Key Club International Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
June Board Meeting Minutes
Illinois – Eastern Iowa District
Friday, June 6th, 2014
Graham Novak, District Governor calls the meeting to order at 7:00pm on Friday June 6, 2014. Stephen Decaluwe, Lieutenant Governor of Division 1 leads the Pledge of Allegiance. Madi Coulter Lieutenant Governor of Division 17 leads the Key Club Pledge. Josh Cowley, Lieutenant Governor Division 36 leads the invocation.
Secretary Nissa Armstrong takes a silent roll call.
The following Executive Board Members were present:
June Board Meeting Minutes Champaign- Urbana, Illinois June 6-8, 2014
Key Club International Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
June Board Meeting Minutes
Illinois – Eastern Iowa District
· Graham Novak Governor
· Nissa Armstrong, Secretary
· Ali Dobbins, Treasurer
· Lizzie Harper, Statistical Secretary
· Jamila Johnson, Iolian Editor
June Board Meeting Minutes Champaign- Urbana, Illinois June 6-8, 2014
Key Club International Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
June Board Meeting Minutes
Illinois – Eastern Iowa District
The following Adult Committee Members were present:
June Board Meeting Minutes Champaign- Urbana, Illinois June 6-8, 2014
Key Club International Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
June Board Meeting Minutes
Illinois – Eastern Iowa District
· Nicole Swafford, Region 1 Advisor
· Dan Conrod, Region 2 Advisor
· Christine Kohlmann, Region 4 Advisor
· Margie Toniny, Region 5 Advisor
· Jennifer Stauffer, Region 6 Advisor
· Bob Hall, Administrator & Region 7 Advisor
· Gary Heath, Past Governor Advisor
June Board Meeting Minutes Champaign- Urbana, Illinois June 6-8, 2014
Key Club International Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
June Board Meeting Minutes
Illinois – Eastern Iowa District
The following board members were present:
June Board Meeting Minutes Champaign- Urbana, Illinois June 6-8, 2014
Key Club International Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
June Board Meeting Minutes
Illinois – Eastern Iowa District
· Stephen DeCaluwe, Division 1
· Michelle Kampert, Division 2
· Sandy Esparza, Division 4
· Kristin John, Division 5/6
· Jeremy Goodsnyder, Division 7
· Kaitlyn Boruta, Division 8
· Erin Tevonian, Division 10
· Taylor Pearcy, Division 11
· Peter Ju, Division 12
· Katie Hammit, Division 13
· Jennifer Kuo, Division 14
· Pooja Patel, Division 15
· Addie Daly, Division 16
· Maddie Coulter, Division 17
· Maricarmen Contreras, Division 18/19
· Rebecca Johnson , Division 20E
· Jacob Hopper, Division 20W
· Joey Whang Division 21
· Kate Saulcy, Division 22E
· Maddy To, Division 22W
· Alyson Conrath, Division 23
· Delila Flores, Division 24
· Jenna Maudling, Division 26
· Lexi Vignos, Division 28/29
· Jacob Stauffer, Division 31/34
· Adrian Lamp, Division 33
· Josh Cowley, Division 36
· Cody Prosperini, District Project Chair
· Jennifer Zhuo, New Club Building Chair
· Akhil Sarikonda, Technology Chair
· Joel Vargeese, District Convention Chair
June Board Meeting Minutes Champaign- Urbana, Illinois June 6-8, 2014
Key Club International Illinois-Eastern Iowa District
June Board Meeting Minutes
Illinois – Eastern Iowa District
Graham Novak welcomes everyone to the 2014 June Board meeting. Then, Graham Novak welcomes guests, Maria Palazzolo and Daniel Tsang
Appointed Positions Approvals
Pooja Patel, division 15 lieutenant governor motions to approve appointing Division 33 Lieutenant Governor, Adrian Lamp and Katie Hammit, Division 13 lieutenant governor seconds. No discussion. All approve.
Appointed Board Members are Akhil Sarikonda, technology chair, Jennifer Zhou new club building chair, Cody Prosperini Spastic Chair, and Joel Vargeese District Convention Chair. Lieutenant Governor of Division 10, Erin Tevonian moves to block approve these appointments. Joey Whang, Lieutenant Governor of Division 21 seconds this motion. No discussion. Motion clearly passes.
Appointed Committee Chairs are Graham Novak for the Executive Committee, Katie Hammitt chair of the Major Emphasis Project Committee, Pooja Patel chair of the Leadership Development Committee, Lexi Vignos chair of the Awards Committee, and Joe Whang, chair of the K-Family Committee. Jamila Johnson, Iolian Editor, moves to block approve appointment. Jenifer Kuo, Lieutenant Governor of Division 14 moves to second. No discussion. Motion clearly passes.
Review and Approval of the 2014-2015 Budget
Graham Novak, Governor, and Ali Dobbins, Treasurer, review changes in the budget for the upcoming 2014-2015 year. They give everyone a moment to review changes. Ali asks for questions, Margie Toniny, Region 5 Advisor, asks about Key Leader. Bob Hall, District Administrator and Region 7 Advisor, says there will be Key Leader ad Kiwanis is taking care of it. Ali Dobbins explains these are only set values. Graham Novak asks for approval of the budget. Josh Cowley, Division 36 Lieutenant Governor, moves to approve 2014-2015 budget and Jacob Hopper. Division 20W Lieutenant Governor seconds motion. Motion clearly passes.
Proposal in Changing Division Boundaries of Division 22W and 22E.
Due to the uneven division of schools within the neighboring 22E and 22W boundaries Maddy To, and Katie Saulcy propose that the boundaries be redraw along route 9. So the new clubs in division 22E will consist of Normal West, University High, Normal Community, Lexington, El Paso Gridley, Fieldcrest, and Pontiac while Division 22W would consist of Bloomington, Olympia, Tri-Valley, Leroy, Heyworth, and Blue Ridge. Additionally, due to the ne boundary line, we would also like to propose that we would be renamed Division 22N and Division 22S.
Bob Hall brings up how boundary changes will not change until next year. Nissa Armstrong, District Secretary, moves to approve this proposal. Lizzie Harper, Statistical Secretary seconds. No one opposes. Motion clearly passes.
Lieutenant Governor Reports
Each Lieutenant Governor talks about their specific divisions. They all talk about something that has been very successful and something that has been a struggle. Each gives one very unique or new project in your division. Executive Board then leads an open forum on reoccurring issues the lieutenant governors brought up.
Updates in absentia
We watch a video update from Alberto Berrizbeitia, our international trustee. Gary Heath speaks on behalf of Pattie Heath, Kiwanis Governor. Graham Novak speaks on behalf of Brooke Crawford, CKI I-I district governor. We watch a video Message from KCI International President, and various district’s Governors.
Guest Comments
Graham Novak introduces Maria Palazzolo. Maria explains her job, and simplifies the amendments that will be in question at the International Convention. She explains the reasoning behind amendment number 5. Some high schools include 8th grade, but the currently cannot be key club members. International believes 8th graders should be able to be in key club. However, the board believes said 8th graders should not be able to hold office positions.
Executive Officer Reports
Graham Novak gives the governor update- He reminds lieutenant governors to be contacting clubs. Let him know any thoughts you have, likes, and constructive criticism. He updates everyone at least once a week. Emails often. Explains CC and BCC on emails.
Nissa Armstrong gives the secretary update- She summarizes percent of district directories turned in as a district and break down by divisions. Please see her if you believe anything to be incorrect.
Ali Dobbins gives the treasurer report- She explains what dues are. Dues are $11.50 per member. She explains why she feels paying dues re important then gives list of schools who have not turned in dues.
Statistical Secretary Report- Lizzie Harper- She recaps monthly reports, and gives ideas of how to get clubs to turns in reports,
Editor Report-Jamila Johnson- She shares Iolian articles numbers. There will not be club mailing in July or August. District board mailing for June has been cancelled. In January there will also not be a board mailing. Lists lieutenant governors who submitted biographies for Iolian. If you are not one of them please submit one for the next Iolian. Says there will be key clubbers of the month in Iolian from now on.
Administrator Report- Mr. Hall talks about lists of things to put in monthly newsletters and creating to do lists. If name tags are incorrect please see Mr. Hall. Board shirts are not required as they are a cost to you. Status sheets for your divisions have been updated. He explains the importance of home club reporting. June, July and August reports are due September 10th. International Convention- 55 people are going, ideal number financially. Make this weekend worth coming.
Key Leader Activity
Graham Novak leads a Key Leader based activity.
Graham Novak gives a Communications Report aka “workshop”. He talks about monthly report forms, communication between the board and with the clubs themselves. Make sure newsletters are sent to ALL leadership, make sure monthly forms are in pdf form. If you want help don’t be afraid to ask Graham He then gives suggestions for newsletters. The next lieutenant governor newsletter will be due in august. There are 750 schools in Illinois-Eastern Iowa, 201 have key clubs. Find more schools to build a key club. FLR materials will be ready to go by August board.
Nissa Armstrong gives a workshop on Club officer directories. She explains to the board how to use the master directory. If you ever need an updated copy of it just ask.
Lizzie Harper gives a workshop on Club Monthly Report Forms. She needs reports to come to her. Also she plans on contacting people more and will be sending out monthly reminders.
Jamila Johnson gives a workshop on district publications. She speaks on differences between club mailing, district mailing, and the Iolian.
Shirt Design and Advisor Gifts
Board discusses shirt design and advisor gifts. The board makes a decisions on board polo. Jamila Johnson moves to table the discussion of advisor gifts
Joe Whang, lieutenant governor of division 21, motions to adjourn for the evening. Pooja Patel, lieutenant governor of division 15 seconds. All are in favor. Motion clearly passes.
Saturday, June 7th, 2014
Graham Novak, District Governor calls the meeting to order at 8:38 on Saturday June 7th. Lexi Vignos, lieutenant governor of division 28/29 leads the Pledge of Allegiance. Jenna Maulding, lieutenant governor of division 26 leads the Key Club pledge.
SMART Goals and SWOT Analysis
Mrs. Swafford explains goals are important when you’re doing anything. Start with SWOT. Strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Look at things you have control over. SWOT analysis is a good way to evaluate a division. Once you’ve done a SWOT analysis you can move on to your goals. A smart goal is Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. The group breaks up into smaller groups and discusses SWOT analysis and SMART goals that could be put in place in the district and divisions within the district.
Committee Overview
Graham Novak, District Governor, explains changes to structure, organization and general Objectives. He introduces what we will be doing in committee meetings. Explains what each committee is.
Committee Meetings
Committee chairs lead discussions, planning, organizing, goal setting, and brainstorming through the agenda they have prepared
Committee Reports
At 11:21 am, the board reconvenes to give reports on their committee’s progress.
Joe Whang reports on K Family Committee-
CKI district mailing: Send in major events that will be happening, let committee members know and they will let CKI know. CKI sent them some awards to approve, they approved all of them. Also make sure each key club has a sponsoring Kiwanis club. Promotional things for Key Leader will begin at August board. This is when you should start including key leader in newsletters. Encourage clubs to have builders clubs, it is a great transition into key club.
Lexis Vignos reports on Awards Committee-
Goals include: 100% increase in all individual awards and a 150% increase in clubs turning in the annual achievement report. Deadlines include: the general awards(first 23 pages of awards book) postmarked To Lexi by January 9th and in her possession by January 14th. There is also an email option in which the awards much be received by January 14th at 11:59pm. Reminders include: all changes on awards are due to Lexi by June 20th, all the emails have been sent out and she as herd all the changes s thank you.
Pooja Patel reports on Leadership Development Committee-
Noted changes to lieutenant governors binders. They plan on meeting over the summer with conference calls to be ready by August board. They discussed fall leadership rally and plan to create a PowerPoint on google docs. There are now templates for club meeting minutes that will be on the website.
Katie Hammitt reports on Major Emphasis Project Committee-
The fundraising goal for the year has been set at $50,000. They have begun planning for a fall leadership rally forum. There has been a discussion held about having t-shirts made for the eliminate project.
Cody Prosperini reports on Spastic Paralysis Committee-
The spastics committee has a working idea that fundraising for Spastic Paralysis research foundation is like a marathon. Therefore because a marathon is 42 kilometers, our fundraising goal has been set at $42,000, with a least 42% of clubs donating. Last year 22.8% donated so this is a huge increase. They would also like for there to be $10,000 increase from last year. On July 10th it is visitor’s day at Camp Independence- a camp SPF sponsors. Talk to Cody for more details. There will also be a poster at the service fair at icon- let Kristin know if you want to help. The SPF committee would also like, trophies and certificates at DCON for the highest fundraising. Also like to ask the DCON committee for there to be forums for the Saturday morning at DCON so they can put all their effort into creating the Spastics lunch-in.
Joel Vargeese reports on District Convention -
The committee would like to change the name from District Convention to District Convention- Leadership Conference because it forms an educational vibe to appeal to school administrators. New acronym would be DCLC. The theme for this year’s convention will be a James Bond/spy theme- License to Serve in Bloomingdale, Illinois. Teaser trailers- who is Agent X will be ready by August board.
The color theme will be silver, black, and white. They plan to incorporate more décor. They have set a goal to increase attendance by 100 and improve logistics.