A Pathfinder for Bullying, Cyberbullying, Cyberstalking & Internet Safety
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Bullying Prevention Websites
(ODP) / Cyberbullying and Internet Safety Websites (ODP) / Academic Search Premiere / GALE Opposing Viewpoints in Context / JSTOR
/ / /
Students Against Violence Everywhere / Cyberbullying Research Center / Stop Bullying.gov / ChildNet International

Online Resources for Bullying--Internet Sites (ODP)

  1. Anti Bullying Network - Information for young people, parents and teachers on tackling bullying within schools.
  2. Anti-bullying Information For Pupils [ ] - Clear instructions on what to do if someone bullies you.
  3. BBC News: Youngsters Targeted by Digital Bullies - More than one in every four youngsters have been threatened on their computers or mobile phones, according to a survey.
  4. Bullies & Victims - Helping Your Child Through The Schoolyard Battlefield - Author, SuEllen Fried provides information on bullying and seminars to help halt the cruelty of children to each other.
  5. Bullies and Bullying [ ] - A look at what makes people bullies, how they pick their victims, and how to deal with them.
  6. Bullies to Buddies - Teaches victims of teasing and bullying how to solve problems without other people's help and without getting others into trouble.
  7. Bully B'ware Productions - Anti-bullying programs for schools and communities.
  8. Bully Web - Anti-Bullying events for young people by young people. Strategies to tackle the bully and bullying itself.
  9. Bully Whys - A site for parents to learn how to help their bullied child. Links, a newsletter, and articles.
  10. Bullying at School Information (UK) - Bullying at School Information Pages
  11. Bullying Online - Help and advice for victims of bullying.
  12. Bullying. No way! - Resource in Australia to assist students and teachers to make informed responses to bullying and harassment in the school environment.
  13. Bullying.org - Canada URL addressing issues about bullying. Includes many stories, poems, and drawings.
  14. BullyPolice.org - Organization reporting on state antibullying laws and advocating for bullied children.
  15. Cope With Bullies [ ] - Weblog offers help for teens that are bullied at school. Learn how to cope with the effects.
  16. Cyberbullying.ca - Discusses recognition and prevention of intimidation by email, IM, web sites and other internet or high-technology media.
  17. CyberMentors [ ] - A social networking place where you can find out about bullying and what you can do about it and also talk to mentors your own age.
  18. Dealing With Bullies [ ] - Find out why bullies act the way they do and how to stop them from picking on you.
  19. Dealing with Bullies and How Not to be One - From Northern County Psychiatric Associates in Baltimore, Maryland. Advice for parents on how to know if your child is the victim of intimidation, how to intervene, and how to react if your child is the bully.
  20. Does Bullying Really Do Children Any Harm? - An article by Dr. Ken Rigby, a psychologist in Australia who has studied bullying for many years.
  21. Education World: Are You a Bully? - Asks teachers to evalutate their own behaviour. Contrasts bullying behavior with positive classroom management strategies.
  22. Equality Rules [ ] - Talks about respecting others whether male or female and standing up for those who are put down. English and French.
  23. International Bullying Prevention Association - Supporting research-based bullying prevention programs worldwide. Includes resources, research, training, and membership information.
  24. Jared High's Story - Tells how bullying led Jared High, April Himes, and others to suicide.
  25. Just the Facts, Ma'am. - A summary of facts and statistics about school bullying.
  26. Kids Against Bullying [ ] - Learn about how to respond to bullying by participating in games, viewing webisodes, and listening to real life stories.
  27. Let's Stop Bullying: Advice for Young People [ ] - Explains what to do if you or someone you know is being bullied, and how to get help.
  28. No Bully [ ] - Explains what bullying is, why kids do it, why some kids get bullied, and what to do. Includes where to find help in New Zealand, and a 24-hour helpline number.
  29. Raven Days - "Surviving middle school, junior high, and high school as a hunted outsider." Written for those who have been (or are being) bullied at school, and for those who want to help.
  30. School Bully Online [ ] - Offers advice and suggestions for dealing with bullying in various situations, plus related links.
  31. Stomp Out Bullying [ ] - Find out all about bullying, learn what you can do to stop bullying and watch videos.
  32. Stop Bullying Now! - Kid oriented website from the US Department of Health and Human Services with flash movies, games, and information about bullying and how to prevent it.
  33. What To Do If Your Child Is Teased or Bullied - A strategy parents can use to help their children to cope with bullying.
  34. What's Bullying [ ] - Information on bullying and what to do if you or a friend is being bullied.
  35. Young People, Children and Bullying [ ] - Discusses who gets bullied, what to do, and who to tell.

Online Resources for Cyberbullying and Internet Safety– Internet Sites (ODP)

  1. ChatDanger [ ] - Explains how to keep safe using chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles. Includes true stories, and advice on looking after yourself and your friends.
  2. CyberNetrix [ ] - An interactive Internet safety program that teaches chat room and mobile phone dangers.
  3. Cyberbullying [ ] - An interactive flash guide that describes bullying by text messaging, email, websites, and how to defend against it. Also includes a non-flash version.
  4. Cyberbullying.ca [ ] - Discusses recognition and prevention of intimidation by email, IM, web sites and other internet or high-technology media.
  5. FBI Youth [ ] - Offers Internet safety tips for teens in grades 6-12. Also allows you to follow a case through the FBI lab and explore a day in the life of an FBI special agent.
  6. Family Contract for Online Safety [ ] - From SafeKids.com, kids and their parents can read this and then print out a copy and sign it so the whole family knows how to be safe on the Internet.
  7. NSTeens [ ] - Uses comics and videos to explain how to use the internet safely and avoid cyber-bullies and predators.
  8. Online Guardians [ ] - Provides free help, information and training to the public and to law enforcement agencies worldwide.
  9. Planet CRUSH [ ] - Promotes internet safety, responsibility, and the development of healthy online communities.
  10. Roar Educate [ ] - Interactive learning games & resources about cyber-safety, online security and digital citizenship, for children and young people (K-10), teachers and parents
  11. SafeSurfer [ ] - SafeSurfer is for kids aged 8-14. It offers a forum, Kid Blog, video game reviews, and computer news for kids. SafeSurfer encourages responsible and safe Internet use.
  12. SafeTeens [ ] - Provides information about staying safe online. Includes articles about protecting your privacy, and links to other online safety resources.
  13. Staysafe.org [ ] - An interactive tutorial on Internet safety. Includes activities, a virtual community, and games.
  14. TeensHealth [ ] - Offers Internet safety tips for teens.
  15. That's Not Cool [ ] - Offers teens resources to help them draw their own digital line when confronted with issues such as being pressured to send nude pics, over texting and partners breaking into their social network accounts.
  16. Think U Know [ ] - Get the inside information on staying safe while having fun online, with games and useful links. Remember, people online might not be who they say they are.
  17. Websafe Crackerz [ ] - Interactive games and puzzles designed with the help of teenagers offer strategies for dealing with different situations online including spam, cyber-stalking and bullying.
  18. Wired Teens [ ] - Online community for 13- to 18-year-olds offers online safety classes, forums, and a weekly column designed to promote a safe online experience.
  19. iSafe [ ] - Offers resources on how to be responsible and stay safe online. Includes information on how to become a mentor. [PDF]
  1. About Cyberstalking - An Online Guide - Information, including country-specific data, from WiredPatrol, an Internet help, education and safety organization. WiredPatrol was formerly known as CyberAngels.
  2. Abuse of Usenet: Cyberstalked - Jayne Hitchock's battle with Usenet spammer Woodside Literary Agency began in 1996, and continued into 2002 with her cyberstalkers sentenced to prison and probation on charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, perjury and making false statements to a federal officer. Hitchcock's site details the case from start to finish, and shows how it led to new laws making cyberstalking a criminal offense in New Hampshire (USA).
  3. Cyberstalking and On-line Harassment - Briefly addresses cyberstalking and online harassment, with links to other sites with more in-depth articles.
  4. Firstmonday: An exploration of predatory behaviour in cyberspace: Towards a typology of cyberstalkers - Report on a study by forensic psychologist Leroy McFarlane and author Paul Bocij. This study aimed to identify a classification of cyberstalkers by interviewing victims. Twenty-four participants were interviewed and their responses logged on a 76-item Cyberstalking Incident Checklist. A typology of cyberstalkers was developed.
  5. Get Help On Cyberstalking - Information and advice from the National Center for Victims of Crime (USA).
  6. State Computer Harassment or "Cyberstalking" Laws - National Conference of State Legislatures
  7. WiredSafety - Information on Internet safety, including resources for combating cyberstalking.
  8. Working to Halt Online Abuse - A volunteer organization founded in 1997 to fight online harassment through education of the general public, education of law enforcement personnel, and empowerment of victims. WHOA has also formulated voluntary policies which they encourage online communities to adopt in order to create safe and welcoming environments for all Internet users. Includes a form that victims of online harassment/cyberstalking can use to get help.
  9. The Stalked Need a Safety Net - Wired News story by Katie Dean. (May, 2000)
  10. The Epidemic of Cyberstalking - Wired News story by Katie Dean. (May, 2000)
  11. Cyberstalking - A CBS News 48 hours feature including a set of stories focused on children's safety.
  12. Stalking Site: Slick or Sick? - Wired News story by Lynn Burke. (March 17, 2000)
  13. Cyberstalking: A New Challenge for Law Enforcement and Industry - A Report from the Attorney General to the Vice President. Summarizes the problem, gives suggestions and prevention tips, and provides annotated links to related materials and sites. (August, 1999)
  14. Cyberstalking Law Invoked - Wired News report. (January 25, 1999)

Academic Search Premiere Articles

To open the articles, click on the link under each article. You will need to login into Academic Search Premiere to read the articles. See your email for details on login and password.
  1. A cross-cultural comparison of adolescents' experience related to cyberbullying. By: Li, Qing. Educational Research, Sep2008, Vol. 50 Issue 3, p223-234, 12p, 8 Charts; DOI: 10.1080/00131880802309333.
  2. Adolescents’ own suggestions for bullying interventions at age 13 and 16. By: FRISÉN, ANN; HOLMQVIST, KRISTINA. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Apr2010, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p123-131, 9p, 2 Charts; DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9450.2009.00733.x.
  3. An Analysis of Bullying Among Students Within Schools: Estimating the Effects of Individual Normative Beliefs, Self-Esteem, and School Climate. By: Gendron, Brian P.; Williams, Kirk R.; Guerra, Nancy G.. Journal of School Violence, Apr-Jun2011, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p150-164, 15p; DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2010.539166.
  4. Assessing Middle School Students’ Knowledge of Conduct and Consequences and Their Behaviors Regarding the Use of Social Networking Sites. By: Kite, Stacey L.; Gable, Robert; Filippelli, Lawrence. Clearing House, Jul2010, Vol. 83 Issue 5, p158-163, 6p, 3 Charts; DOI: 10.1080/00098650903505365.
  5. Bullied To Death? By: Cloud, John. Time, 10/18/2010, Vol. 176 Issue 16, p60-63, 4p, 6 Color Photographs.
  6. Bullying at elementary school and problem behaviour in young adulthood: A study of bullying, violence and substance use from age 11 to age 21. By: Min Jung Kim; Catalano, Richard F.; Haggerty, Kevin P.; Abbott, Robert D.. Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health, Apr2011, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p136-144, 9p, 3 Charts; DOI: 10.1002/cbm.804.
  7. Bullying at school as a predictor of delinquency, violence and other anti-social behaviour in adulthood. By: Bender, Doris; Lösel, Friedrich. Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health, Apr2011, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p99-106, 8p, 1 Chart; DOI: 10.1002/cbm.799.
  8. Bullying Experiences and Compromised Academic Performance Across Middle School Grades. By: Juvonen, Jaana; Yueyan Wang; Espinoza, Guadalupe. Journal of Early Adolescence, Feb2011, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p152-173, 22p; DOI: 10.1177/0272431610379415.
  9. Childhood bullying behaviors at age eight and substance use at age 18 among males. A nationwide prospective study. By: Niemelä, S.; Brunstein-Klomek, A.; Sillanmäki, L.; Helenius, H.; Piha, J.; Kumpulainen, K.; Moilanen, I.; Tamminen, T.; Almqvist, F.; Sourander, A.. Addictive Behaviors, Mar2011, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p256-260, 5p; DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2010.10.012.
  10. Comparing Children and Adolescents Engaged in Cyberbullying to Matched Peers. By: Twyman, Kimberly; Saylor, Conway; Taylor, Lloyd Adam; Comeaux, Cadie. CyberPsychology, Behavior & Social Networking, Apr2010, Vol. 13 Issue 2, p195-199, 5p; DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2009.0137.
  11. Cyberbullying among students with intellectual and developmental disability in special education settings. By: Didden, Robert; Scholte, Ron H. J.; Korzilius, Hubert; de Moor, Jan M. H.; Vermeulen, Anne; O'Reilly, Mark; Lang, Russell; Lancioni, Giulio E.. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, Jun2009, Vol. 12 Issue 3, p146-151, 6p, 2 Charts; DOI: 10.1080/17518420902971356.
  12. Cyberbullying Experiences, impacts and coping strategies as described by Australian young people. By: Price, Megan; Dalgleish, John. Youth Studies Australia, Jun2010, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p51-59, 9p, 3 Charts, 1 Graph.
  13. CYBERBULLYING. By: Adams, Caralee. Instructor, Fall2010, Vol. 120 Issue 2, p44-49, 6p, 5 Color Photographs.
  14. CYBERBULLYING. By: HOLLADAY, JENNIFER. Education Digest, Jan2011, Vol. 76 Issue 5, p4-9, 6p.
  15. Cyberbullying: its nature and impact in secondary school pupils. By: Smith, Peter K.; Mahdavi, Jess; Carvalho, Manuel; Fisher, Sonja; Russell, Shanette; Tippett, Neil. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, Apr2008, Vol. 49 Issue 4, p376-385, 10p, 3 Charts; DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.2007.01846.x.
  16. Cyberbullying: Youngsters' Experiences and Parental Perception. By: Dehue, Francine; Bolman, Catherine; Völlink, Trijntje. CyberPsychology & Behavior, Apr2008, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p217-223, 7p, 4 Charts; DOI: 10.1089/cpb.2007.0008.
  17. Explicit- and Implicit Bullying Attitudes in Relation to Bullying Behavior. By: Goethem, Anne A. J.; Scholte, Ron H. J.; Wiers, Reinout W.. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Aug2010, Vol. 38 Issue 6, p829-842, 14p, 4 Charts, 2 Graphs; DOI: 10.1007/s10802-010-9405-2.
  18. FROM LOCKERS TO LOCKUP. By: Bennett, Jessica. Newsweek, 10/11/2010, Vol. 156 Issue 15, p38-41, 4p, 3 Color Photographs.
  19. Getting precise and pragmatic about the assessment of bullying: The development of the California Bullying Victimization Scale. By: Felix, Erika D.; Sharkey, Jill D.; Green, Jennifer Greif; Furlong, Michael J.; Tanigawa, Diane. Aggressive Behavior, May/Jun2011, Vol. 37 Issue 3, p234-247, 14p; DOI: 10.1002/ab.20389.
  20. High-Tech Cruelty. By: Hinduja, Sameer; Patchin, Justin W.. Educational Leadership, Feb2011, Vol. 68 Issue 5, p48-52, 5p.
  21. Parental Mediation, Online Activities, and Cyberbullying. By: Mesch, Gustavo S.. CyberPsychology & Behavior, Aug2009, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p387-393, 7p, 3 Charts; DOI: 10.1089/cpb.2009.0068.
  22. School bullying as a creator of pupil peer pressure. By: Hamarus, Paivi; Kaikkonen, Pauli. Educational Research, Dec2008, Vol. 50 Issue 4, p333-345, 13p; DOI: 10.1080/00131880802499779.
  23. Stand by me: The effects of peer and teacher support in mitigating the impact of bullying on quality of life. By: Flaspohler, Paul D.; Elfstrom, Jennifer L.; Vanderzee, Karin L.; Sink, Holli E.; Birchmeier, Zachary. Psychology in the Schools, Aug2009, Vol. 46 Issue 7, p636-649, 14p, 1 Diagram, 3 Charts.
  24. Stop Bullying Now! A Federal Campaign for Bullying Prevention and Intervention. By: Bryn, Stephanie. Journal of School Violence, Apr-Jun2011, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p213-219, 7p; DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2011.557313.
  25. The association between adolescents' beliefs in a just world and their attitudes to victims of bullying. By: Fox, Claire L.; Elder, Tracey; Gater, Josephine; Johnson, Elizabeth. British Journal of Educational Psychology, Jun2010, Vol. 80 Issue 2, p183-198, 16p, 5 Charts.
  26. What Educators Need to Know About Bullying Behaviors. By: Graham, Sandra. Phi Delta Kappan, Sep2010, Vol. 92 Issue 1, p66-69, 4p, 2 Color Photographs.

JSTOR Articles

To open the document copy and paste the stable URL or the title of the article into JSTOR. You will have to login first.See your email for details on login and password.
  1. Does Bullying Cause Emotional Problems? A Prospective Study Of Young Teenagers, Lyndal Bond, John B. Carlin, Lyndal Thomas, Kerryn Rubin, George Patton, BMJ: British Medical Journal, Vol. 323, No. 7311 (Sep. 1, 2001), pp. 480-484
  2. Bullying, Harassment and Violence Among Students, Nan Stein, The Radical Teacher, No. 80, TEACHING BEYOND "TOLERANCE" (Winter 2007), pp. 30-35
  3. Unnecessary Roughness? School Sports, Peer Networks, and Male Adolescent Violence, Derek A. Kreager, American Sociological Review, Vol. 72, No. 5 (Oct., 2007), pp. 705-724
  4. Quality of Parenting as Mediator of the Effect of Childhood Defiance on Adolescent Friendship Choices and Delinquency: A Growth Curve Analysis, Ronald L. Simons, Wei Chao, Rand D. Conger, Glen H. Elder, Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 63, No. 1 (Feb., 2001), pp. 63-79
  5. Stalking: Why Do People Do It? The Behaviour Is Newsworthy But Complex, Rajesh Nadkarni, Don Grubin, BMJ: British Medical Journal, Vol. 320, No. 7248 (Jun. 3, 2000), pp. 1486-1487
  6. Gender Violence in Schools: Taking the 'Girls-as-Victims' Discourse Forward, Fiona Leach, Sara Humphreys, Gender and Development, Vol. 15, No. 1, Gender-Based Violence (Mar., 2007), pp. 51-65
  7. Online Communication and Adolescent Relationships, Kaveri Subrahmanyam, Patricia Greenfield, The Future of Children, Vol. 18, No. 1, Children and Electronic Media (Spring, 2008), pp. 119-146
  8. Bullying and Being Bullied: To What Extent Are Bullies Also Victims?, Xin Ma, American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 38, No. 2 (Summer, 2001), pp. 351-370
  9. The Role of Peer Bystanders in School Bullying: Positive Steps toward Promoting Peaceful Schools, Jodie Lodge, Erica Frydenberg, Theory into Practice, Vol. 44, No. 4, Peace Education (Autumn, 2005), pp. 329-336
  10. Antibullying Interventions in Schools: Ingredients of Effective Programs, J. David Smith, J. Bradley Cousins, Rebecca Stewart, Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005), pp. 739-762
  11. Bullying and the Politics of 'Telling', Christine Oliver, Mano Candappa, Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Feb., 2007), pp. 71-86
  12. Teachers' Understanding of Bullying, Faye Mishna, Iolanda Scarcello, Debra Pepler, Judith Wiener, Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005), pp. 718-738
  13. Evaluation of an Anti-Bullying Program: Student Reports of Knowledge and Confidence to Manage Bullying, Tanya Beran, Bonnie Shapiro, Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2005), pp. 700-717

GALE Opposing Viewpoints in Context


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