3rd Grade Discovery
Project: “The Classroom Parade”
At the beginning of each school year, it is important to get to know each other. So, we are starting the year off with a project, through which you will share with your Discovery classmates and teacher what kind of person you are. This is a project to be completed at home. Your daily Discovery homework will be to work on the project a little bit every day (about 30 minutes). Discovery students do not wait until the last moment to get started on a project.
Your project and presentation is due on Tuesday, September 6, 2016.
Instructions for your project:
The parade is coming to town and we are celebrating, YOU! You have been assigned the task of creating a float that represents who you are for the Classroom Parade.
First begin by creating a model of a float. Your job is to design a 3D float that represents you. Use a shoebox or another kind of box to construct a model of your float. Include items that describe who you are and what you like to do.
On a separate piece of paper tell us about favorites and what makes you unique:
Music: Write 3 or 4 sentences that describe the music that you would play as your float passes by and tell us why it is important to you.
Costumes: Write 3 or 4 sentences that tell us about the costumes that you would use on your float. Draw pictures of what they would look like.
Food: Write 3 or 4 sentences that tell us about the food that you would serve at your parade. What type of snacks would you serve to the bystanders? Why are those snacks important to you?
Float: Write 3 or 4 sentences that tell us about how your float represents you.
The rubric on the next page shows you how you will be graded for your project and presentation. I cannot wait to get to know my new third graders!
Please have your parents sign below and return the slip to the Discovery teacher. Thank you!
I have read the information about the 3rd grade Discovery project.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Name: ______
3rdGrade Discovery
Rubric for Project: “Classroom Parade”
Student Name: ______Due Date: September 6, 2016
Areas / Outstanding / Satisfactory / Needs Improvement / UnsatisfactoryPresentation / Speaks clearly and distinctly all the time, and loudly enough for all the audience to hear. / Speaks clearly and distinctly most of the time, and loudly enough for most of the audience to hear. / Speaks clearly and distinctly part of the time, and loudly enough for only part of the audience to hear. / Often mumbles or cannot be understood. Does not speak loudly enough to be understood.
Float Creation / Shows a full understanding of the topic. Has followed all directions. / Shows a good understanding of the topic. Has followed most directions. / Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Has followed some directions. / Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Has not followed directions.
Writing / Work is extremely neat and organized. All elements of grammar and mechanics are correct. / Work is neat and organized. Most elements of grammar and mechanics are correct. / Work is a little messy and disorganized. Some elements of grammar and mechanics are correct. / Work is very messy and disorganized. Uses poor grammar and mechanics.
Effort / Extra effort went into the visual aid and presentation. / Some effort went into the visual aid and presentation. / Little effort went into the visual aid and presentation. / Very little effort went into the visual aid and presentation.
Total points: