the progress of the rest of the class because of work missed due to absences.
4. The student will be responsible for catching up on work missed due to absences.
5. In cases of severe illness, student may bring in documentation from doctor and hospital; and in these cases, student will be allowed one week after returning to class to turn in all assignments deemed late during such absence with no late penalty. The student must make up any exams missed during such illness the next class day attended after such illness. Exams and assignments are scheduled on the Assignment Schedule and students are given this schedule the first day of class.
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